Sit in front of the mirror and meditate about the truth you wish to recognize or about the problems you want to solve.
After finishing the mediation, interpose the akasa principle or induce a trance in yourself and you will soon accomplish your task. In any case, you will get a pleasant surprise by working in this manner, and later on you can hardly do without this practice when performing your meditations. If you keep the mirror loaded, you have to protect it from other people looking at it. The best
thing to do is wrap it in silk, because silk is well known to be a splendid insulator. You can also direct the rays fro your mirror onto your bed,
allowing them to work all night long influencing your subconscious to achieve the desired purpose while you sleep. Your self-suggestion will reinforce the effect and produce a quicker success. It is quite obvious that you will not only arouse cognitions and faculties in this manner, bringing them to a higher level of development, but your soul and your spirit likewise will be influenced in the desired respect. If you do not need the influence of the mirror any longer or a different task
requires a different loading, such as the irradiation of akasa or of one of the elements, or electric or magnetic fluids may be wanted, then you have to suppress the first loading in the reversed order with the help of imagination to dissolve the light, sending it back into the universe. You can exert an influence
on other people with rays,
but in this case the desired loading has to be led to the mirror directly out of the universe with the imagination. So it is possible to accomplish all kinds of experiments such as hypnosis,
magnetic sleep, mediumistic conditions, a fact that the magician wil find quite natural. He will therefore arrange his practice accordingly.
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