Initiation Into Hermetics

-7. Loading with Electric or Magnetic Fluid

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2-7. Loading with Electric or Magnetic Fluid

One of the most powerful loadings consists in using the electric or magnetic fluid. When the talisman is supposed to protect something, to screen it, to irradiate it or to develop any kind of activity, one will mainly use the electric fluid, but if it is to produce an attractive power, to bring about sympathy, luck or success, the magnetic fluid will be employed. The manner of loading is exactly the same as previously described, but if the point is a talisman for personal purposes, the accumulation is performed in the corresponding half of the body only, not in the whole body. The magnetic fluid is accumulated dynamically in the left half of the body and projected through the left hand into the talisman. In the matter of the electric fluid, it will be the right side and the projection takes place through the right hand.
2-8. Loading with Accumulated Light-Power

To achieve subtler spiritual effects such as the enhancement of different occult powers,
intuition, inspiration, etc., a talisman is loaded with condensed light-power. The loading is executed in the same way as the accumulation of vital force with concomitant desire-impregnation, timing and so forth. The light pressed together in the talisman is like a sun that shines brighter than ordinary daylight. A talisman destined for personal use is accumulated with light-power through the own body, whereas the power is to be drawn from

the universe when intended for other persons. Otherwise the usual rules and instructions have to be observed.
2-9. Loading with an Electromagnetic Volt

To mitigate karmic influences, to be protected against influences of other spheres and to turn fate according to one’s desire, a talisman is loaded for one’s own or for other people’s purposes with a magic “volt. This kind of loading is called “volting” and represents the strictest imitation of the akasa principle, and only a magician aiming at the highest target,
the union with God, should use this kind of loading not to burden himself with an interference in akasa. As I mentioned repeatedly already, everything has been created by the two fluids by means of the four elements. According to the universal law, the electric fluid will always be in the center. On the periphery of the electric fluid, where expansion ceases,
the magnetic fluid begins to work and this is where it is most powerless. The distance from the focus or center to the periphery of the electric fluid is exactly the same as the one from the beginning of the magnetic fluid to the periphery where the magnetic attractive power is strongest. This law is valid in small things as well as in big ones, in the microcosm as well as the macrocosm. When loading with a volt, attention has to be paid to this law. If you wish to load a talisman, etc., for your own purposes with a volt, you have to proceed as follows:
In the right half of your body, accumulate the electric fluid dynamically with all your strength via your hand and finally through the forefinger. Project the accumulated electric fluid to a powerful electric spark and encase it with your imagination exactly in the center of the talisman. You have got to see this spark as if it were red hot. Now do the same with the magnetic fluid, directing it through you forefinger of the left hand so that you wrap the electric spark with your magnetic fluid to such a degree that it becomes invisible in your imagination. Imagine the compressed magnetic fluid as being a blue color. If you managed this, only a small blue ball ought to be left comprising the entire shape of the talisman.
Herewith the volt has been produced and is ready to impregnate with your desire and duration of the effect. Supposing you wish to increase the loading later, which probably will not be necessary, all you have to do is condense the magnetic fluid, and the electric fluid inside of it will be increased automatically. A volt like this has such a powerful magic effect that it could even change the karma at will. A magician who can accomplish this is no longer subject to ordinary karma, but only to Divine Providence. Loading a talisman for another person with a volt is done in the same manner, but the fluids are not drawn through the body but directly from the universe. Volting for other persons should be practiced only in the worst case of positive need, because the magician has to be absolutely sure that the person in question is really inspired by high ideals, longing for ideals only, but being haunted by karma. The magician’s clairvoyant eyes will recognize these facts and his intuition will always teach him what to do and what to avoid. At this point the magician himself will be responsible for all and everything. The most skeptical Thomas, however, would be greatly amazed at the enormous effect of such a magical volt bound to a small magnet so that the ball wraps the whole magnet.

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