Ideas for ielts topics (Updated) ielts-simon com 2013

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Simon. Ideas for IELTS Topics Updated
Letter writing exercises
Nature or Nurture
Some people believe that our personalities are determined mainly by genetics
We inherit our abilities and talents from our parents
Others think that our education and upbringing are more important
We develop according to the influences around us
Our personalities and achievements depend more on nurture than nature
Many people argue that we control our own destinies
We can shape our own personalities
By working hard we can achieve and goal that we put our minds to
Many successful people are “self-made”
We are not limited by our genetic characteristic or upbringing - 2013
Sport and Leisure
Arguments against Professional/competitive sport
Sport has become a business
Professional sport encourages people to compete for money
Many sports stars are only concerned about money and fame
Some athletes take drugs in order to win at any cost
Competitors are often selfish and rude
They are not good role models for children
All sports should be amateur
Sports should be leisure activities rather than jobs
People should do sporting activities for enjoyment and health reasons
Taking part is more important than winning
Arguments for Professional sport
Professional sports are the same as any other business
Many people are employed in the sports industry
People should be able to use their talents to earn a salary
Sports stars entertain millions of people
Money is necessary to improve facilities and train athletes
The level of professional sport is much higher than that of amateur sport
Arguments for Competitive sport
Competition is a natural instinct in humans
In daily life we compete to get jobs or the highest grades
Sports area safe form of competition
Competition is healthy because it pushes us to give our best
Competitors and fans can release energy and aggression
Supporters of teams feel a sense of belonging to a community

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