120 increasing internet usage. Where Web 2.0 was
driven by the advent of mobile, social, and cloud, Web 3.0 is mainly built on three new layers of technological
innovation edge computing, decentralized data networks, and artificial intelligence. Web enhances the internet as we know it today with a few other added characteristics. web is
• Verifiable
Distributed and robust •
• Native builtin payments. In web, developers don't usually build and deploy applications that run on a single server or that store their data in a single database (usually hosted on and managed by a single cloud provider. Instead, web applications either run on blockchains, decentralized networks of many peer-to-peer nodes (servers, or a combination of the two that forms a crypto-economic protocol. These apps are often referred
to as apps decentralized apps, and you will see that term used often in the web space. Extending the discussion about Web 3, the term Metaverse has been used everywhere lately. A metaverse is a network of D virtual worlds focused on social connection. Access points for metaverses include general-purpose computers and smartphones, in addition to augmented reality (AR,
mixed reality, virtual reality (VR), and virtual world technologies.
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