dangerous knowledge.
But as Crowley often intimated, mystery is the enemy of truth, and it is time for us to openly research extraordinary hypothesis as the Western Mystery Tradition continues its open renewal in our postindustrial culture. Specifically to each card, the top portion is generally some glyph of the stars as they appear in the sky with the Hebrew letter and coital position apportioned to the bottom-half of the card. The images are black and white much as the night sky and the lovers are negatively exposed images. Indeed they areas the stars themselves already being stars themselves. It is almost as if their bodies are being somehow activated to an energy level that translates their physicality to star-stuff and transplants them to the starry sky. Understanding that the nature of sexual energy, as an electronic shock the Kundalini of the body has a psycho-physical effect that is ultimately visual at the moment of serpents rising. This maybe the true secret of the Magick Lamp as taught to the Dominus Liminis in the AA. This in conjunction
with two bodies intertwined, as if a three-dimensional Yin-Yang symbol. And so it is to the East that we look to rediscover for the West, the Gnosis of sexual union for lovers with all its practicalities, except perhaps, for emotional and intellectual considerations that seem to be more culturally specific. Included in
the first section of this work, abstracts of Sir Richard Burton‟s translation of a text associated with the Kama Sutras. Using the Citatiza-
Tet Tarot, we then begin to draw in the astral, the nature of the work that each Atu seems to represent as we build a mythical paradigm in the Aethyr. Love is the law, love under will.