European Union Aviation Safety Agency
Examiner ManualModule 4.2 - CR SEA12
Section 4 - Arrivals and landings 4.1Aerodrome arrival procedure (amphibians only) • carryout appropriate checks and drills• set altimeters and crosscheck in accordance with checklist or as required • use the actual QNH if announced by the airport• comply with published arrival procedure or clearance maintain adequate lookout and collision avoidance4.2Normal landing • Perform an adequate reconnaissance of the planned landing and takeoff area for obstacles or floating objects• consider weather and wind conditions, water surface and obstructions, traffic on the water and in the air• plan and follow a suitable pattern and orientation with the landing area• establish the recommended approach configuration adjusting speed and rate of descent to maintain a stabilised approach• achieve the selected touchdown area at the recommended speed• adjust descent and roundout (flare) to achieve a safe landing with little or no float with appropriate drift and crosswind correction depending on the water-surface conditio. • maintain directional control and wind-correction after touchdown • complete all necessary checks and drillsShare with your friends: