Broad Band Services like- Broadcast TV using IP Multicasting service.
Multicast video streaming services. Interactive Distant learning using IP multicasting Services. Video on demand. Interactive gaming service.
Two Layer Network Layer 1: High speed Backbone (STM-16) that will comprise of fully or partially meshed Core routers with builtin redundancies supporting MPLS protocol.
Layer 2: Consists of edge routers for aggregation of customer traffic and enforcing QoS and other administrative policies.
Classification of Cities for NIB II network architecture The cities in India have been classified in six types namely AAA, AB, B, details of which are given below Sr No
City Type Description Cities 1. A 5 Core cities Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata
2. AA 9
next level core cities Pune, Hyderabad,
Ernakulam, Lucknow, Jaipur, Indore, Jalandhar, Patna
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