Including the --host=localhost actually has no effect, since localhost is the default anyway. Now, let’s try specifying
the IP address for localhost; this is always
mysql --user=hugh -host --password=the_passwordWelcome to the MySQL monitor.
Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 47 to server version 5.0.22-standard-log
Type 'help' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the buffer.
The result is
another successful connection, since localhost and are the same system, and MySQL matches the request for host against
the privileges for localhostNow, let’s try connecting to the MySQL server on ruttle from ruttle by using its IP
mysql --user=hugh -host --password=the_passwordERROR 1130 (): #HY000Host '' is
not allowed to connect to thisMySQL server
This time, the connection isn’t successful. If you replace with ruttle.invy
, you’ll seethe same problem. Let’s explore why we can’t connect.
At the beginning of this section, we allowed access to the user 'hugh'@'localhost'
That’s exactly what the MySQL server is enforcing we can only
connect from the localhost, and not from anywhere else, including from the actual IP address or domain of the localhost machine. If you want to allow access from (and its equivalent domain name
), you need to grant those privileges by creating anew user with the username hugh and the host Note that each username and host pair is treated as a separate user and has its own password.
Log into
the monitor as the root user, and type:
GRANT ALL ONTO 'hugh'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'the_password';Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Now, quit the monitor and try connecting as the user hugh
mysql --user=hugh -host --password=the_passwordWelcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 50 to server version 5.0.22-standard-log
Type 'help' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the buffer.
You’ll also find you can now connect using in place of, as long as you’ve got a correctly configured domain nameserver (DNS)
setup. If you have trouble
connecting to the MySQL server, refer to the checklist in
“Client Programs Can’t Connect to the Server in Chapter 2.
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