We conclude this part in Chapter 18 by using the Perl CGI module to create dynamic web pages that can interact with a MySQL database.
AppendixThe Appendix contains all the source code for the wedding
gift registry developed inChapter 15. You can download this source code, and much more, from the book’s web site.
Conventions Used in This BookThis book uses the following typographical conventions:
ItalicIndicates nomenclature that we’ve not previously used. Also used for emphasis and to indicate files and directories.
Constant Width
Indicates commands and command options, usernames, and hostnames. Also used
to show the command output, and the contents of text and program files.
Constant Width BoldUsed in examples to indicate commands or other text that should be typed literally by the user.
Constant Width ItalicIndicates text that you should replace with your own values—for example, your own name or password. When this appears as part of text that you should type in,
is shown as Constant Width Italic Bold .
, Used in some examples as the root shell prompt (
) and as the user prompt (under the Bourne or bash shell.
Unless stated otherwise, instructions in such examples can be used with little modification from the Windows command prompt.
Used in some examples as the Windows command prompt.
Signifies a tip, suggestion, or general note.
Indicates a warning or caution.
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