(Optional) Supplementary ReadingsJones Multimedia Encyclopedia www.digitalcentury.com
Computer Museum of America www.computerhistory.org
Charles Babbage Institute www.cbi.umn.edu/tc.html
Bletchley Park www.bletchleypark.org
ENIAC Museum www.seas.upenn.edu museum hist-overview.html
PBS History of the Transistor www.pbs.org/transistor/
Internet Software Consortium www.isc.org/ds/
Netcraft Web Server Survey www.netcraft.com
Review QuestionsAnswers to be submitted to your instructor via email by Thursday at 9 a.m.1. Jacquard's loom,
while unrelated to computing, was influential in the development of modern computing devices. What design features of that machine are relevant to the design of modern computers. What role did Herman Hollerith play in the history of computer technology. What advantages did vacuum tubes have over electromagnetic relays. One advantage of the von Neumann architecture over previous computer architectures was that it was a stored-program machine. Describe how such a computer could be programmed to perform different computations without physically rewiring it. co. What is a transistor and how did the introduction of transistors lead to faster and cheaper computers. What is Moore's Law. What does the acronym VLSI stand for. What was the first personal computer and when was it first marketed. How much did you know about the history of computers before reading this chapter Did you find it informative. What did you find most interesting in reading this chapter. What did you find most confusing in reading this chapter?