College of Engineering and Architecture Computer Engineering
CpE Laws and Professional Practice
- Made cable,
broadcast, and wireless physical infrastructure within the activity of telecommunications.
OTHERS: Empowers the Department of Trade and Industry to supervise the development of e-commerce in the country. It can also come up with policies and regulations, when needed, to facilitate the growth of e- commerce. (section 29) Provided guidelines as to when a service provider can be liable. (section
30) Authorities and parties with the legal right can only gain access to electronic documents,
electronic data messages, and electronic signatures. For confidentiality purposes, it shall not share or convey to any other person. (section 31 and 32) Hacking or cracking, refers to unauthorized access including the introduction of computer viruses, is punishable by a fine from 100 thousand to maximum commensuration to the damage. With imprisonment from 6 months to 3 years. (section 33) Piracy through the use
of telecommunication networks, such as the Internet, that infringes intellectual property rights is punishable. The penalties are the same as hacking. (section 33) All existing laws such as the Consumer Act of the Philippines also applies to e-commerce transactions. (section 33)
College of Engineering and Architecture Computer Engineering
CpE Laws and Professional Practice
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