21.6 abbreviations, symbols, percentages, fractions, and ordinals 1. Always use numerals with abbreviations or symbols. Do not combine spelled forms of numbers with symbols. 2. Pi ercentagei is one word, both percent (one word) and per cent (two words) are correct do not use %age. 3. In ranges of percentages, either put the percentage symbol tends after the second number or after both numbers. 4. Fractions and ordinal numbers should not appear as digits (e.g. 1 / 4, 2nd ) at the beginnings of sentences or between other words. 5. Decimals are not written as words. 6. Decimals are written with a point (.) rather than a comma (,). 7. Commas tend to be used in whole numbers above 999 (but not in dates or horsepower. YES NO 1 $2,000 / two thousand dollars two thousand 1 c / sixty-eight cents sixty-eight c 1,2 45% / forty- five percent forty- five The percentage of students who … The %ge of students who … 3 The disease is fatal in 2–3% of cases. The disease is fatal in 2%–3 of cases. The disease is fatal in 2%–3% of cases. 4 Two thirds of those interviewed said that one fifth b of their income was spent on fuel. 2/3 of those interviewed said that 1/5 of their income was spent on fuel. 4 The fi rst and the second experiments proved the most successful. The 1st and 2nd experiments proved the most successful. 5 The student scored 2.4 and 2.6 in the first two tests. The student scored two point four and two point six in the first two tests. 6 The student scored 0.4 and 1.6 in the first two tests. The student scored 0,4 and 1,6 in the first two tests. 7 The faculty has a total of 24,563 students. The faculty has a total of 24563 students.