Strip poker Prerequisites: All
three girls are at home, Minami LP >=95, Siscon Points >= 40, living-room.
Minami suggests a game of strip poker.
Outcome: +10 Siscon points
(if Mike decides to play).
Fun at the pool Prerequisites: Minami and Bree at home, Bree or Minami are at the Pool. Spring/Summer, Minami LP >= 95,
Siscon Points >= 60, go to the pool. Mike applies sun cream ton Bree at the pool. Minami sneaks beside theme and asks Mike if he can also apply
sun cream on herb Outcome +10 Siscon points
(If Mike accepts).
The Nightclub Prerequisites: Minami is at the nightclub, Siscon Points >= 80, Minami LP >= 95. Mike visits a nightclub in order to escape the boredom of his home. He spots a petite girl on the dance floor and starts dancing with her. As it turns out the girl is Minami and Mike can either choose to stop dancing or he can keep dancing with Minami.
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