propel myself deeper into darkness Or choose freedom and possibility Thisis my chance fora new and different life.Candace’s adversity became the genesis
for her personal evolution, self- reflection, and expansion. She found herself standing on the edge of the cliff, wanting to leap into the unknown. Her decision to jump and to change became a passionate experience. So jump she did, into what she saw as endless possibilities and potentials, compelled by a desire tonally stop doing what was no longer loving to her so that she could rewrite her biological code.
This was a turning point in Candace’s life. She’d read my two previous books and been to one of my beginning workshops, so she knew that if she embraced her diagnosis and the emotions of fear, worry, anxiety, and sadness it inspired, she would be autosuggesting and believing only in thoughts equal to those feelings. She
could try to think positively, but her body was feeling bad, so that would have real consequences. Making that choice would be the wrong placebo, the wrong state of being.
So Candace chose instead not to accept her illness. She respectfully declined the physician’s diagnosis, reminding herself that the mind that creates illness is the same mind that creates wellness. She knew she had to change her beliefs about the condition given to her by the medical community. Candace chose not to be suggestible to her doctor’s advice and opinions, because she wasn’t fearful, victimized, or sad.
In fact, she was
optimistic and enthusiastic, and those emotions drove anew set of thoughts that allowed her to see anew possibility. She didn’t
accept her diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment
believe hastily in the most probable outcome or future destiny or permanently
surrender to the diagnosis or treatment plan. She didn’t
condition her body to that future worst-case scenario,
expect the same predictable
outcome that everyone else did, or
assign the same meaning that everyone else with the condition did. She had a different attitude, so she was now in a different state of being.
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