Introduction to econometrics II eco 356 faculty of social sciences course guide course Developers: Dr. Adesina-Uthman

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Introduction to Econometrics ECO 356 Course Guide and Course Material

ECO 306

Figure 4.2 Negative Autocorrelation
When an error term at time period t is correlated with error terms in time series, the correlation between and is called an autocorrelation of order k. The correlation between and is the first-order autocorrelation and is usually denoted by The correlation between and is called the second order autocorrelation and is denoted by
, and soon. There are (n - 1) such autocorrelations if we have n observations. However, we cannot hope to estimate all of these from our data. Hence we often assume that these (n - 1) autocorrelations can be represented in terms of one or two parameters. Detection of First-Order Autocorrelation: the Durbin–Watson Test


ECO 306

122 We will mostly be concerned with first-order autoregressive autocorrelation, often denoted AR (1). AR (1) appears to be the most common type of autocorrelation approximation. It is described as positive or negative according to the sign of ρ. Note that if ρ is 0, there is no autocorrelation occurrence. There are two major things that will be discussed in this unit, which are
1. Test for the presence of serial correlation. Estimate the regression equation when the errors are serially correlated.
Durbin-Watson Test (DW)
The simplest and most commonly used model is one where the errors and have a correlation. For this model one can think of testing hypotheses about on the basis of
, the correlation between the least squares residuals and
. A commonly used statistic for this purpose which is related to is the DW statistic, which will be denote by. It is defined as
∑ (

…[4.17] Where is the estimated residual for period
. DW can be rewritten as

…[4.18] Since and are approximately equal if the sample is large, we have
( ) If The sampling distribution of depends on the values of the explanatory variables and hence DW derived upper
( ) limits and lower ( ) limits for the significance levels for
. There are tables to test the hypothesis of zero autocorrelation against the hypothesis of first-order positive autocorrelation. (For negative autocorrelation we interchange (
) ( )), hence;

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