Serviceability. This criterion focuses on documentation and vendor support. Complete documentation is critical for software enhancement. It includes a narrative
description of the system, system logic and logic instructions. Vendor support assures the user adequate technical support for software installation,
enhancements, and maintenance, the user should determine how much onsite technical assistance
is provided by the vendor, especially during the first few weeks after the installation. The user expects onsite training and support as part of most commercial packages. It is vital to inquire about the amount of training provided. The user may require training at several levels--clerical,
operations, programming, and management.
Ownership Who owns the software once it is sold to the user Most of the standard license agreement forms essentially lease the software to the user for an indefinite time.
The user does not own it, which means that the source code is inaccessible for modification, except by the vendor. Many users enter into an escrow arrangement whereby the vendor deposits code to the user if the vendor goes out of business or is unable to perform the services specified in the license.
In acquiring software, several questions should be asked
1. What rights to the
software is the user buying 2. Can the user sell or modify the software
3. If the vendor is modifying the package
especially for the user, can the vendor sell it to other within the same industry the user is in
4. What restrictions are thereto copying
the software or documentation Minimal costs. Cost is a major consideration in deciding between in – house and vendor software. Cost – conscious users consider the following points
1. Development and conversion costs.
2. Delivery schedule.
3. Cost and frequency of software modifications.
4. Usable lifespan of the package.
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