7.3.2 Indexed- Sequential Organization Like sequential organization, keyed sequential organization stores data in physically contiguous blocks. The difference is in the use of indexes to locate records.
To understand this method, we need to distinguish among three areas in disk storage prime area, overflow area and index area. The prime area contains file records stored by key or ID numbers. All records are initially stored in the prime area. The overflow area contains records added to the file that cannot be placed in logical sequence in the prime area. The index area is more like a data dictionary. It contains keys of records and their locations on the disk. A pointer associated with each key is an address that tells the system whereto find a record.
In an airline reservation file, the index area might contain pointers to the Chicago and Delhi flights. The Chicago flight points to the Chicago flight information stored in the prime area. The Delhi flight points to the Delhi flight information in the prime area. Lack of space to store the Brisbane flight in sequential order make it necessary to load it in the overflow area. The overflow pointer places it logically in sequential order in the prime area. The same arrangement applies to the other flights.
Indexed-sequential organization reduces the magnitude of the sequential search and provides quick access for sequential and direct processing. The primary drawback is the extra storage space required for the index. It also takes longer to search the index for data access or retrieval.
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