BALCONY A horizontal cantilever projection includes a handrail or bluster to serve as passage. A vertical distance measured from the average level of ground surface to the bottom surface of the roof slab. Standard length of roof height is 3.15 m.
CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGYThe project of an important modern building involves many factors to be considered for its completion in ab bsatisfactory manner. The building project may, therefore, be divided into three parts as discussed below:• Architectural work: The art of planning and designing of a building so as to suite its purposes giving due consideration to the site, orientation, ventilation, appearance etc. of the building is known as Architectural Work. This work is done by a special person known as Architect.• Design work: The art of designing the different parts or elemets of a building so as to suite their purposes, safely and economically is known as Design Work. This work is done by a special person known as Design Manager.
CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY• Execution work: The art of doing the construction of the building systematically according to its planning and design is known as Execution Work. The work is done by a special person like Civil Engineer, Builder, Contractor, etc.
MACHINERIES IN CONSTRUCTIONMachinery are used to execute construction tasks, most frequently ones involving earthwork operations