118ing beyond the day or shift on which it occurred or disability at anytime (that does not meet the definition of Class A or Band is a days) away from work case. Class Dis damage between k - k a nonfatal injury occupational illness
resulting in restricted work, transfer, medical treatment greater than first aid needle sticks/cuts from contaminated objects medical removal under OSHA standard occupational hearing loss work-related tuberculosis. Class E is an aviation accident in which there has been damage between k and k. Class F is an aviation incident in which there has been damage to Army aircraft engines as a result of unavoidable internal or external foreign object damage.
C. Initial Notification And Reporting (Para 3-5 and 3-8)All
Army accidents and incidents, including occupational illnesses and injuries,
regardless of how minor, are reportable to the unit/local safety office. The unit/local safety office will determine the reporting and investigative requirements for the accident.
All Class A, Class Band Class C Aviation accidents and incidents (includes in flight and on ground, and unmanned aerial systems) must be immediately reported to the US. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center.
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