1681. Official MailThe requirements are that it must be for an official, mission-related purpose and be approved by the commander. Official mail cannot be used to support private
organization activities, fundraisers, or commercial ventures.
2. SFRG NewslettersNewsletters can be printed with APF provided that the information is considered official and approved by the commander. To qualify for use of APF, the newsletter cannot contain any
personal or social information, or information regarding private organizations, fundraisers or commercial ventures.
3. Use of Government FacilitiesSFRG volunteers may use government facilities to include dedicated office space, desks,
equipment, supplies, and telephones needed to accomplish their assigned duties.
4. Use of Military VehiclesRequirements for the use of military vehicles are outlined in AR 58-1. Government vehicles may also be used when several criteria are met, as provided for in AR 608-1, paragraph J-3.
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