31155Foreign and Deployment ClaimsA. References• US.
Dept Of Army, Reg. 27-20, Claims (8 Feb. 2008)
• US. Dept Of Army, Pam. 27-162, Claims Procedures (21 Mar. 2008)
• JAGINST A, Administrative Processing and Consideration of Claims on Behalf of and Against the United States (18 June 2005)
Memorandum, Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (USD(C)) subject Commanders Emergency Response Program (CERP) Guidance (18 Dec. 2008)
B. Types of Claims Applicable During A Deployment1. Claims Cognizable Under the Personnel Claims Act (PCA).The PCA applies worldwide. It
is limited to claims for loss, damage, or destruction of personal property of military personnel and DoD civilian employees that occur incident to service. Valid PCA claims commonly arising in deployment situations include loss of equipment and personal items during transportation certain losses while in garrison quarters losses suffered in an emergency evacuation losses due to terrorism directed against the United States and the loss of clothing and articles worn while performing military duties. No claim maybe approved under the PCA when the claimant’s negligence caused the loss. Prompt payment of service members and civilians PCA claims is essential to maintaining positive morale in the unit.
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