Think and Grow Rich!

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The remainder of Napoleon Hill devoted his life to disseminating The
Think and Grow Rich Philosophy and teaching people how to put it to practical use. W. Clement Stone, Hill’s collaborator and patron, played a key role in that purpose. From 1952 to 1962 I employed Napoleon
Hill and acted as his general manager said Stone. We were dedicated to spreading Hill’s philosophy. He had previously authored
Law of Success, Think and Grow Rich, and many other works. A few of the numerous achievements of our Master Mind Alliance were co- founding Success Unlimited magazine, coauthoring Success through a
Positive Mental Attitude, developing the ‘PMA Science of
Achievement Course and, most importantly, laying the foundation that guaranteed the achievement of Hill’s Definite Major Purpose in
Life. Hill’s Definite Major Purpose was to spread the philosophy of achievement…worldwide and to future generations. Together we influenced untold millions of persons on every continent (source:
Motivational Speakers Hall of Fame website at

Just following the war, The international epidemic referred to was the deadly Spanish influenza that struck in the autumn of 1918. By the time the epidemic had run its course in July 1919, more than million people had been infected and more than 500,000 were dead.
The flu and its virulent companion, pneumonia, killed half as many US. troops at home as died in combat in World War I. During the height of the epidemic, schools and churches were closed, and many people ventured outside only when wearing cotton masks. An elderly gentleman, reminiscing about The Flu epidemic at Clemson
University in South Carolina, recalled the campus Trustee House being used as a temporary infirmary. They were just bringing the bodies in like firewood he exclaimed.
Fears are nothing more At this point in the original manuscript, Hill related the following anecdotal material:
Physicians, as everyone knows, are less subject to
attack by disease than ordinary laymen, for the reason that
physicians DO NOT FEAR DISEASE. Physicians, without
fear or hesitation, have been known to physically contact
hundreds of people daily who were suffering from such
contagious diseases as smallpox without becoming infected.
Their immunity against the disease consisted, largely, if not
solely, in their absolute lack of FEAR.
While traditional medical research may suggest other explanations, it is notable that researchers and physicians have come more and more to emphasize the influence of positive attitudes on health, healing, and general well-being. The specific example Hill uses here may not holdup. The general principle does.

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