Think and Grow Rich!

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Chapter 12
A Broadcasting and Receiving Station for Thought
The Twelfth Step to Riches
MORE THAN 20 years ago, I, working in conjunction with Dr.
Alexander Graham Bell and Dr. Elmer R. Gates, observed that every human brain is both a broadcasting and a receiving station for the impulses of thought.
Under the right circumstances and in a fashion that maybe likened to that employed by the radio broadcasting principle, every human brain is capable of picking up thought impulses which originate in the brains of others.
In connection with the statement in the preceding paragraph, compare and consider the description of the Creative Imagination as outlined in the discussion on Imagination in Chapter 5. The Creative Imagination is the receiving set of the brain, which processes thoughts released by the brains of others. It is the agency of communication between one’s own conscious or reasoning mind and the four sources from which one may receive thought stimuli (i.e., Infinite Intelligence, one’s own subconscious mind, the
“highly energized conscious mind of another person, and the subconscious storehouse of another person. Seethe discussion on the Sixth Sense in
Chapter Creative Imagination is the mechanism by which intuition and hunches seem to spring out of thin air, and by which two or more people, working closely together in a state of intense concentration and focus, seem to anticipate each other’s next thoughts, actions, insights, and even actual words.

When thus highly stimulated, or stepped up, the mind becomes more receptive to thought impulses that somehow reach it from sources outside itself. This stepping-up process is driven by powerful emotions, either positive or negative.
Thought manifests itself as electrical energy within the human brain.
Only highly intensified or energized thought impulses are transmitted from one brain to another through this mysterious and still not understood process. Thought which has been modified or stepped up by any of the major emotions is the only type of thought which passes from one brain to another through the broadcasting machinery of the human brain.
The emotion of sex stands at the head of the list of human emotions as far as intensity and driving force are concerned. The brain which has been stimulated by the emotion of sex is much more highly energized than it is when that emotion is dormant or absent. (To reiterate an earlier point,
“stimulated by the emotion of sex refers to a sex drive that is vigorous and powerful, yet under control, channeled, and given adequate and appropriate expression.)
The result of sex transmutation is the increase of this energizing effect on thoughts and thought processes to such a pitch that the Creative
Imagination becomes highly receptive to ideas, which it seems to literally pluck out of thin air. When the brain is operating in this highly energized state, it not only attracts thoughts and ideas released by other brains, but it also gives to its own thoughts that feeling which is essential before those thoughts will be picked up and acted upon by one’s own subconscious mind.
Thus, you will see that the broadcasting principle is the factor through which you mix feeling or emotion with your thoughts and pass them onto your subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind is the sending station of the brain, through which thought impulses are broadcast. The Creative Imagination is the receiving set, through which thought impulses are picked up. Along with the important factors of the subconscious mind and the faculty of the
Creative Imagination, which together constitute the sending and receiving sets of your mental broadcasting equipment, consider now the principle of autosuggestion, which is the medium by which you may put into operation your broadcasting station.

Through the instructions described in Chapter 3 on Autosuggestion,
you were definitely and specifically shown the method by which DESIRE
may be transmuted into its monetary equivalent.
Operation of your mental broadcasting station is a comparatively simple procedure. You have but three factors to bear in mind and apply when you wish to use your broadcasting station—the SUBCONSCIOUS
MIND, CREATIVE IMAGINATION, and AUTOSUGGESTION. The stimuli through which you put these three forces into action have been described. The procedure begins with DESIRE.

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