“May You Pass Every Test 139
In that heart there is no desire for hashish, there is no desire for heroin. But if you stray from that heart and you have had along habit, you may identify once again with the outer manor woman and the desiring and find yourself
in the turbulent waters, sinking beneath the waves, crying out for the hand of Christ who will always extend to you that hand until you are safe and sound again in the heart of infinity.
You see, beloved ones, all desires of the human that you may have in this world can be surrendered. And when they are surrendered, the divine desiring of God comes into your life. For every human desire there is a divine desire that is legitimate,
that is fulfilling, that will give to you whatever you thought you might get through human desiring but truly could never have or keep and much, much more. But it takes courage.
Thus, if you would retain the desire to control others (which is very prevalent in the human race, the desire to have those things that are not ordained and on and on, but you desire to give up those desires that make you sick and uncomfortable, you will be walking
a tightrope of the human SAINT GERMAIN—MASTER ALCHEMIST
con sciousness, trying to take the best of it and to leave the worst and yet not really willing to forsake the totality of it or the whole ball of wax, as we have said. It is a precarious position and I can only admonish, for you have free will.
Every experience in life can be transmuted and transcended to become a divine experience—though
physical, though actual, though down-to-earth, though apart of what that truly golden-age consciousness can be. Thus, it is not wrong to desire happiness, to desire the family of God, to desire your own fulfillment or education or God-success. Truly, nothing will God withhold from you when you use legitimate means of arriving at the goal.
Fear is what binds you to the alternative path and method. Thus, I say, drop those fears Let God show you how happy you can be in the fullness of his love—how you can have these
things in the highest sense, glorify his name, pass that human consciousness through the flame, and still retain an individuality that is happy, joyous, hardworking,
ever-learning, striving and a joy to be with because you will be the one who unlocks the mysteries for others. The mystery of happiness itself written all
“May You Pass Every Test 141
over your face can be divined by those who meet you by watching how you live.
Cease, then,
cease from toying with the idea of unreality Cease from the idea that you have ever been enslaved. The slaves of death must live in a consciousness of death Now let us remove the octave of the consciousness of death. Let us remove that plane. If it ceases to be, will
you cease to be?
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