each autumn a small number of North American birds are blown across the Atlantic by fast-moving westerly tail winds. Not only do they arrive safely in Europe, but, based on ringing evidence, some make it back to North America the following spring, after probably spending the winter with European migrants in sunny African climes. Questions 21 – 22 Answer: A Birds often fly further than they need to. Part of the passage Par Cb tihat many birds journey much further than would be necessary just to find food and good weather. Answer: C Birds flying at night needless water. Part of the passage Par E Traveling at night provides other benefits. Daytime pred- ators are avoided and the danger of dehydration due to flying for long periods in warm, sunlit skies is reduced. Furthermore, at night the air is generally cool and less turbulent and so conducive to sustained, stable flight. Comment: B is incorrect because Par C mentions how young birds can find their way while migrating without parental guidance (no family, but still safe); D is very close, but still not 100% correct because even though Par E mentions birds seethe world with a superior sensory perception to ours, it does not specifically say birds have sharper eyesight than humans. Sensory perception is not only about vision, but 30 - Day Reading Challenge IEL TS ZONE
also includes other senses such as taste, smell, touch and etc. E is incorrect because of the limiting word ‘only’. Questions 23 – 26 Q 23. It is a great mystery that young birds like cuckoos can find their wintering