National Sexual Reproductive Policy 2014 2014 National Sexual Reproductive Policy

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NSRPolicy 2016
17-02 Bougainville Health Administration Act 2017

Policy Statement Evidence base research recommendation should form the basis for improvement of SRH services delivery.

Develop a SRH research agenda Build capacity of staff at all levels to conduct research on SRH; Encourage the use of research recommendation to change policies, planning and improve the implementation of sexual and reproductive health programs Conduct policy oriented and operational research on sexual and reproductive health throughout the life cycle.

Objective 10: To lead and coordinate all development partners in the planning, implementation,
monitoring & evaluation of SRH activities

Policy statement NDoH shall maintain central coordination of SRH services and seek political commitment at all levels of government and development partners to implement this policy.
Strategies: Ensure to provide technical advice to province, district, LLG in implementing SRH programs and activities Chapter Two Policy Context and Directions
Chapter Three Policies and Strategies

National Sexual Reproductive Policy
National Sexual Reproductive Policy
National Department of Health
National Department of Health

June 2014

National Department of Health8
3.1 Current Situation Issue Analysis
Sexual and Reproductive Health status of the Population
Available statistics show that the sexual and reproductive health situation in Papua New Guinea is not only poor but appears to be declining from previous levels. Moreover, there is wide regional and geographical disparity in the country. The deteriorating reproductive health situation in the country was confirmed by the Independent Health Sector Review that took place in October 2005.
PNG has the highest rate of HIV and AIDS in the Pacific. Services such as prevention of parent to child transmission of HIV and voluntary counselling and testing services are generally improving, but only about 65% of pregnant women received at least 1 antenatal visit. Only 35% of births (SPAR 2012) are attended by trained health personnel. Family Support Centres have been established only in 11 Provincial and District hospitals where they provide comprehensive services for survivors of Gender based and domestic violence.

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