National Sexual Reproductive Policy 2014 2014 National Sexual Reproductive Policy

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NSRPolicy 2016
17-02 Bougainville Health Administration Act 2017
June 2014

National Department of Health24
worker when to ready (alert) and when to take the action into save the life that is utero.
Policy: A written statement used to guide and determine present and future decision about standards of care
Pregnancy at
term: From 37 completed weeks to less than 42 weeks (259 to 293 days) of gestation
SRH care

The provision and access to quality sexual and reproductive healthcare services including adolescence health services, family planning, safe motherhood, PPTCT, STI & HIV, cancer screening services for cervical and breast cancer and prostate screening services and gender-based violence.
Standard of care: Professionally developed detailed written statements used to guide procedures
Birth of a newborn baby by the assistance of a health worker trained and competent in childbirth
Skilled Birth
WHO defines an SBA as someone trained to proficiency in the skills needed to manage normal (uncomplicated) pregnancies, childbirth and the immediate postnatal period, and in the identification, management and referral of complications in women and newborns
Unsafe abortion

An unsafe abortion is the termination of an unwanted pregnancy by persons lacking the necessary skills, or in an environment lacking minimal medical standards or both.
Women of
reproductive age:
Usually refers to all women aged 15-49 years. In PNG we have reported maternal deaths from the age of 12.
Those who maybe interested in, potentially affected by, or influence the implementation of the SRH policy. In the context of this policy it applies to human resources for health, development partners, the partner government ministries,
NGos and civil society
Person with
Persons with disabilities have the same sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs as other people. Yet they often face barriers to information and services including family planning, maternal health, HIV and AIDS, adolescence, and gender-based violence.

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