Harnessing the Power of Sensors and Machine Learning to Design Smart Fence to Protect Farmlands

Keywords:virtual fencing crop safety ML in agriculture1. Introduction

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virtual fencing crop safety ML in agriculture
1. Introduction
Most farmers like to plan their yields before the beginning of each crop year however,
some farmers choose not to participate in the plan. Whether farmers plan their potential production or not, there are still certain expectations [
]. While hoping for the best, farmers often face a variety of challenges and barriers that force them to constantly question their productivity and, at the end of the day, their success.
Usually the most important thing is to protect crops from diseases, parasites and weeds, as well as protecting against adverse weather events [
]; however, farmers are also confronted with another interesting challenge, which is usually forgotten or unconscious.
Electronics 2021, 10, 3094. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10243094

Electronics 2021, 10, 3094 2 of Wildlife is particularly challenging for farmers around the world. Deers, boars, rabbits,
moles, elephants, monkeys, and other animals can cause serious damage to crops. They can feed on plant parts, or just run into the fields and stomp on crops, damaging plants.
As such, wildlife can easily cause major yield losses and other financial problems Another consideration for protecting wildlife cultures requires special care. In other words,
each farmer should be aware that animals must be protected from being killed when eating their crops.
On the other hand, data compiled by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WPSI), a nongovernmental organization in India, showed that due to deliberate and accidental electrocution between 2010 and 2020, about 1300 wild animals were electrocuted across
India. There are over 500 elephants, 220 flamingos, 150 leopards, and 46 tigers throughout the country Various reports indicate the death of animals through fences. Several types of agricultural fences exist. Successful farmers are always looking to use one of these five techniques to determine a satisfactory level of protection for wildlife crops [
1.1. Agricultural Fences
Fencing is a mainstream activity to secure untamed life overlong periods of time. The ranch wall is an effective untamed life security innovation. Nonetheless, there is frequently little utilization of walls. Certain neighborhood and state-claimed substances may restrict or disallow the utilization of particular sorts of wall. In this way, prior to choosing a proper fence, the user must peruse the nearby laws and guidelines. The nature of the fence is an element of the material and the design. Contingent upon its strategy for production and technique for fabrication, some walls might last approximately 30 years. Ranchers regularly use one of the accompanying kinds of fencing Guardrail It is woven using metal wires to create a wall. The fence is viable, tough,
and requires moderately little upkeep. Be that as it may, they are costly and prescribed uniquely to ensure high-esteem crops.

Plastic wall Polypropylene walls are for the most part less expensive than different sorts and are simpler to introduce and keep up. Likewise, these walls are generally acknowledged and hold fast to an assortment of guidelines. These walls have a relatively short lifespan (as long as 10 years) and sketchy adequacy in regions where natural life harvests are bound to be annihilated.

Electrical Fence These fences are designed to dissuade animals from going through the fence. These walls are feasible and give a compelling defensive measure to crops.
The expense will rely upon the kind and size of the area. Before creating an electric fence, one must ensure that they are approved in the particular territory, and that they are reasonable for use against compromised creature species. Electric walls must also be labeled to ensure humans do not accidentally touch them. Natural Repellents
A few ranchers are inclined toward common guards over mechanical or compound protections. There are an assortment of approaches to secure wild yields, including:

Smoke: In certain places, farmers uses elephant manure or different substances that can be burned to make thick smoke.

Beehive walls For instance, elephants are repulsed by the commotion of bumblebees this is also beneficial for extra earnings, as the bumblebees can be profitable.

Peppers: It is a decent obstacle against elephants, monkeys, squirrels, and other wild creatures. Farmers planting red peppers will likewise obtain an extra income stream.

Synthetic anti-agents: Active substances such as anthraquinonoid, thiol butane, and methylanthranilate might be utilized to keep natural life out of the yield.

Biophysical obstructions Bamboo stick wall, coconut flower bundles, or different bushes accessible modest yet additionally wasteful practices to shield crops from natural life.

Electronics 2021, 10, 3094 3 of Electronic anti-agents: A proficient, manageable, and ecologically mindful strategy for crop security that fends creatures off without hurting them. Ranchers depend on one of two sorts of electronic anti-agents:

Ultrasonic electronic anti-agents: Quiet for people, high-recurrence sound waves repulse natural life.

Sonic electronic anti-agents: Perceptible sound that scares creatures.
Alongside these methodologies, a few ranchers depend on scarecrows, firecrackers,
flash lights, fire, drums, and canines. Other than setting up crop security gauges, the most prosperous ranchers will watch out for their fields as frequently as could be expected. All things considered, consistent observation is the most ideal approach to guarantee that everything goes as planned.
To advance harvest insurance, a few ranchers will join crop security techniques.
Further, specialists in present-day farming innovation are exploring new mechanical arrangements. Such arrangements include the utilization of motor-based cameras or even robots to shield plants from untamed life. Until innovation opens up, ranchers can do whatever they canto carryout a portion of the previously mentioned procedures to ensure their harvests.

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