2018, 18, 1474 23 of to reduce the severity of animal poaching. None of the surveyed works are sufficient in the protection of endangered species.
Recently, the concept of utilizing animal sentinels for detection of poaching has been proposed, and, while we believe that this
approach has large potential, many challenges remain open for future research.
Securing large forested areas in rugged terrains against intruders proves to be a daunting challenge.
There is a need for new approaches that take up the research challenges and provide better protection against poachers. We have argued that the development of cognitive sensor systems, through the combination of multiple sensor
technologies and ML techniques, will be able to tackle the challenges found ineffective poaching detection. It is our belief that the ultimate long-term solution for the poaching crisis is to remove the drivers of demand. People in the demanding countries should be educated and made aware of the poaching crisis. Until these kinds of actions take effect,
there will be a continuous, urgent need for effective anti-poaching solutions that assure the survival of the rhinoceros and elephant species.
Author Contributions:J.K. and EA. conceived and designed the survey J.K. and EA. executed the survey;
J.K. and EA. wrote the paper and NM. and PH. supervised the project.
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