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Title: Separation and Purification Methods

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Title: Separation and Purification Methods

Full Journal Title: Separation and Purification Methods

ISO Abbreviated Title: Sep. Purif. Methods

JCR Abbreviated Title: Separ Purif Method

ISSN: 0360-2540

Issues/Year: 2

Journal Country United States

Language: English

Publisher: Marcel Dekker Inc

Publisher Address: 270 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10016

Subject Categories:

Chemistry, Analytical: Impact Factor 1.286, 30/66 (1999), Impact Factor 3.556, 4/65 (2000), Impact Factor 2.250, 11/68 (2001), Impact Factor 0.941, 45/68 (2002), Impact Factor 1.222, / (2003), Impact Factor 6.667, 1/70 (2004)

Engineering, Chemical: Impact Factor 1.286, 11/110 (1999), Impact Factor 3.556, 1/117 (2000), Impact Factor 2.250, 5/123 (2001), Impact Factor 0.941, 30/126 (2002), Impact Factor 1.222, 20/119 (2003), Impact Factor 6.667, 1/116 (2004)

? Barker, P.E. and Ganetsos, G. (1988), Chemical and biochemical separations using preparative and large-scale batch and continuous chromatography. Separation and Purification Methods, 17 (1), 1-65.

Full Text: 1988\Sep Pur Met17, 1.pdf

Abstract: A comprehensive literature review has been carried out on the sorption of copper ions onto various biosorbents. Extensive research has been carried out using peat as a sorbent and the sorption capacity of copper on different peats varies by a factor of over fifty. Furthermore, this paper identifies that copper sorption capacities have been reported for over thirty other different biosorbents. The paper reviews the capacities of the various biosorbents for copper and discusses the range of kinetic mechanisms used by different researches to correlate kinetic experimental data. The suitability of the various kinetic models for the sorption of copper from wastewaters onto different biosorbents is discussed.

The review identifies several deficiencies in the literature. Many of the studies on equilibrium isotherms only apply one method of analysis. Researchers fail to test experimental equilibrium date using several models and do not determine the best tit model by error analysis or by postulating a sorption mechanism. The same criticism is valid for kinetic studies. The application of more than one kinetic model is extremely rare. Another major problem arises in the characterisation of adsorbent materials, since very little information is provided on surface area, pore size distribution, surface activity, particle size, hardness or attrition rates and influence of pH. These are key factors in developing and designing wastewater treatment systems.

Keywords: Biosorbents, Peat, Copper, Sorption

Zouboulis, A.I., Matis, K.A. and Hancock, I.C. (1997), Biosorption of metals from dilute aqueous solutions. Separation and Purification Methods, 26 (2), 255-295.

Full Text: 1997\Sep Pur Met26, 255.pdf

Abstract: Dilute aqueous solutions, generated or used by industry, can contain a variety of different metal ions. Various processes are suitable for reclamation of toxic metals and among them, attention is paid here to biosorption. The ability of microorganisms to remove metal ions from solution is a well known phenomenon. Industrial applications of biosorption often make use of dead biomass, which does not require nutrients and can be exposed to environments of high toxicity. Experimental laboratory batch experiments are described for actinomycetes, fungi and for activated sludge, as the metal biosorbents, providing insight into cadmium biosorption. Non-living biomass showed greater binding capacities for cadmium (a priority pollutant) than living biomass. Engineering considerations are central in decisions concerning the commercial future of biosorption and a practical solution is needed for certain problems, such as the efficient separation of metal-loaded biomass.

Keywords: Heavy-Metals, Froth Flotation, Ion-Exchange, Waste-Water, By-Products, Removal, Biomass, Accumulation, Adsorption, Algae

McKay, G., Ho, Y.S. and Ng, J.C.P. (1999), Biosorption of copper from waste waters: A review. Separation and Purification Methods, 28 (1), 87-125.

Full Text: 1999\Sep Pur Met28, 87.pdf

Abstract: A comprehensive literature review has been carried out on the sorption of copper ions onto various biosorbents. Extensive research has been carried out using peat as a sorbent and the sorption capacity of copper on different peats varies by a factor of over fifty. Furthermore, this paper identifies that copper sorption capacities have been reported for over thirty other different biosorbents. The paper reviews the capacities of the various biosorbents for copper and discusses the range of kinetic mechanisms used by different researches to correlate kinetic experimental data. The suitability of the various kinetic models for the sorption of copper from wastewaters onto different biosorbents is discussed. The review identifies several deficiencies in the literature. Many of the studies on equilibrium isotherms only apply one method of analysis. Researchers fail to test experimental equilibrium date using several models and do not determine the best fit model by error analysis or by postulating a sorption mechanism. The same criticism is valid for kinetic studies. The application of more than one kinetic model is extremely rare. Another major problem arises in the characterisation of adsorbent materials, since very little information is provided on surface area, pore size distribution, surface activity, particle size, hardness or attrition rates and influence of pH. These are key factors in developing and designing wastewater treatment systems.

Keywords: Biosorbents, Peat, Copper, Sorption, Agricultural By-Products, Highly Porous Chitosan, Heavy-Metal Ions, Aqueous-Solutions, Activated Carbons, Rhizopus-arrhizus, Zoogloea-ramigera, Mass-Transfer, Cu(II) Adsorption, Landfill Leachate

Notes: highly cited

Ho, Y.S., Ng, J.C.Y. and McKay, G. (2000), Kinetics of pollutant sorption by biosorbents: Review. Separation and Purification Methods, 29 (2), 189-232.

Full Text: S\Sep Pur Met29, 189.pdf

Abstract: A review of the mechanisms of solute sorption onto various biosorbents has been performed. The mechanisms have been subdivided into reaction based systems and diffusion based systems and the literature has been reviewed in accordance with these two groups. The range of solute-sorbent systems reviewed include metal ions, dyestuffs and several organic substances in aqueous systems onto a wide range of biosorbents and mineral earths. Extensive tables are presented summarising isotherm types, sorption capacities, kinetic models which have been applied particularly to biosorbent systems but also to many other adsorbent materials.

Keywords: Aqueous-Solution, Basic-Dyes, Biogas Residual Slurry, Biosorbents, Color Removal, Granular Activated Carbon, Isotherm, Kinetic, Kinetics, Liquid-Phase Adsorption, Mass-Transfer Processes, Metal, Review, Sorption, Sphagnum Moss Peat, Surface-Diffusion, Waste-Water

Sağ, Y. (2001), Biosorption on heavy metal metals by gungal biomass and modeling of fungal biosorption: A review. Separation and Purification Methods, 30 (1), 1-48.

Full Text: S\Sep Pur Met30, 1.pdf

Abstract: The wastewaters discharged from chemical industries which may contain heavy metal ions have toxic effect on all the living organisms. Because of this, disposal of them to the environment is a major threat to both human health and ecosystem. So the development of new technologies is required to treat wastewaters as an alternative to traditional physicochemical processes. Biosorption, the process of passive cation binding by dead or Living biomass, represents a potentially cost-effective way of eliminating toxic heavy metals from industrial waste waters. While the abilities of microorganisms ro remove metal ions in solution have been extensively studied, fungi have been recognized as a promising class of low-cost adsorbents for removal of heavy-metal ions from aqueous waste streams. Algae, fungi and bacteria differ from each other in their constitution, giving rise to different mechanisms of metal biosorption. The paper reviews the biosorption capacities of various fungi (free or immobilized or subjected to physical and chemical treatments) and, chitin and chitosan, important fungal cell wall components, in different reactor systems for heavy metal ions and discusses the fungal biosorption mechanisms. To explore the biosorption mechanisms, it is necessary to identify the functional groups involved in the biosorption process. As single toxic metallic species rarely exist in natural and waste waters, any approach that attempts to removal heavy metals from multi-component systems using fungi would be more realistic. The effects of various combinations of the metal ions on the biosorption capacity of various fungi are discussed and the actions of the metal ion combinations synergistic or antagonistic are identified. Equilibria and capacity relationships for mono-component systems are well established and quantitatively expressed by various types of adsorption isotherms. In the case of multi-metal systems, models should be modified in order to take into account all metals and cover experimental data over a wide range of solution concentrations. The researcher is often puzzled as to what are the basic differences or similarities between the isotherms and what isotherm to select for practical use to predict adsorption capacities or to incorporate it in predicting breakthrough of columnar operations. The paper reviews the range of equilibrium sorption models, and diffusion and sorption models in different reactor systems used by different researchers to correlate experimental data for fungal biosorption.

Keywords: Wastewater, Fungi, Heavy Metal Ions, Biosorption, Rhizopus-arrhizus, Ion-Exchange, R-arrhizus, Aqueous-Solutions, Multicomponent Biosorption, Liquid-Chromatography, Penicillium Biomass, Uranium Biosorption, Chitin Derivatives, Mathematical-Model

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