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Title: Solid State Communications

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Title: Solid State Communications

Full Journal Title: Solid State Communications

ISO Abbreviated Title: Solid State Commun.

JCR Abbreviated Title: Solid State Commun

ISSN: 0038-1098

Issues/Year: 48

Journal Country United States

Language: Multi-Language

Publisher: Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd

Publisher Address: The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, England

Subject Categories:

Physics, Condensed Matter: Impact Factor 1.671, / (2002)

Marx, W. and Cardona, M. (2003), The impact of Solid State Communications in view of the ISI Citation data. Solid State Communications, 127 (5), 323-336.

Full Text: S\Sol Sta Com127, 323.pdf

Abstract: Bibliometric techniques (i.e. citation analysis) are used to evaluate the impact and standing of Solid State Communications (SSC) among its competitor journals covering the field of condensed matter. In most cases, the analysis covers all issues dating back to the journal’s inception in 1963. In some cases, however, the analysis only covers articles published after 1973 because of limited access to the previous data under the available search system. A listing of the most cited articles appeared in SSC since its inception is given. Several of them include Nobel laureates among their authors. An analysis of the articles which remained uncited is also presented. Bibliometric data from the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) such as the Journal Impact Factor (JIF), the Citing Half-Life as well as the Cited Half-Life are compared with those for other journals covering condensed matter and related fields. Furthermore, an analysis of the impact according to the countries of origin of authors is presented. A discussion of the results exhibited in Tables and Figures is given.

Keywords: Bibliometric Analysis, Citations, Journal Impact

Title: Solid State Ionics

Full Journal Title: Solid State Ionics

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:



Journal Country


Publisher: Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam

Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Kotov, V.Y., Stenina, I.A. and Yaroslavtsev, A.B. (1999), Kinetics of hydrogen-sodium ion exchange in acid zirconium phosphate. Solid State Ionics, 125 (1-4), 55-60.

Full Text: 1999\Sol Sta Ion125, 55.pdf

Abstract: Proton diffusion in NaHZr(PO4)2-5H2O and Na2Zr(PO4)2-3H2O phases was examined by studying the kinetics of hydrogen-sodium ion exchange. Three regions characterized by an almost linear dependence of the apparent diffusion coefficients of the hydrogen ion on the pH values were obtained at pH < 7, 7 < pH < 9 and 9 < pH < 11. The phenomenon was explained by different mechanisms of defect formation in the pH ranges investigated. The distribution of the proton defect concentration in the grains was estimated for different pH values, The influence of the anion nature in the contacting solutions on the diffusion coefficients was also discussed. The rate of ion exchange increases in the series: I- < Br- < Cl-, ClO4- 3- 42-. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cation Mobility, Ion Exchange, Acid Phosphate, Double Phosphates, Diffusion

? El-Naggar, I.M., Zakaria, E.S., Shady, S.A. and Aly, H.F. (1999), Diffusion mechanism and ion exchange equilibria of some heavy metal ions on cerium(IV) antimonate as cation exchanger. Solid State Ionics, 122 (1-4), 65-70.

Full Text: 1999\Sol Sta Ion122, 65.pdf

Abstract: The kinetics and mechanism of diffusion of Zn2+, Sr2+, Co2+ and Eu3+ in the H+-form of cerium(IV) antimonate (CeSb) have been studied as a function of particle sizes, reaction temperatures and solution concentrations of the exchanging ions. The exchange rate was controlled by particle diffusion mechanism as a limited batch technique. The physical thermodynamic parameters such as, activation energies and entropies of activation have been evaluated. The mobility of these ions inside the particles of the exchanger decrease in the order:

Zn2+ > Sr2+ > Co2+ > Eu3+

Keywords: Tin(IV) Antimonate, Kinetics

? Stenina, I.A., Aliev, A.D., Glukhov, I.V., Spiridonov, F.M. and Yaroslavtsev, A.B. (2003), Cation mobility and ion exchange in acid tin phosphate. Solid State Ionics, 162 (S), 191-195.

Full Text: 2003\Sol Sta Ion162, 191.pdf

Abstract: Thermodynamics and kinetics investigation of ion exchange H+/M+ (M = Li, Na) in tin acid phosphate has been carried out. The equilibrium constants and the cation diffusion coefficients in the exchange products have been determined. It was shown that the diffusion coefficient value in MxH2 - xSn(PO4)2.nH2O depends strongly on proton concentration in the solution. The cation mobility in tin acid phosphate and its ion exchange products has been investigated by impedance spectroscopy too. It was shown that the ion conductivity of these compounds is determined by the surface contribution and increases with increase in the hydration degree. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cation Mobility, Ion Exchange, Acid Tin Phosphate

Title: Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Full Journal Title: Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

ISO Abbreviated Title: Solid State Nucl. Mag.

JCR Abbreviated Title: Solid State Nucl Mag

ISSN: 0926-2040


Journal Country


Publisher: Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam

Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor 0.788, 51/121

Hu, K.N. and Hwang, L.P. (1998), The influence of adsorbed molecules on Na-sites in NaY zeolite investigated by triple-quantum 23Na MAS NMR spectroscopy. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 12 (4), 211-220.

Full Text: S\Sol Sta Nuc Mag Res12, 211.pdf

Abstract: The effect of hydration and benzene adsorption on Na-23 resonance and the quadrupolar interaction in NaY zeolites is studied by triple-quantum MAS Na-23 NMR spectroscopy. In the case of a C6D6/NaY system, the results show that with an increase in benzene loading, there is an up-field trend in isotropic chemical shift (delta(CS)) and a decreasing second order quadrupolar effect (chi(s)) for the site II sodium ions. It was found that adsorbed benzene molecules have a slight effect on the environment of sodium ions on site I. All the sodium sites in NaY are influenced upon hydration. The up-field shift of the sodium delta(CS) reflects the effect of coordination of oxygen atoms on sodium cations due to hydration. The magnitude of chi(s) for hydrated sodium sites increases and then falls off with water loading. The increase in chi(s) is due to the initial hydration among SI-, SI’- and SII-sodium ions, while the decrease is the result of approaching the final stage of saturated hydration. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Benzene Adsorption In Nay, Hydrated NAY, MQMAS NMR, Isotropic Chemical Shift, Second Order Quadrupolar Effect, Powder Neutron-Diffraction, Y Zeolites, Benzene Adsorption, Sodium-Cations, Al-27, Location, Temperature, Resolution, Faujasites

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