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Title: Salud Publica de Mexico

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Title: Salud Publica de Mexico

Full Journal Title: Salud Publica de Mexico

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:

ISSN: 0036-3634


Journal Country


Publisher: Interperiodica, Birmingham

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Impact Factor

? Diaznieto, L., Galancuevas, S. and Fernandezpardo, G. (1993), A self-care experience in diabetes-mellitus type-II patients. Salud Publica de Mexico, 35 (2), 169-176.

Full Text: Sal Pub Mex35, 169.pdf

Abstract: The present work presents the experience of a diabetes self-care group in San Antonio Tecomitl, Milpa Alta, D.F., Mexico. Diabetes is a serious disease posing a public health problem in our country, since it affects a great number of productive age persons, causing, if uncontrolled, deleterious effects on their life quality and expectancy because of vascular and neural complications. We carried out an intervention in six female patients diagnosed as having diabetes mellitus type II, with different stages of the disease, all of them were residents of Milpa Alta municipality, with an average age of 63.6 years. They were receiving different doses of oral hypoglycemic agents. The group of patients met once a week for two-hour sessions in wich they received: a) information about diabetes mellitus, b) self-care training and c) profound relaxation techniques. In each session we evaluated glycemia, body weight and blood pressure in each patient. Results from the intervention showed no correlation between body weight and blood pressure, though there was a significant variation in glycemia levels after the intervention.

Keywords: Psychology, Behavior, Health, Diabetes-Mellitus Type-II, Self-Care Groups

? Marquina, R.G. and Aviles, C.G.E. (2003), The severe acute respiratory syndrome: A new public health challenge. Salud Publica de Mexico, 45 (2), 146-147.

Full Text: 2003\Sal Pub Mex45, 146.pdf

Title: Sampe Journal

Full Journal Title: Sampe Journal

ISO Abbreviated Title: Sampe J.

JCR Abbreviated Title: Sampe J

ISSN: 0091-1062


Journal Country


Publisher: Sampe Publishers, Covina

Publisher Address:

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Impact Factor

? Ndubizu, C.C., Brown, R.A., Tatem, P.A. and Williams, F.W. (2001), Fire hazard assessment in submarine plastic waste stowage compartments. Sampe Journal, 37 (4), 42-48.

Abstract: The paper discusses the results of fire tests designed to quantify the hazards associated with the onboard stowage of the plastic waste bags in proposed stowage compartments for two submarine classes. Ignition tests were conducted with the waste bags outside the compartment. Fire growth and fire extinguishment tests were conducted with the bags inside the compartment with the door open and with the door closed. The test results indicate that the bags are difficult to ignite. Flame spread radially into the bag is difficult because of compaction of the contents. With the door open, fire in the stowage compartment can grow to about a 600 KW fire if the forced ventilation was off or 400 KW fire if the ventilation was on. In each case the fire produced very thick smoke in the early stages. In the closed-door tests, the fire was oxygen limited whether the ventilation was on or off and and the maximum heat release rate was about 1/3 that with the door open. Tn the partially closed door compartment test the fire was also oxygen limited and the maximum heat release rate was of the order of 200 KW. Therefore, fire hazard will be greatly reduced if the door is closed and the forced ventilation is secured. In every test, the fire at its worst stage is controllable in less than one minute using one unit of bottled Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) or a 1.9 cm water hose line. There is, however, a need to thoroughly overhaul the fire after the flames are out.

Title: Sangyo Ika Daigaku Zasshi

Full Journal Title: Sangyo Ika Daigaku Zasshi

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:



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Impact Factor

? Schrauzer, G.N. (1987), Effects of selenium antagonists on cancer susceptibility: New aspects of chronic heavy metal toxicity. Sangyo Ika Daigaku Zasshi, 9 Suppl, 208-215.

Abstract: Uptake, transport, metabolism and physiological activity of selenium are influenced by interactions with a variety of heavy metals. With elements exhibiting especially high affinities for selenium, significant interactions may occur at concentrations close to the no-effect threshold levels. At low dietary Se intakes, this may produce states of latent Se deficiency as well as increased susceptibility to cancer development. In experiments with MMTV-infected female mice, exposures to low levels of the Se-antagonistic elements As, Pb and Cd in the drinking water abolish the cancer-protecting effects of Se. At higher exposure levels, these elements may act as inhibitors or promotors of malignant transformation and tumor growth. These findings are of potential importance to human health as the contaminant levels of Se-antagonistic elements in foods and in the environment result in exposures which often significantly exceed the dietary Se intakes.

Title: Sao Paulo Medical Journal

Full Journal Title: Sao Paulo Medical Journal

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:

ISSN: 1516-3180


Journal Country



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

Impact Factor

? Grieger, M.C.A. (2005), Authorship: An ethical dilemma of science. Sao Paulo Medical Journal, 123 (5), 242-246.

Full Text: 2005\Sao Pau Med J123, 242.pdf

Abstract: CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: The scientific and technological progress that has taken place since the 1960s has brought an ever-growing volume of scientific research, and inflation in co-authorship. Over this period, it has been observed that an increasing number of publications have listed authors or co-authors whose participation in the published research was minimal or even nonexistent. The objective of this work was to analyze reports in the literature regarding misconduct in authorship: its types, chief causes, consequences and ethical guidelines, and to outline proposals for greater ethical commitment in scientific publication. DESIGN AND SETTING: Narrative review undertaken at Faculdade de Medicina de Itajubá, Minas Gerais, Brazil. METHODS: Analysis of publications about authorship using the Medline, Lilacs and SciELO databases. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Frequent types of misconduct were gift authorship and divided and redundant publications. The chief causes of these practices seem to be the pressure exerted by academia and the desire for social and professional development. Such factors have brought an increase in unethical behavior. This bias in science continues despite the criteria defined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, the Vancouver group. RECOMMENDATIONS: Various actions are proposed for educational institutions, research development agencies, regulatory agencies and professional associations. The aim is to establish an evaluation policy that gives primacy to the quality of publications and sets ethical principles for scientific research.

Keywords: Authorship, Ethics, Science, Scientific Misconduct, Publications

? Sass, N., Itamoto, C.H., Silva, M.P., Torloni, M.R. and Atallah, A.N. (2007), Does sodium nitroprusside kill babies? A systematic review. Sao Paulo Medical Journal, 125 (2), 108-111.

Full Text: 2007\Sao Pau Med J125, 108.pdf

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To determine whether sodium nitroprusside causes fetal death in pregnancies complicated with hypertension. DATA SOURCES: Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE; 1996 to 2003), Excerpta Medica (EMBASE; 1970 to 2003), Web of Science/Institute for Scientific Information (ISI; 1945 to 2003), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciencias da Saude (LILACS; 1982 to 2003) and the Cochrane Library. REVIEW METHODS: The medical subject headings used were “nitroprusside and pregnancy”, “hypertension or eclampsia or preeclampsia” and “nitroprusside and pregnancy and hypertensive emergencies”. The search was limited to humans and female gender, in all fields, publication types, languages and subsets. Articles were also identified by reviewing the references of articles and textbooks on hypertension and pregnancy. RESULTS: The search located nine studies. The sum of all the publications yielded a total of 22 patients and 24 exposed fetuses (two pairs of twins). There were no randomized clinical trials and no prospective cohorts. All of the studies were observational in nature. CONCLUSIONS: At present, there is insufficient evidence for definitive conclusions about any direct association between sodium nitroprusside use and fetal demise.

Keywords: Articles, Clinical Trials, Cochrane, Embase, Fetal Death, Fetal Mortality, Gender, High-Risk Pregnancy, Humans, Hypertension, ISI, Literature, Medical, Medline, Nitroprusside, Observational, Pregnancy, Publication, Publications, Randomized Clinical Trials, Review, Reviewing, Scientific Information, Systematic, Systematic Review, Textbooks, Twins

? Riera, R., de Soarez, P.C., Puga, M.E.D. and Ferraz, M.B. (2009), Lapatinib for treatment of advanced or metastasized breast cancer: Systematic review. Sao Paulo Medical Journal, 127 (5), 295-301.

Full Text: 2009\Sao Pau Med J127, 295.pdf

Abstract: Context and objective: Around 16% to 20% of women with breast cancer have advanced, metastasized breast cancer. At this stage, the disease is treatable, but not curable. The objective here was to assess the effectiveness of lapatinib for treating patients with advanced or metastasized breast cancer. Design and setting: Systematic review of the literature, developed at centro paulista de economia da saude (Cpes), Universidade federal de sao paulo (Unifesp). Method: Systematic review with searches in virtual databases (PUBMED, lilacs [Literatura latino-americana e do caribe em ciencias da saude], Cochrane library, scirus and Web of Science) and manual search. Results: Only one clinical trial that met the selection criteria was found. This study showed that lapatinib in association with capecitabine reduced the risk of cancer progression by 51% (95% Confidence interval, ci: 0.34-0.71; P < 0.001), Compared with capecitabine alone, without any increase in severe adverse effects. Conclusion: The combination of lapatinib plus capecitabine was more effective than capecitabine alone for reducing the risk of cancer progression. Further randomized clinical trials need to be carried out with the aim of assessing the effectiveness of lapatinib as monotherapy or in association for first-line or second-line treatment of advanced breast cancer.

Keywords: Adverse Effects, Antineoplastic Agents, Antineoplastic Protocols, Breast Cancer, Breast Neoplasms, Cancer, Chemotherapy, Clinical Trial, Clinical Trials, Cochrane, Databases, Disease, Effectiveness, Egfr Family, Gw572016, Inhibitor, Literature, Monotherapy, Progression, Randomized Clinical Trials, Receptor,Erbb-2, Review, Risk, Safety, Science, Single-Agent, Systematic, Systematic Review, Teach, Therapy, Trastuzumab, Treatment, Tykerb Evaluation, Web of Science, Women

? Riera, R. (2009), Designs of studies published in two Brazilian journals of orthopedics and sports medicine, recently indexed in the ISI Web of Science. Sao Paulo Medical Journal, 127 (6), 355-358.

Full Text: 2009\Sao Pau Med J127, 355.pdf

Abstract: CONTEXT and OBJECTIVE: The methodology and relevance of articles are among the keystones for promoting their citation and increasing journals’ impact factors. Study designs appropriate for answering the questions and adequate sample sizes have the aim of reducing the risk of bias. This study evaluated the articles published in two Brazilian journals of orthopedics and sports medicine that were recently indexed in the ISI Web of Science, regarding study design, sample size calculation, randomization and blinding. DESIGN and SETTING: Descriptive study at Brazilian Cochrane Center, METHODS: Through a manual search, all original manuscripts published in 2007 in Acta Ortopedica Brasileira and Revista Brasileira tie Medicine do Esporte were selected and evaluated. RESULTS: All the 60 articles published in Acta Ortopedica Brasileira and the 87 articles in Revista Brasileira de Medicine do Esporte were included and evaluated. The commonest design in Acta Ortopedica Brasileira was experimental studies (n = 19) and in Revista Brasileira de Medicine do Esporte, update or review articles (n = 14). Sample calculations were seen in a minority of the articles. None of the eight clinical trials published presented sample calculations or adequate randomization processes. Three were described as blinded, but none described the measures taken to prevent disclosure of the allocation concealment. CONCLUSIONS: Publication of studies of good methodological quality other than review and experimental studies should be strongly encouraged among Brazilian journals, with the aim of increasing their citation and therefore their impact factor.

Keywords: Bias, Citation, Clinical Trials, Cochrane, Context, Design, Disclosure, Impact, Impact Factor, Impact Factors, ISI, Isi Web of Science, Journal Impact Factor, Journals, Medicine, Methodology, Methods, Periodicals As Topic, Publications, Research Design, Review, Risk, Science, Sports, Web of Science

? Macedo, C.R., da Silva, D.L. and Puga, M.E. (2010), Methodological adequacy of articles published in two open-access Brazilian cardiology periodicals. Sao Paulo Medical Journal, 128 (2), 85-89.

Full Text: 2010\Sao Pau Med J128, 85.pdf

Abstract: CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: The use of rigorous scientific methods has contributed towards developing scientific articles of excellent methodological quality. This has made it possible to promote their citation and increase the impact factor. Brazilian periodicals have had to adapt to certain quality standards demanded by these indexing organizations, such as the content and the number of original articles published in each issue. This study aimed to evaluate the methodological adequacy of two Brazilian periodicals within the field of cardiology that are indexed in several databases and freely accessible through the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), and which are now indexed by the Web of Science (Institute for Scientific Information, ISI). DESIGN AND SETTING: Descriptive study at Brazilian Cochrane Center. METHODS: All the published articles were evaluated according to merit assessment (content) and form assessment (performance). RESULTS: Ninety-six percent of the articles analyzed presented study designs that were adequate for answering the objectives. CONCLUSIONS: These two Brazilian periodicals within the field of cardiology published methodologically adequate articles, since they followed the quality standards. Thus, these periodicals can be considered both for consultation and as vehicles for publishing future articles. For further analyses, it is essential to apply other indicators of scientific activity such as bibliometrics, which evaluates quantitative aspects of the production. dissemination and use of information, and scientometrics, which is also concerned with the development of science policies, within which it is often superimposed on bibliometrics.

Keywords: Access to Information, Bibliometrics, Cardiology, Disease, Epidemiologic Research Design, Heart, Impact Factor, Index, Individuals, Life, Methods, Publications, Risk, Scientometrics, Stenosis, Web, Web of Science

? Grimberg, A., Shigueoka, D.C., Atallah, A.N., Ajzen, S. and Iared, W. (2010), Diagnostic accuracy of sonography for pleural effusion: Systematic review. Sao Paulo Medical Journal, 128 (2), 90-95.

Full Text: 2010\Sao Pau Med J128, 90.pdf

Abstract: CONTEXT and OBJECTIVE: The initial method for evaluating the presence of pleural effusion was chest radiography. Isolated studies have shown that sonography has greater accuracy than radiography for this diagnosis; however, no systematic reviews on this matter are available in the literature. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of sonography in detecting pleural effusion, by means of a systematic review of the literature. DESIGN and SETTING: This was a systematic review with meta-analysis on accuracy studies. This study was conducted in the Department of Diagnostic Imaging and in the Brazilian Cochrane Center, Discipline of Emergency Medicine and Evidence-Based Medicine, Department of Medicine, Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (Unifesp), Sao Paulo, Brazil. METHOD: The following databases were searched: Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, Web of Science, EMBASE and Literatura Latino-Americana e do Carte em Ciencias da Saude (Lilacs). The references of relevant studies were also screened for additional citations of interest. Studies in which the accuracy of sonography for detecting pleural effusion was tested, with an acceptable reference standard (computed tomography or thoracic drainage), were included. RESULTS: Four studies were included. All of them showed that sonography had high sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for detecting pleural effusions. The mean sensitivity was 93% (95% confidence interval, CI: 89% to 96%), and specificity was 96% (95% CI: 95% to 98%). CONCLUSIONS: In different populations and clinical settings, sonography showed consistently high sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for detecting fluid in the pleural space.

Keywords: Accuracy, Brazil, Chest Radiography, Citations, Cochrane, Computed Tomography, Context, Critically-Ill Patients, Databases, Design, Diagnosis, Diagnostic Imaging, Interest, Literature, Meta-Analysis, Meta-Analysis [Publication Type], Pleural Effusion, Radiography, Rapid Detection, Review, Review [Publication Type], Science, Sensitivity, Sensitivity and Specificity, Specificity, Surgeon-Performed Ultrasonography, Systematic, Systematic Review, Systematic Reviews, Trauma Ultrasound Examination, Ultrasonography, Web of Science

? Torloni, M.R. and Riera, R. (2010), Design and level of evidence of studies published in two Brazilian medical journals recently indexed in the ISI Web of Science database. Sao Paulo Medical Journal, 128 (4), 202-205.

Full Text: 2010\Sao Pau Med J128, 202.pdf

Abstract: Context and objectives: The level of evidence and methodological quality of articles published in medical journals are important aids for clinicians in decision-making and also affect journals’ impact factor. Although systematic reviews (Sr) Are considered to represent the highest level of evidence, their methodological quality is not homogeneous and they need to be as carefully assessed as other types of study. This study aimed to assess the design and level of evidence of articles published in 2007, in two recently indexed brazilian journals (Clinics and revista da associacao medica brasileira), and to evaluate the methodological quality of the srs. Design and setting: Descriptive study developed in the brazilian cochrane center, universidade federal de sao paulo. Methods: All 289 published articles were classified according to types of study design and level of evidence. The srs were critically appraised by two evaluators using the amstar tool. Results: The most frequent design types were cross-sectional studies (39.9%), Case reports (15.8%), Experimental studies (10.8%) and narrative reviews (7.4%). According to the oxford criteria, 25.6% of the articles were classified as level 4 or 5 evidence, while 2.8% Were level 1. Srs represented only 2% of the published articles and their methodological quality scores were low. Conclusions: The main design types among the published papers were observational and experimental studies and narrative reviews. Srs accounted for a small proportion of the articles and had low methodological scores. Brazilian medical journals need to encourage publication of greater numbers of clinically relevant papers of high methodological quality.

Keywords: Anterior Cruciate Ligament, Care, Case Reports, Decision Making, Decision-Making, Design, Impact, Impact Factor, ISI, Isi Web of Science, Journal Article [Publication Type], Journal Impact Factor, Journals, Medical, Medical Journals, Metaanalysis, Methods, Observational, Papers, Periodicals As Topic, Publication, Reconstruction, Research Design, Review [Publication Type], Risk, Science, Systematic, Systematic Reviews, Web of Science

? Cabello, J.B., Burls, A., Emparanza, J.I., Bayliss, S. and Quinn, T. (2010), Oxygen therapy for acute myocardial infarction. Sao Paulo Medical Journal, 128 (6), 378.

Full Text: 2010\Sao Pau Med J128, 378.pdf

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Oxygen (O2) is widely recommended for patients with myocardial infarction yet a narrative review has suggested it may do more harm than good. Systematic reviews have concluded that there was insufficient evidence to know whether oxygen reduced, increased or had no effect on the heart ischaemia or infarct size. OBJECTIVE: To review the evidence from randomized controlled trials to establish whether routine use of inhaled oxygen in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) improves patient-centered outcomes, in particular pain and death. CRITERIA FOR CONSIDERING STUDIES FOR THIS REVIEW: The following bibliographic databases were searched (to the end of February 2010): Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library), MEDLINE, MEDLINE In-Process, EMBASE, CINAHL, Lilacs and PASCAL, British Library ZETOC, Web of Science ISI Proceedings. Experts were also contacted to identify any studies. No language restrictions were applied. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomized controlled trials of people with suspected or proven AMI, less than 24 hours after onset, in which the intervention was inhaled oxygen (at normal pressure) compared to air and regardless of co-therapies provided these were the same in both arms of the trial. DATA COLLECTION and ANALYSIS: Two review authors independently reviewed the titles and abstracts of identified studies to see if they met the inclusion criteria and independently undertook the data extraction. The quality of studies and the risk of bias were assessed according to guidance in the Cochrane Handbook. The primary outcomes were death, pain and complications. The measure of effect used was the relative risk (RR). MAIN RESULTS: Three trials involving 387 patients were included and 14 deaths occurred. The pooled RR of death was 2.88 (95% CI 0.88 to 9.39) in an intention-to-treat analysis and 3.03 (95% CI 0.93 to 9.83) in patients with confirmed AMI. While suggestive of harm, the small number of deaths recorded meant that this could be a chance occurrence. Pain was measured by analgesic use. The pooled RR for the use of analgesics was 0.97 (95% CI 0.78 to 1

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