Title: Scientia Silvae Sinicae
Full Journal Title: Scientia Silvae Sinicae
ISO Abbreviated Title:
JCR Abbreviated Title:
Journal Country
Publisher Address:
Subject Categories:
: Impact Factor
? Wu, H., Yue, B. and Shen, Q. (2005), Absorption of liquids in capillary and non-capillary of wood and the effects of liquid properties. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 41 (5), 106-109.
Full Text: 2005\Sci Sil Sin41, 106.pdf
Abstract: Applying water, formamide and diiodomethane, as probe liquids to penetrate into pine wood at its capillary and non-capillary sections, respectively, the\dynamic absorption models of wood had been deduced based on recorded absorption curves. Results showed that wood absorbs liquid in both capillary and non-capillary sections following three steps, i.e. both the initial and final steps followed the zero order adsorption rate, while the bulk step was complexly dominated by a first or second order adsorption rate. Moreover, it was also found that the viscosity, polarity and the Lewis acid-base interactions of liquids were main factors to influence wood absorption.
Keywords: Absorption, Adsorption, Adsorption Rate, Capillary, First, Liquid, Models, Second Order, Second-Order, Viscosity, Water, Wood
Title: Scientific American
Full Journal Title: Scientific American
ISO Abbreviated Title:
JCR Abbreviated Title:
Journal Country
Publisher Address:
Subject Categories:
: Impact Factor
Notes: highly cited
? Holland, J.H. (1992), Genetic algorithms. Scientific American, 267 (1), 66-72.
Full Text: 1992\Sci Ame267, 66.pdf
Howard, K. (2000), The bioinformatics gold rush. Scientific American, 283 (1), 58-63.
Full Text: S\Sci Ame283, 58.pdf
Title: Scientific Horticulture
Full Journal Title: Scientific Horticulture
ISO Abbreviated Title:
JCR Abbreviated Title:
ISSN: 0080-7737
Journal Country
Publisher Address:
Subject Categories:
Impact Factor
? Robertson, R.A. (1962), Peat - Its origin, properties and use in horticulture. Scientific Horticulture, 16 (6), 42-51.
(Sci. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc. Ser. A)
Full Journal Title: The Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society Series A
ISO Abbreviated Title:
JCR Abbreviated Title:
Journal Country
Publisher Address:
Subject Categories:
Impact Factor
Poots, V.J.P., McKay, G. and Healy, J.J. (1978), Basic dye adsorption on peat. The Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society Series A, 6 (6), 61-76.
Poots, V.J.P. and McKay, G. (1980), Flow characteristics and parameters relating to the use of peat and wood as cheap adsorbent materials for waste water purification. The Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society Series A, 6 (15), 409-440.
Title: Scientist
Full Journal Title: Scientist, Scientist
ISO Abbreviated Title: Scientist
JCR Abbreviated Title: Scientist
ISSN: 0890-3670
Issues/Year: 24
Journal Country United States
Language: English
Publisher: Scientist Inc
Publisher Address: 3600 Market St Suite 450, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Subject Categories:
Multidisciplinary Sciences: Impact Factor
? (1988), Superconductivity paper leads list of 1986 top 10 science articles. Scientist, 2 (12), 19.
Full Text: 1988\Scientist2, 19.pdf
Keywords: Articles, Jun, Science
? Pendlebury, D. (1988), The 4 most cited papers - Magic in these methods. Scientist, 2 (15), 15.
Full Text: 1988\Scientist2, 15.pdf
Keywords: Methods
? (1990), Most-cited scientists - Researchers ranked 51-100 for the periods 1965-78 and 1973-84. Scientist, 4 (6), 22.
Full Text: 1990\Scientist4, 22.pdf
Keywords: Researchers, Scientists
? (1990), Most-cited scientists - Researchers ranked 151-200 for the periods 1965-78 and 1973-84. Scientist, 4 (10), 24.
Full Text: 1990\Scientist4, 24.pdf
Keywords: Researchers, Scientists
? Mccarthy, P. (1990), Hawaiian cancer warriors lead research in pacific: A university facility looks for tropical medicines while its epidemiology program tries to link disease and life-style. Scientist, 4 (12), 1-??.
Full Text: 1990\Scientist4, 1.pdf
? (1990), Most-cited scientists - Researchers ranked 201-250 for the periods 1965-78 and 1973-84. Scientist, 4 (12), 20.
Full Text: 1990\Scientist4, 20.pdf
Keywords: Researchers, Scientists
? Pendlebury, D. (1990), Citation superstars of NIH - Most-cited scientists, 1981-88. Scientist, 4 (13), 14-??.
Full Text: 1990\Scientist4, 14.pdf
Keywords: Citation, Scientists
? (1990), Most cited scientists - Researchers ranked 451-500 for the periods 1965-78 and 1973-84. Scientist, 4 (23), 18
Full Text: 1990\Scientist4, 18.pdf
Keywords: Researchers, Scientists
? Webb, T.D. (1994), Societies aid in large-scale effort to support Russian science. Scientist, 8 (2), 3.
Full Text: 1994\Scientist8, 3.pdf
? Emsley, J. (1994), Citation analysis reveals organic-chemistry most active research (Reprinted from Science-Watch, Vol 4, Pg 7, 1993). Scientist, 8 (5), 15.
Full Text: 1994\Scientist8, 15.pdf
Abstract: Organic chemistry’s top-cited papers: The newsletter science watch recently examined the most-referenced papers in organic chemistry, a subdiscipline that employs a substantial number of research chemists.
Keywords: Research
? Moore, P.D. (1994), Oceanic plants are at the root of ecologys most-cited studies (Reprinted from Science-Watch, June, 1994). Scientist, 8 (23), 15.
Full Text: 1994\Scientist8, 15.pdf
Abstract: Biological oceanography led a recent study of the citation records of ecology and environmental sciences articles, reported in the newsletter Science Watch.
Keywords: Citation, Environmental, Environmental Sciences, Oceanography, Science, Sciences
? (1995), Citation analysis identifies 1994s most-cited authors, hottest topics (Reprinted from Science-Watch, Feb 1995). Scientist, 9 (11), 13-14.
Full Text: 1995\Scientist9, 13.pdf
Abstract: Last year’s most cited authors and “hottest” topics were identified through citation analysis in a recent issue of the newsletter Science Watch, reprinted here.
Keywords: Analysis, Authors, Citation, Citation Analysis, Science, Topics
? (1996), Most-cited research articles, top ‘hot paper’ authors of 1995. Scientist, 10 (11), 13-??.
Abstract: What’s Hot, Who’s Hot: The hottest scientists of 1995 as well as last year’s hottest papers were identified in a recent article in the newsletter Science Watch, reprinted here.
Keywords: Articles, Research, Science
Garfield, E. (1997), Dispelling a few common myths about journal citation impacts. Scientist, 11 (3), 11.
Full Text: S\Scientist11, 11.pdf
? (1997), Identifying 1996’s most-cited articles and hottest authors. Scientist, 11 (8), 10.
Full Text: 1997\Scientist11, 10.pdf
Abstract: THE hottest of ‘96: Last year’s most-cited research articles and the authors who have fielded the most “hot” papers are identified in a report from the newsletter Science Watch, reprinted here.
Keywords: Authors, Papers, Research, Science
Garfield, E. (1998), Long-Term vs. Short-Term Journal Impact: Does it matter? Scientist, 12 (3), 10.
Full Text: S\Scientist12, 10.pdf
Garfield, E. (1998), Long-Term vs Short-Term Impact: Part II. Cumulative Impact Factors. Scientist, 12 (14), 12.
Full Text: S\Scientist12, 12.pdf
? Garfield, E. (1999), Acknowledge Web posting is not prior publication. Scientist, 13 (12), 12.
Full Text: 1999\Scientist13, 12.pdf
? Garfield, E. (2000), Why is the engineer so different from the Scientist? Scientist, 14 (6), 4.
Full Text: 2000\Scientist14, 4-1.pdf
? Garfield, E. (2000), Foreign language editorials should be translated for the Web. Scientist, 14 (9), 6.
Full Text: 2000\Scientist14, 6.pdf
? Garfield, E. (2000), The evolution of ‘hot papers’. Scientist, 14 (14), 4.
Full Text: 2000\Scientist14, 4.pdf
Keywords: Scientific Discovery
? Garfield, E. (2002), Demand citation vigilance. Scientist, 16 (2), 6.
Full Text: 2002\Scientist16, 6.pdf
? Garfield, E. (2002), Highly cited authors. Scientist, 16 (7), 10.
Full Text: 2002\Scientist16, 10.pdf
? Garfield, E. (2002), Fast-breaking hot papers. Scientist, 16 (8), 10.
Full Text: 2002\Scientist16, 10-1.pdf
? Grimwade, A. and Garfield, E. (2002), The Scientist on the Web. Scientist, 16 (16), 10.
Full Text: 2002\Scientist16, 10-2.pdf
? (2005), The h-index. Scientist, 19 (20), 24.
Full Text: 2005\Scientist19, 24.pdf
Keywords: h Index, h-Index
? Egghe, L. (2006), How to improve the h-index. Scientist, 20 (3), 15.
Full Text: 2006\Scientist20, 15.pdf
Keywords: h Index, h-Index
? Vanclay, J.K. (2006), Refining the h-index. Scientist, 20 (7), 14-15.
Full Text: 2006\Scientist20, 14.pdf
Keywords: h Index, h-Index
? Wiley, S. (2009), Don’t fight to be cited forget science and cell: Submit your papers to the journals read by your grant reviewers. Scientist, 23 (1), 25.
Full Text: 2009\Scientist23, 25.pdf
Keywords: Journals, Papers
? Wachtel, M. (2010), Retracted: Highly Cited Paper. Scientist, 24 (6), 19.
Full Text: 2010\Scientist24, 19.pdf
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