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Title: World Journal of Surgery

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Title: World Journal of Surgery

Full Journal Title: World Journal of Surgery

ISO Abbreviated Title: World J.Surg.

JCR Abbreviated Title: World J Surg

ISSN: 0364-2313

Issues/Year: 6

Journal Country/Territory: United States

Language: English

Publisher: Springer Verlag

Publisher Address: 175 Fifth Ave, New York, NY 10010

Subject Categories:

Surgery: Impact Factor 1.601, 46/139 (2005)

Trinca, G.W. (1992), Road trauma prevention: Perspectives. World Journal of Surgery, 16 (3), 370-373.

Full Text: 1992\Wor J Sur16, 370.pdf

Abstract: Road trauma is a major public health problem in all motorized societies. Doctors who treat casualities must commit themselves not only to providing optimum care but to becoming equally involved in the epidemiological and sociological aspects of road trauma prevention. The prevention of trauma requires a threefold approach: prevent the crash, prevent injury in the crash, and prevent injury aggravation after the crash. Strategies and program options to implement them have been formulated to reduce traffic injury. These strategies are exposure control, crash prevention, injury control, behavior modification, and post-crash trauma management. The combined experience of war injuries and road trauma has lead to major advances in investigation technology and management procedures and far less costly efforts directed at road trauma prevention. The balance between prevention on the one hand and investigation and procedure on the other needs to be addressed. Productive research adequately funded is essential if prevention initiatives are to succeed in reducing the incidence of highway death and injury.

Keywords: Injury

Izutani, R., Katoh, M., Asano, S., Ohyanagi, H. and Hirose, K. (1996), Enhanced expression of manganese superoxide-dismutase messenger-RNA and increased tnf- messenger-RNA expression by gastric-mucosa in gastric-cancer. World Journal of Surgery, 20 (2), 228-233.

Full Text: W\Wor J Sur20, 228.pdf

Abstract: Manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD), a mitochondrial enzyme, is a cytokine-regulated acute-phase protein that protects cells from free radicals. The current investigations examined the in vivo regulation of the expression of Mn-SOD mRNA and tumor necrosis factor  (TNF ) mRNA in gastric carcinoma tissue. The expression of these transcripts in breast carcinoma tissue also was examined because breast cancer is a much more TNF-sensitive tumor than gastric cancer. TNF  mRNA was markedly increased in gastric carcinoma tissue (p < 0.005). There were significantly higher levels of Mn-SOD mRNA in gastric carcinoma tissue than in noncancerous tissue (p < 0.0001). The level of Mn-SOD mRNA in gastric carcinoma tissue was higher than that in breast carcinoma tissue (p < 0.005). Up-regulation of Mn-SOD mRNA in gastric carcinoma tissue most likely serves as a protective mechanism against superoxide radicals and TNF cytotoxicity.

Keywords: Tumor-Necrosis-Factor, Human-Fibroblasts, Cytotoxicity, Induction, Cells, Interleukin-1, Lymphotoxin, Carcinoma, Genes, RNA

? Paladugu, R., Schein, M., Gardezi, S. and Wise, L. (2002), One hundred citation classics in general surgical journals. World Journal of Surgery, 26 (9), 1099-1105.

Full Text: 2002\Wor J Sur26, 1099.pdf

Abstract: The number of times an article is cited in scientific journals reflects its impact on a specific biomedical field or specialty and reflects the impact of the authors’ creativity. Our objective was to identify, and analyze the characteristics of the 100 most frequently cited articles published in journals dedicated to general surgery and its close subspecialties. Using the database (1945-1995) of the Science Citation Index of the Institute for Scientific Information. 1500 articles cited 100 times and more were identified and the top 100 articles selected for further analysis. The 100 articles were published between 1931 and 1990. with more than two-thirds of them published after 1960. The mean number of citations per article was 405, (range 278-1013). Altogether, 84 of the articles originated from North America (USA 78, Canada 6) and the UK (12). New York State led the list of U.S. states with 14, and Harvard and Columbia University led the list of institutions with 6 articles each. The 100 articles were published in 10 surgical journals led by the Annals of Surgery (n = 40), followed by Surgery (n = 15), Archives of Surgery (n = 12), Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics (n = 11), and British Journal of Surgery (n = 10). A total of 86 of the articles reported clinical experiences, 6 were clinical review articles, and 14 dealt with basic science. Eighteen articles reported a new surgical technique and six a prosthetic device. Gastrointestinal surgery and trauma and critical care led the list of the surgical fields, each with 25 articles, followed by vascular surgery (n = 15). Thirty-four persons authored two or more of the top-cited articles. This list of the top-cited papers identifies seminal contributions and their originators, facilitating the understanding and discourse of modern surgical history and offering surgeons hints about what makes a contribution a ‘top-cited classic,’ To produce such a ‘classic’ the surgeon and his or her group must come up with a clinical or nonclinical innovation, observation, or discovery that has a long-standing effect on the way we practice-be it operative or nonoperative. Based on our findings, to be well cited such a contribution should be published in the English language in a high-impact journal. Moreover, it is more likely to resonant loudly if it originates from a North American or British ‘ivory tower.’.

Keywords: Impact

? Jiménez, R.E., Gutiérrez, A.R. and Benitez, I.M. (2003), Methodologic requirements for assessing surgical procedures in current medical literature. World Journal of Surgery, 27 (2), 229-233.

Full Text: 2003\Wor J Sur27, 229.pdf

Abstract: Even though, in theory, a new surgical technique should traverse all the stages established for drugs before being introduced into medical practice, it is suspected that many surgical procedures are utilized without having rigorously evaluated their efficacy and safety. With the aim of identifying the methodologic aspects currently employed for assessing new surgical procedures, a descriptive bibliographic study was carried out. Altogether, 75 journal articles published from 1996 to 1998 were reviewed. The papers must have come from studies carried out with the expressed objective of evaluating a surgical procedure and were selected through MEDLINE or directly from six prestigious medical journals (three specifically surgical and three general). Of the reviewed articles, 47% were retrospective studies, and the rest were prospective studies. More than 40% of the retrospective studies omitted some basic methodologic features, namely a description of the patients’ source or a definition of the inclusion criteria. Among the 41 prospective articles, only 35 used a control group and 15 did not employ random allocation. Other basic issues, such as the sample size or inclusion of prognostic factors in the analysis, were present in fewer than 50% of the articles. It seems there is consensus about admitting that rigorous assessment of new surgical treatments should be an unavoidable condition before introducing such treatment into practice. The facts demonstrate that this principle is not being followed.

Keywords: Allocation, Analysis, Assessing, Assessment, Consensus, Control, Criteria, Drugs, Efficacy, General, Journal, Journal Articles, Journals, Literature, Medical, Medical Journals, Medical Literature, Medical Practice, MEDLINE, Papers, Patients, Practice, Procedure, Procedures, Prognostic Factors, Prospective, Prospective Studies, Retrospective Studies, Safety, Sample Size, Size, Source, Surgical Procedure, Surgical Procedures, Surgical Technique, Theory, Treatment

? Koo, M., Kim, J.H., Kim, J.S., Lee, J.E., Nam, S.J. and Yang, J.H. (2011), Cases and literature review of breast sparganosis. World Journal of Surgery, 35 (3), 573-579.

Full Text: 2011\Wor J Sur35, 573.pdf

Abstract: Sparganosis is a seldom encountered disease of the breast. Based on the results of previous studies and our own experience, we investigated the clinical characteristics of breast sparganosis. Four patients who were treated for breast sparganosis at Samsung Medical Center were included in the study, and additional data were retrieved from the Index Medicus and the Science Citation Index (SCI). The Korean Medical (KM) database and the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE) database were searched to include information from Korean journals that is not included in international citation indexes. Among 35 patients, 8 (32%) had a record of oral ingestion of an intermediary host. All patients presented with a breast mass, with migration in 6 cases (25%) and pain or an itching sensation in 6 cases (25%). Elongated tubular structures were found in the subcutaneous layer in 22 cases (88%) during radiologic exam. All patients underwent complete surgical excision. Twenty-seven of 29 (93.1%) patients’ spargana was separated and confirmed grossly. Histologically, granulomatous inflammation was the most common feature. A single worm was extracted in 16 cases (76.2%) and 5 cases (23.8%) had multiple worms. Sparganosis tends to present as a suspicious mass in the subcutaneous layer of the breast. Complete surgical excision is the treatment of choice, with careful postoperative surveillance.

Keywords: Characteristics, Choice, Citation, Citation Indexes, Clinical, Data, Database, Disease, Editors, Experience, Feature, Host, Inflammation, Information, International, Itching, Journal, Journals, Literature, Mar, Migration, Oral, Pain, Patients, Postoperative, Record, SCI, Science, Science Citation Index, Surveillance, Treatment

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