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Title: World Patent Information

Full Journal Title: World Patent Information

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ISSN: 1064-8429


Journal Country/Territory:

Language: English

Publisher: Primedia Business Magazines & Media Inc.

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: Impact Factor

Carpenter, M.P. and Narin, F. (1983), Validation study: Patent citations as indicators of science and foreign dependence. World Patent Information, 5 (3), 180-185.

Full Text: W\Wor Pat Inf5, 180.pdf

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to test whether the distribution of citations from issued U.S. patents could be used to measure the science dependence and the foreign dependence of patented technologies. The citations considered were front page references from U.S. patents citing to U.S. and foreign patents, to research papers and to other publications. Rankings based on the number of citations per patent to the scientific literature were compared to peer rankings of the science dependence of the technologies. Rankings based on the number of citations to foreign origin material, including foreign origin U.S. patents, foreign patents and foreign priority statements, were compared to peer rankings of the foreign dependence of the technological areas.

For the analysis a total of 24 technologies were chosen. Twelve of these were judged in advance to be science dependent and twelve were judged in advance to be foreign dependent. A peer group of 19 high level R&D managers was asked to rank all 24 technologies in terms of both their science and their foreign dependence. The bibliometric rankings of the technologies, based on their citations, were then compared with the peer rankings of the technologies.

Overall, a high degree of agreement was found between the experts’ opinion as to the science and foreign dependence of the areas and the corresponding bibliometric rankings. For example, the eight technologies judged most science dependent by experts averaged 0.92 cites per patent to scientific journal papers, while the eight technologies judged least science dependent had only 0.05 references per patent to journal papers. Similarly, large and statistically significant differences were found in the number of cites to foreign origin material for the eight technologies judged most foreign dependent by the experts when compared with the eight technologies judged least foreign dependent by the experts. These findings provide support for the hypothesis that patent citation data can be used in technological indicators development, and in technological policy analysis. They imply that citation-based location and analysis of science and foreign dependent technologies is a valid research tool when applied to the U.S. patent system.

Garg, K.C., Karki, M.M.S. and Krishnan Marg, K.S. (1988), Bibliometric study of world literature on patents. World Patent Information, 10 (4), 237-242.

Full Text: W\Wor Pat Inf10, 237.pdf

Abstract: Some bibiliometric characteristics of the literature on patents have been studied. The period considered is 1900 to 1980. Data have been analysed into the types of publications, i.e.books, conference proceedings, reports, journals, etc. and grouped under four broad categories. Language-wise distribution of the publication data has been done to find out the pattern of distribution in different languages. Journal-wise distribution of articles has been studied to find out the pattern of authorship as well as the most prolific authors. The growth of the literature on patents was found exponential in nature. It follows Bradford’s law, with the `core’ comprising nine journals containing 33% of the literature.

Lamus, J.F. (1997), Evaluation of the rank command as a tool for the bibliometric analysis. World Patent Information, 19 (1), 83-84.

Full Text: W\Wor Pat Inf19, 83.pdf

Abstract: The paper describes the techniques used in the evaluation of the rank command available in the Dialog System, as a tool for bibliometric analysis to be applied to the patent documents in area of horizontal drilling, of the World Patent Index database. This command can show statistical trends from the search results, which were analyzed during 1980-1994. Fields were selected according to the type of information required, countries, companies and researchers with the major R&D efforts in the horizontal drilling technology, and the most cited patent was analyzed. The analysis of selected fields indicates the possibility of combining and ordering alphabetically and decreasingly the partial results of the rank command. Likewise, it is possible to obtain the desired records in a continuous manner and to work at the same time with two of the options mentioned. With regard to some of the limitations, this command can be only applied to certain fields of the database and not to two fields simultaneously.

Karki, M.M.S. (1997), Patent citation analysis: A policy analysis tool. World Patent Information, 19 (4), 269-272.

Full Text: W\Wor Pat Inf19, 269.pdf

Abstract: Patent citation analysis is a recent development which uses bibliometric techniques to analyse the wealth of patent citation information. This paper describes the various facets of patent citations and patent citation studies, and their important applications. Construction of technology indicators being an important use of patent citations, various patent citation based technological indicators and their applications are also described.

Gupta, V.K. and Pangannaya, N.B. (2000), Carbon nanotubes: Bibliometric analysis of patents. World Patent Information, 22 (3), 185-189.

Full Text: W\Wor Pat Inf22, 185.pdf

Abstract: Patents are rich sources of technical and commercial information. Bibliometric analysis of patents provides information on the nature and growth of the inventive activity, its international comparison, the active players from industry, academia and government, co-inventorship, linkages with science, and technological trends. The present paper highlights the results of such a study in the area of carbon nanotubes. The analysis indicates that first patents were filed immediately after the discovery of the carbon nanotubes. The researchers at Nippon Electric Company (NEC) have been most active in the field. There is considerable thrust on patenting in the area of synthesis or processes for production of the carbon nanotubes. The technological trends indicate the possibilities of applications in the areas of nano test tubes, nanoelectronics, and polymer and composite materials.

? Gress, B. (2010), Properties of the USPTO patent citation network: 1963–2002. World Patent Information, 32 (1), 3-21.

Full Text: 2010\Wor Pat Inf32, 3.pdf

Abstract: The network of patent citations is a collection of clumps of citations between closely related patents, with the largest clumps being defined by patent technology categories. The exchange of citations between these groups evolves over time and reveals technological trends. By using USPTO data and considering the evolution of backwards- and forwards-, and intra- and inter-citations, conclusions about the generality, originality, and productivity of patents and technology categories can be drawn.

Keywords: USPTO, Patent Citation Network, Technology Categories, Network Analysis, Technology Productivity, Patent Originality, Citation Trade, Disequilibrium Citation Rates, Citation Conservation

? Gress, B. (2010), Literature listing. World Patent Information, 32 (1), 81-87.

Full Text: 2010\Wor Pat Inf32, 81.pdf

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