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Title: Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift

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Title: Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift

Full Journal Title: Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift

ISO Abbreviated Title: Wien. Klin. Wochen.

JCR Abbreviated Title: Wien Klin Wochenschr

ISSN: 0043-5325

Issues/Year: 24

Journal Country/Territory: Austria

Language: English

Publisher: Springer-Verlag Wien

Publisher Address: Sachsenplatz 4-6, PO Box 89, A-1201 Vienna, Austria

Subject Categories:

Medicine, General & Internal: Impact Factor

? Majer, E.H. and Bischko, J. (1972), Experience in acupuncture analgesia in otorhinolaryngology. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 84 (49), 798-??.

? Roschal, H., Lang, B. and Hell, E. (1992), Effects of surgery for morbid-obesity on physical and mental state of health. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 104 (15), 467-473.

Abstract: More than 400 patients with morbid obesity were treated surgically in our unit over the past 18 years. Three different methods (intestinal bypass, biliointestinal shunt and vertical banded gastroplasty) were used. In order to assess any postoperative increase in life quality and to compare the three different techniques, 25 matched patients from each group were followed up and the findings compared with a group of non-operated morbidly obese persons. Psychological tests were also supplied. Irrespective of the technique performed a significant increase in quality of life was obtained in 75% of the cases.

Keywords: Death, Bariatric Operations, Postoperative Life Quality

? Navarro, F.A. (1996), The language of medicine in Austria (1920-1995). Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 108 (12), 363-369.

Abstract: The objective of this study was to perform a citation analysis of the frequency of the various languages used in the bibliographical references of the original articles published in the Wiener klinische Wochenschrift during the past 75 years (1920-1995). The languages of publication were recorded of 14, 667 references from 800 original papers, at the rate of 50 articles per year at intervals of five years. The percentage of references in German remained constant until 1946, but has been decreasing progressively since that time: 87% in 1920, 84% in 1946, 51% in 1970, and 20% in 1995. The percentage of references in English, on the other hand, has continued to increase, especially since 1946: 3% in 1920, 9% in 1946, 41% in 1970, and 79% in 1995. Even though the importance of English started to increase as from 1946, it did not supplant German as the main language of medicine in Austria until 1980 (thirty years later than usually accepted up to now).

Keywords: Austria, English, German, Language, Bibliographical References, Scientific Activity, English, Science

? Garfield, E. (2002), The impact factor of Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 114 (5-6), 236.

Full Text: Wie Kli Woc114, 236.pdf

? Garfield, E. (2002), The impact factor of Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 114 (19-20), 881.

Full Text: Wie Kli Woc114, 881.pdf

Title: Wildlife Society Bulletin

Full Journal Title: Wildlife Society Bulletin

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:

ISSN: 0091-7648


Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Krausman, P.R., Morgart, J.R. and Rosenstock, S.S. (2003), Comments and replies to published papers: Advancing science or unnecessary quibbles? Wildlife Society Bulletin, 31 (1), 208-211.

Full Text: 2003\Wil Soc Bul31, 208.pdf

Abstract: Comments and replies to published articles are often ignored. We examined use of comments and replies by the scientific community and rated their values. We examined comments and replies from 3 journals, covering 1990 through 2001, rated them as positive or unnecessary, and used Science Citation Index to compare the number of times each was cited. We examined 30 exchanges (i.e., original paper, comment, and reply or replies); 19 (63%) were classified as unnecessary. There also was a marked difference in how exchanges were received by the scientific community. Original papers, comments, and replies were cited 476, 104, and 80 times, respectively. Authors, editors, and reviewers should more carefully review submissions to increase the number of useful comments and replies. Comments and replies should receive as much scrutiny as original papers and should be peer-reviewed.

Keywords: Authors, Biodiversity Conservation, Comments, Community, Comparative Breeding Ecology, Coopers-Hawks, Desert Bighorn Sheep, Environmental Sciences, Exurban Areas, Inbreeding Depression, Journals, National-Wildlife-Refuge, Natural-Resources, Papers, Peer-Reviewed, Power Analysis, Referees, Replies, Review, Science, Science Citation Index

Title: Wirtschaftsinformatik

Full Journal Title: Wirtschaftsinformatik

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:



Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Schlogl, C. (2003), Mapping the intellectual structure of information management. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 45 (1), 7-16.

Abstract: In this paper, the main dimensions of information management are analysed by means of, author cocitation. The article is structured as Wows: After a short introduction, the method used in the study will be described. This will be followed by. the structure of the study. According to the results of the analysis, a distinction can be made between technology-oriented and information-oriented information management approaches. Technology-oriented approaches deal primarily with the efficient and effective use of computer-based information systems. They are in the domains of Management Information Systems (MIS) and business informatics. Information-oriented approaches focus mainly on information, with special attention given to its transfer and use. The design of computer-based information systems is practically ignored by these approaches, which are in the field of information science.

Keywords: 1980s, Analysis, Author Cocitation Analysis, Author Cocitation Analysis, Business Informatics, Co-Citation Analysis, Cocitation, Field, Informatics, Information Management, Information Science, Information Systems, Information-Oriented Information Management Approaches, Intellectual Structure, Management, Mis, Needs, Resource-Management, Science, Scientific Literature, Scientometrics, Space, Systems, Technology-Oriented Information Management Approaches

? Resch, A. and Schlogl, C. (2004), Business informatics from the perspective of its main publication organ. A scientometric analysis of the journal Wirtschaftsinformatik/Angewandte Informatik. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 46 (4), 302-310.

Abstract: This paper presents a scientometric analysis of the journal WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK / Angewandte Informatik. For this purpose, a total of 23 volumes of the journal were analysed manually. The analysis focuses on the level of the journal, the articles and the authors, as well as the institutions of the authors and the references.

Keywords: Analysis, Angewandte Informatik, Applied Informatics, Authors, Business Informatics, Citation Analysis, Informatics, Institutions, Journal, Journal Analysis, Library, of-the-Art, Publication, Purpose, References, Science, Scientometric, Scientometric Analysis, Scientometrics, Wirtschaftsinformatik

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