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Title: World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology

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Title: World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology

Full Journal Title: World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology

ISO Abbreviated Title: World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol.

JCR Abbreviated Title: World J Microb Biot

ISSN: 0959-3993

Issues/Year: 6

Journal Country/Territory: Netherlands

Language: English

Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publ

Publisher Address: Spuiboulevard 50, PO Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, Netherlands

Subject Categories:

Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology: Impact Factor 0.445, 105/131 (2001), Impact Factor 0.498, 105/131 (2002), Impact Factor 0.516, 104/132 (2003), Impact Factor 0.478, 110/133 (2004); Impact Factor 0.634, 112/139 (2005); Impact Factor 0.745, 115/138 (2007); Impact Factor 1.082, 110/152 (2009)

? Hsu, J.P. and Chiang, T.Y. (1991), Removal of cadmium ions in waste-water through biosorption. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 7 (5), 571-572.

Full Text: 1991\Wor J Mic Bio7, 571.pdf

Abstract: Cadmium ions in wastewater can be removed by biosorption on to Acinetobacter calca var. antratus, isolated from a wastewater sample from a copper refinery. There are two equilibrium states: the first, which is reached quickly, is probably direct adsorption, and the second may be due to the release of ion adsorption materials by lysed cells.

Ariff, A.B., Mel, M., Hasan, M.A. and Karim, M.I.A. (1999), The kinetics and mechanism of lead(II) biosorption by powderized Rhizopus oligosporus. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 15 (2), 291-298.

Full Text: W\Wor J Mic Bio15, 291.pdf

Abstract: The kinetics and mechanism of lead biosorption by powderized Rhizopus oligosporus were studied using shake flask experiment. The optimum biomass concentration and initial solution pH for lead sorption at initial lead concentrations ranging from 50-200 mg/l was obtained at 0.5 g/l and pH5, respectively. In term of the ratio of initial lead concentration to biomass concentration ratio, the highest lead adsorption was obtained at 750 mg/g which gave the maximum lead uptake capacity of 126 mg/g. The experimental data of lead sorption by R. oligosporus fitted well to the Langmuir sorption isotherm model, indicating that the sorption was similar to that for an ion-exchange resin. This means that the sorption is a single layer metal adsorption that occurred as a molecular surface coverage. This assumption was confirmed by the examination of lead sorption using transmission electron microscope and energy dispersive X-ray analysis, which showed that during sorption most of the lead was adsorbed on the surface of cell.

Keywords: Adsorption, Cadmium, Biomass, Arrhizus, Binding, Uranium, Metals, Cells

Aloysius, R., Karim, M.I.A. and Ariff, A.B. (1999), The mechanism of cadmium removal from aqueous solution by nonmetabolizing free and immobilized live biomass of Rhizopus oligosporus. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 15 (5), 571-578.

Full Text: W\Wor J Mic Bio15, 571.pdf

Abstract: A preliminary study on the removal of cadmium by nonmetabolizing live biomass of Rhizopus oligosporus from aqueous solution is presented. The equilibrium of the process was in all cases well described by the Langmuir sorption isotherm, suggesting that the process was a chemical, equilibrated and saturable mechanism which reflected the predominantly site-specific mechanism on the cell surface. A curve of Scatchard transformation plots reflected the covalent nature of Cd2+ adsorption by the cells. The maximum cadmium uptake capacities were 34.25 mg/g for immobilized cells and 17.09 mg/g for free cells. Some factorial experiments in shake flasks were performed in order to investigate the effect of different initial cadmium concentrations and biomass concentrations on the equilibrium. Experimental results showed a reverse trend of the influence of the immobilized and free biomass concentration on the cadmium specific uptake capacity. The immobilized cells had a higher specific cadmium uptake capacity with increasing biomass concentrations compared to free cells. In a bioreactor, the cadmium uptake capacity of immobilized cells (qmax = 30.1-37.5 mg/g) was similar to that observed in shake flask experiments (qmax = 34.25 mg/g) whereas with free cells the bioreactor qmax of 4.8-13.0 mg/g, was much lower than in shake flasks (qmax = 17.09 mg/g), suggesting that cadmium biosorption by immobilized cells of R. oligosporus might be further improved in bigger reactors. EDAX and transmission electron microscopic experiments on the fungal biomass indicated that the presence of Cd2+ sequestrated to the cell wall was due to bioadsorption.

Keywords: Biomass, Biosorption, Cadmium, Fungi, Immobilized, Rhizopus Oligosporus, Biosorption, Accumulation, Uranium, Biotechnology, Sorption, Metals, Zinc, pH

? Karna, R.R., Uma, L., Subramanian, G. and Mohan, P.M. (1999), Biosorption of toxic metal ions by alkali-extracted biomass of a marine cyanobacterium, Phormidium valderianum BDU 30501. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 15 (6), 729-732.

Full Text: 1999\Wor J Mic Bio15, 729.pdf

Abstract: Alkali-extracted biomass of Phormidium valderianum BDU 30501, a marine filamentous, non-heterocystous cyanobacterium adsorbed more than 90% of cadmium ions from solutions containing 0.1-40 mM. Cadmium binding accounted up to 18% of biomass weight (w/w). The algal biosorbent was also efficient is sequestering metal ions (Cd2+, Co2+, Cu2+, Ni2+) from a mixture. Biosorbent placed in dialysis tubing could concentrate Cd2+ (50-65%) from 1 l solution (10 and 100 ppm) at equilibrium. Biosorbent immobilized in polyvinyl foam also removed cadmium and cobalt efficiently, but required longer contact times (24 h). Most of the bound metal ions (> 80%) could be desorbed with 0.1 M HCl or EDTA, while other reagents were less efficient in the order: H2SO4 > NH4Cl > CaCl2 > Na2SO4 > KSCN > KCl > NH4OH > NaHCO3. The regenerated biosorbent retained 80% of the initial binding capacity for Cd2+ and 50% binding capacity for Co2+ up to three cycles of reuse. Infrared spectra of the biosorbent preparation suggested carboxyl groups to be the primary sites for metal binding.

Keywords: Alga, Biosorbent, Biosorbent, Biosorption, Cobalt, Metal Ions, Neurospora-Crassa, Phormidium Valderianum, Removal

Dias, M.A., Castro, H.F., Pimentel, P.F., Gomes, N.C.M., Rosa, C.A. and Linardi, V.R. (2000), Removal of heavy metals from stainless steel effluents by waste biomass from Brazilian alcoholic beverage production. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 16 (1), 107-108.

Full Text: W\Wor J Mic Bio16, 107.pdf

Abstract: The capacity of waste biomasses from sugar-cane aguardente, a traditional Brazilian spirit, for metal biosorption was assessed. Free biomass and biomass immobilized onto chitin and Dowex (ion-exchange resin) were utilized to remove chromium, iron and nickel from both synthetic solutions and stainless steel effluents. The best performance in terms of metalsorbed was observed in with free biomass, with the following adsorption capacity: 70% chromium, 50% iron and 20% nickel at pH 4.0.

Keywords: Aguardente, Biomass, Biomass Immobilized, Biosorption, Heavy Metal

Pradhan, S. and Rai, L.C. (2000), Optimization of flow rate, initial metal ion concentration and biomass density for maximum removal of Cu2+ by immobilized Microcystis. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 16 (6), 579-584.

Full Text: W\Wor J Mic Bio16, 579.pdf

Abstract: The potential of alginate-immobilized Microcystis packed in a column for maximum removal of Cu2+ at different flow rates, biomass, and initial metal ion concentration was assessed in a continuous flow system. Although Cu2+ removal did occur at all the flow rates tested, it was maximum (54%) at 0.75 ml min-1 flow rate, 30 µg ml-1 initial metal ion concentration and 0.016 g biomass. Cu2+ removal was influenced by inlet metal ion concentration and biomass density. An increase in the biomass concentration from 0.016 to 0.128 g resulted in an apparent increase in percentage removal but the Cu2+ adsorbed per unit dry wt. declined. When the flow rate (0.75 ml min-1) and biomass density (0.064 g) were kept constant and the inlet metal ion concentration was varied from 10 to 150 µg ml-1, a 68% removal of Cu2+ was obtained at 50 µg ml-1 initial concentration in a time duration of 15 min. The metal-laden columns were efficiently desorbed and regenerated following elution with double distilled water (DDW) (pH 2) (89%). This was followed by 1 mm EDTA > 1 mm NTA > 0.1 mm EDTA > 1 mm HCl > 1 mm HNO3 > 5 mm CaCl2 > DDW (pH 7.0) > 1 mm NaHCO3 > 1 mm CaCl2. of the total (2.83 mg) adsorbed Cu2+, 1.89 mg (67%) was desorbed by DDW (pH 2) within the first 20 min of elution time. Thereafter the desorption rate slowed down and only 22% (0.632 mg) desorption was obtained in the last 20 min. In contrast to water pH 2, the desorption of Cu2+ by 1 mm EDTA was very slow, the maximum being 8% after 40 min of elution.

Keywords: Biomass, Cu2+ Removal, Desorbing Agents, Flow Rate, Initial Metal Ion Concentration, Microcystis, Laboratory-Grown Microcystis, Cadmium Removal, Fungal Biomass, Marine-Algae, By-Products, Biosorption, Yeast, Copper(II), Adsorption, Recovery

Kogej, A. and Pavko, A. (2001), Comparison of Rhizopus nigricans in a pelleted growth form with some other types of waste microbial biomass as biosorbents for metal ions. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 17 (7), 677-685.

Full Text: W\Wor J Mic Bio17, 677.pdf

Abstract: Biosorption of metal ions (Li+, Ag+, Pb2+, Cd2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Sr2+, Fe2+, Fe3+ and Al3+) by Rhizopus nigricans biomass was studied. It was shown that metal uptake is a rapid and pH-dependent process, which ameliorates with increasing initial pH and metal concentrations. Different adsorption models: Langmuir, Freundlich, split-Langmuir and combined nonspecific-Langmuir adsorption isotherm were applied to correlate the equilibrium data. The maximum biosorption capacities for the individual metal ions were in the range from 160 to 460 µmol/g dry weight. Scatchard transformation of equilibrium data revealed diverse natures of biomass metal-binding sites. The binding of metals was also discussed in terms of the hard and soft acids and bases principle. The maximum biosorption capacities and the binding constant of R. nigricans were positively correlated with the covalent index of metal ions.

The following types of waste microbial biomass originating as by-products from industrial bioprocesses were tested for biosorption of metal ions: Aspergillus terreus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Micromonospora purpurea, M. inyoensis and Streptomyces clavuligerus. The determined maximum biosorption capacities were in the range from 100 to 500 µmol/g dry weight. The biosorption equilibrium was also represented with Langmuir and Freundlich sorption isotherms.

Keywords: Adsorption Isotherm, Biosorption, Covalent Index, Metal Ions, Rhizopus nigricans, Waste Biomass, Arrhizus Biomass, Penicillium-Chrysogenum, Biosorption, Adsorption, Binding, Mechanism, Hard

? Karunasagar, D., Arunachalam, J., Rashmi, K., Latha, J.N.L. and Mohan, P.M. (2003), Biosorption of inorganic and methyl mercury by a biosorbent from Aspergillus niger. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 19 (3), 291-295.

Full Text: 2003\Wor J Mic Bio19, 291.pdf

Abstract: A biosorbent prepared by alkaline extraction of Aspergillus niger biomass was evaluated for its potential to remove mercury species - inorganic (Hg2+) and methyl mercury (CH3Hg+) - from aqueous solutions. Batch experiments were carried out to determine the pH and time pro. le of sorption for both species in the pH range 2 - 7. The Hg2+ exhibited more rapid sorption and higher capacity than the CH3Hg+. Further, removal of both mercury species from spiked ground water samples was efficient and not influenced by other ions. Sorption studies with esterified biosorbent indicated loss of binding of both mercury species (> 80%), which was regained when the ester groups were removed by alkaline hydrolysis, suggesting the involvement of carboxyl groups in binding. Further, no interconversion of sorbed species occurred on the biomass. The biosorbent was reusable up to six cycles without serious loss of binding capacity. Our results suggest that the biosorbent from Aspergillus niger can be used for removal of mercury and methyl mercury ions from polluted aqueous effluents.

Keywords: Aspergillus, Bioaccumulation, Biomass, Bioremediation, Biosorption, Mercury, Methyl Mercury, Methylmercury, Neurospora-Crassa, Removal, Toxic Metal-Ions

? Keharia, H., Patel, H. and Madamwar, D. (2004), Decolorization screening of synthetic dyes by anaerobic methanogenic sludge using a batch decolorization assay. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 20 (4), 365-370.

Full Text: 2004\Wor J Mic Bio20, 365.pdf

Abstract: The nonspecific ability of anaerobic sludge bacteria obtained from cattle dung slurry was investigated for 17 different dyes in a batch assay system using sealed serum vials. Experiments using Reactive Violet 5 (RV 5) showed that sludge bacteria could effectively decolorize solutions having dye concentrations up to 1000 mg l-1 with a decolorization efficiency of above 75% during 48 h of incubation. Headspace gas composition of anaerobic batch systems for varying dye concentration revealed that lower concentrations of RV 5 (up to 500 mg l-1) were found to be stimulatory to the methanogenic activity of sludge bacteria. However at higher dye concentrations, the headspace gas composition was found to be similar to batch assay controls without dye, indicating that dye at higher concentrations was inhibitory to methanogenic bacteria of sludge. The optimum inoculum and incubation temperature for maximum decolorization of RV 5 was found to be 9.0 g l-1 (in terms of total solids) and 37degreesC, respectively. Of sixteen other dyes tested, nine (Reactive Black 5, Reactive Blue 31, Reactive Blue 28, Reactive Red HE8B, Reactive Yellow, Reactive Golden Yellow, Mordant Orange, Novatic Olive R S/D & Navilan Yellow GL) were decolorized with more than 88% efficiency; three (Orange II, Navy Blue HER & Novatic Blue BC S/D) were decolorized with about 92.5% efficiency, this was merely due to sorption, whereas the other dyes were decolorized due to biotransformation.

Keywords: Anaerobic Dye Decolorization, Anthraquinone Dye, Azo Dye, Azo-Dye, Bacteria, Batch Decolorization Assay, Cattle Dung, Cattle Waste, Decolorization, Degradation, Dye, Dyes, Effluents, Granular Sludge, Intestinal Bacteria, Methane-Producing Bacteria, Microbial Decolorization, Reactive Black 5, Reactive Dyes, Reduction, Sludge, Solutions, Sorption, System, Temperature, Textile Dyes

Godjevargova, T., Mihova, S. and Gabrovska, K. (2004), Fixed-bed biosorption of Cu2+ by polyacrylonitrile-immobilized dead cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 20 (3), 273-279.

Full Text: W\Wor J Mic Bio20, 273.pdf

Dead cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 54 were immobilized by entrappment in polyacrylonitrile. The beads obtained were used to adsorb copper in an up-flow fixed-bed column. The effect of polymer content and cell loading were studied to optimize the porosity and the efficiency in copper removal of the biosorbent beads in a batch system. The optimal concentration of the polyacrylonitrile was assumed to be 12% (w/v) and a concentration of 0.5 g cell dry weight in 1 g polymer was most effective in adsorption of Cu2+. The adsorption capacity of this biosorbent was 27 mg Cu2+/g dry biomass at 200 mg/l initial concentration of copper ions. Adsorption of Cu2+ in a batch system was studied using different initial concentrations of the solute. The optimal conditions in the up-flow column of the following parameters were determined: flow rate, bed height, and initial concentration of Cu2+ of the solutions. Results of fixed-bed biosorption showed that breakthrough and saturation time appeared to increase with the bed height, but decrease with the flow rate and the initial concentration. The linearized form of the Thomas equation was used to describe dynamic adsorption of metal ions. As a result, the adsorption capacity of the batch system and the column system was compared. Desorption of copper ions was achieved by washing the column biomass with 0.1 M HCl at an eluent flow rate of 1 ml/min. The reusability of the immobilized biomass was tested in five consecutive adsorption–desorption cycles. The regenerated beads retained over 45% of their original adsorption capacity after five A/D cycles.

Keywords: Biosorption, Cu2+, Fixed-Bed Column, Immobilized Cells, Polyacrylonitrile

? Liu, G.F., Zhou, J.T., Wang, J., Song, Z.Y. and Qv, Y.Y. (2006), Bacterial decolorization of azo dyes by Rhodopseudomonas palustris. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 22 (10), 1069-1074.

Full Text: 2006\Wor J Mic Bio22, 1069.pdf

Abstract: The ability of Rhodopseudomonas palustris AS1.2352 possessing azoreductase activity to decolorize azo dyes was investigated. It was demonstrated that anaerobic conditions were necessary for bacterial decolorization, and the optimal pH and temperature were pH 8 and 30-35°C, respectively. Decolorization of dyes with different molecular structures was performed to compare their degradability. The strain could decolorize azo dye up to 1250 mg 1-1, and the correlation between the specific decolorization rate and dye concentration could be described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Long-term repeated operations showed that the strain was stable and efficient during five runs. Cell extracts from the strain demonstrated oxygen-insensitive azoreductase activity in vitro.

Keywords: Azo Dye, Azoreductase, Decolorization, Rhodopseudomonas Palustris, Waste-Water, Aerobic Azoreductase, Molecular-Cloning, Genome Sequence, Purification

? Zhou, M., Liu, Y.G., Zeng, G.M., Li, X., Xu, W.H. and Fan, T. (2007), Kinetic and equilibrium studies of Cr(VI) biosorption by dead Bacillus licheniformis biomass. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 23 (1), 43-48.

Full Text: 2007\Wor J Mic Bio23, 43.pdf

Abstract: Many studies have been carried out on the biosorption capacity of different kinds of biomass. However, reports on the kinetic and equilibrium study of the biosorption process are limited. In our experiments, the removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution was investigated in a batch system by sorption on the dead cells of Bacillus licheniformis isolated from metal-polluted soils. Equilibrium and kinetic experiments were performed at various initial metal concentrations, pH, contact time, and temperatures. The biomass exhibited the highest Cr(VI) uptake capacity at 50°C, pH 2.5 and with the initial Cr(VI) concentration of 300 mg/g. The Langmuir and Freundlich models were considered to identify the isotherm that could better describe the equilibrium adsorption of Cr(VI) onto biomass. The Langmuir model fitted our experimental data better than the Freundlich model. The suitability of the pseudo first-order and pseudo second-order kinetic models for the sorption of Cr(VI) onto Bacillus licheniformis was also discussed. It is better to apply the pseudo second-kinetic model to describe the sorption system.

Keywords: Biosorption, Bacillus Licheniformis, Cr(VI), Equilibrium Isotherms, Kinetic Modeling, Dried Activated-Sludge, Aqueous-Solution, Chromium(VI), Sorption, Cadmium, Cations, Yeasts, Algae, Peat

? Sadhasivam, S., Savitha, S. and Swaminathan, K. (2007), Feasibility of using Trichoderma harzianum biomass for the removal of erioglaucine from aqueous solution. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 23 (8), 1075-1081.

Full Text: 2007\Wor J Mic Bio23, 1075.pdf

Abstract: The test fungus Trichoderma harzianum was isolated from the Western Ghats area of Tamilnadu, India. The study involves the feasibility of using T.harzianum to remove erioglaucine from an aqueous solution in batch mode. The batch mode experimental parameters such as effect of agitation time and initial dye concentration, adsorbent mass and pH were determined. The results revealed that, the fungal biomass at 1.5 g/50 ml adsorbent mass removed 75.67-88.05% of dye (10-50 mg/l) in 105 min at pH 4.0. The adsorption equilibrium data followed both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. From the Langmuir isotherm, the adsorbent had adsorption capacity (Q(0)) of 3.09 mg/g. Pseudo first and second order rate kinetic equations were applied to the experimental adsorption data. The results indicate that the adsorbent system followed second order rate kinetics.

Keywords: Adsorbent, Adsorption, Adsorption Capacity, Adsorption Equilibrium, Adsorption Equilibrium Data, Adsorption Isotherm, Adsorption Kinetics, Agitation, Aqueous Solution, Batch, Batch Mode, Biomass, Capacity, Concentration, Dye, Dye Biosorption, Dye Removal, Effluents, Equations, Equilibrium, Equilibrium Data, Erioglaucine, Experimental, Freundlich, Freundlich Isotherms, Fungal, Fungal Biomass, Fungus, India, Isotherm, Isotherms, Kinetic, Kinetic Equations, Kinetics, Langmuir, Langmuir And Freundlich Isotherms, Langmuir Isotherm, Langmuir-Isotherm, Lead(II), Mass, Microbial Decolorization, Order, Parameters, pH, Rate, Rate Kinetics, Recovery, Removal, Second Order, Solid-Waste, Sorption, T. Harzianum, Test, Textile-Dye, Time, Trichoderma Harzianum, Water

? Chojnacka, K. (2007), Using biosorption to enrich the biomass of Chlorella vulgaris with microelements to be used as mineral feed supplement. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 23 (8), 1139-1147.

Full Text: 2007\Wor J Mic Bio23, 1139.pdf

Abstract: The paper discusses biosorption of Cr(III), Cu(II), Mn(II), Zn(II) and Co(II) to the biomass of Chlorella vulgaris, to produce a biologically bound, concentrated form of microelements. The kinetics of biosorption was described with a pseudo-second order equation and equilibrium with the Langmuir isotherm. The mechanism of biosorption was identified as cation-exchange with alkaline metals. Cation-exchange capacity was evaluated as 4.07 meq g-1. The effect of operation conditions, pH and temperature, on biosorption performance was investigated and the best operation conditions for biosorption were selected (pH 5, temperature 25°C). The maximum sorption capacity of microelements was determined in single-metal system at pH 5 and 25°C: Zn(II) 3.30 meq g-1, Cu(II) 1.77 meq g-1, Co(II) 1.75 meq g-1, Cr(III) 1.74 meq g-1, Mn(II) 0.764 meq g-1. Biosorption experiments were also carried out in multi-metal system. The biomass of C. vulgaris enriched with microelements via the process of biosorption in both single- and multi-metal system was discussed in terms of preparation of feed supplement for laying hens and piglets. The experiments showed that 1 kg of conventional feed for laying hens can be supplemented with 0.20 g of the biomass enriched with microelements and for piglets with 0.15 g of the preparation.

Keywords: Algae, Biological Feed Supplement, Biomass, Biosorption, Capacity, Cation Exchange, Cation-Exchange, Chlorella, Chlorella Vulgaris, Co(II), Conventional, Cr(III), Cu(II), Culture, Equilibrium, Experiments, Feed, Health Food, Isotherm, Kinetics, Langmuir, Langmuir Isotherm, Langmuir-Isotherm, Maximum Sorption, Maximum Sorption Capacity, Mechanism, Metal-Ions, Metals, Microalgae, Microelements, Mineral, Mn(II), Multi-Metal, Multimetal System, Nickel(II), Operation, Order, Paper, Parameters, Performance, pH, Preparation, Process, Pseudo Second Order, Pseudo-Second Order, Pseudo-Second-Order, Removal, Single-Metal System, Sorption, Sorption Capacity, Temperature, Zn(II)

? Li, X.F., Wei, W.Z., Zeng, X.D., Zeng, J.X., Yin, J. and Wu, L. (2007), Kinetic and equilibrium studies of copper biosorption onto Pseudomonas aeruginosa base using direct determination of copper by a voltammetric method. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 23 (10), 1465-1471.

Full Text: 2007\Wor J Mic Bio23, 1465.pdf

Abstract: This paper provided information on the use of linear sweep anodic stripping voltammetry for evaluating the process of copper biosorption onto Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This technique was suited to determine the concentration of free copper ion on site on the mercaptoethane sulfonate modified gold electrode surface without any pretreatment. It was in favor of the study of kinetic process as the fast changing kinetic data characteristic just after the beginning of biosorption could be accurately depicted. Based on the electrochemical results, the kinetics and equilibrium of biosorption were systematically examined. The pseudo-second-order kinetic model was used to correlate the kinetic experimental data and the kinetic parameters were evaluated. The Langmuir and Freundlich models were applied to describe the biosorption equilibrium. It was found that the Langmuir isotherm fitted the experimental data better than the Freundlich isotherm. Maximum adsorption capacity of copper ion onto Pseudomonas aeruginosa was 0.9355 mol mg-1 (about 59.4417 mg g-1).

Keywords: Adsorption, Adsorption Capacity, Anodic Stripping Voltammetry, Aqueous-Solution, Base, Biosorption, Capacity, Concentration, Copper, Copper Biosorption, Copper Ion, Cu(II), Determination, Electrochemical, Electrode, Equilibrium, Equilibrium Studies, Experimental, Experimental Data, Freundlich, Freundlich Isotherm, Gold, Information, Ion, Ions, Isotherm, Kinetic, Kinetic Model, Kinetic Parameters, Kinetics, Kinetics And Equilibrium, Langmuir, Langmuir Isotherm, Langmuir-Isotherm, Linear, Linear Sweep Anodic Stripping Voltammetry, Mercaptoethane Sulfonate, Metals, Method, Model, Models, Modified, Paper, Parameters, Pretreatment, Process, Pseudo Second Order, Pseudo Second Order Kinetic, Pseudo-Second-Order, Pseudo-Second-Order Kinetic Model, Pseudomonas, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Sorption, Stripping Voltammetry, Surface, Voltammetry

? Liu, T., Li, H.D., Li, Z., Xiao, X., Chen, L.L. and Deng, L. (2007), Removal of hexavalent chromium by fungal biomass of Mucor racemosus: Influencing factors and removal mechanism. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 23 (12), 1685-1693.

Full Text: 2007\Wor J Mic Bio23, 1685.pdf

Abstract: This study reported the hexavalent chromium removal by untreated Mucor racemosus biomass and the possible mechanism of Cr(VI) removal to the biomass. The optimum pH, biomass dose, initial Cr(VI) concentration and contact time were investigated thoroughly to optimize the removal condition. The metal removal by the biomass was strongly affected by pH and the optimum pH ranged from 0.5 to 1.0. The residual total Cr was determined. It was found that dichromate reduction occurred at a low very low pH value. At biomass dose 6 g/l, almost all the Cr(VI) ions were removed in the optimum condition. Higher removal percentage was observed at lower initial concentrations of Cr(VI) ions, while the removal capacity of the biomass linearly depended on the initial Cr(VI) concentration. More than half of Cr(VI) ions were diminished within 1 h of contact and removal process reached a relative equilibrium in approximately 8 h. Almost all of the Cr(VI) ions were removed in 24 h when initial concentrations were below 100 mg/l. The equilibrium data were fitted in to the Langmuir and the Freundlich isotherm models and the correlated coefficients were gained from the models. A Fourier transform infrared spectra was employed to elucidate clearly the possible biosorption mechanism as well.

Keywords: Biosorption, Reduction, Cr(VI), Isotherm Models, Mucor Racemosus, Heavy-Metal Removal, Aqueous-Solutions, Biosorption, Reduction, Trivalent, Sorption, Rouxii, Ion

? Sathishkumar, M., Binupriya, A.R., Swaminathan, K., Choi, J.G. and Yun, S.E. (2008), Arsenite sorption in liquid-phase by Aspergillus fumigatus: adsorption rates and isotherm studies. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 24 (9), 1813-1822.

Full Text: 2008\Wor J Mic Bio24, 1813.pdf

Abstract: The live and pretreated biomass of Aspergillus fumigatus was used for the biosorption of As(III) from aqueous solution. Three parameters that affect the As(III) adsorption, namely agitation time, concentration of As(III), and pH have been investigated. In order to develop an effective and accurate design model for removal of As(III), adsorption kinetics and equilibrium data are essential basic requirements. Lagergren first-order and second-order were used to fit the experimental data. The studies on optimization of agitation time, adsorbent dosage, and pH showed that the FeCl3 treated biomass had the maximum capacity to adsorb As(III) and live biomass was found to be minimum compared to all pretreated. The Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin adsorption models were used for the mathematical description of the biosorption equilibrium. The maximum adsorption capacity of 0.538 mg/g was observed in FeCl3 treated biomass using Langmuir isotherm. Batch mode experiments proved to be efficient. Desorption studies were also carried out with dilute sodium hydroxide to recover both the adsorbent and adsorbate.

Keywords: Adsorbent, Adsorption, Adsorption Capacity, Adsorption Kinetics, Agitation, Aqueous Solution, Aqueous-Solutions, As(III), As(III), Aspergillus Fumigatus, Biomass, Biosorption, Capacity, Concentration, Desorption, Drinking-Water, Equilibrium, Experimental, Experiments, First Order, Freundlich, Hydroxide, Isotherm, Isotherms, Kinetics, Kinetics, Langmuir, Langmuir Isotherm, Mode, Model, Models, Mycelial Biomass, Optimization, pH, Pretreatment, Rates, Red Mud, Removal, Second Order, Second-Order, Sodium, Solution, Sorption

? Mao, J., Won, S.W. and Yun, Y.S. (2009), Biosorption of reactive and basic dyes using fermentation waste Corynebacterium glutamicum: The effects of pH and salt concentration and characterization of the binding sites. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 25 (7), 1259-1266.

Full Text: 2009\Wor J Mic Bio25, 1259.pdf

Abstract: A low cost biosorbent, Corynebacterium glutamicum, was studied for the sorption of Reactive Red 4 (RR 4) and Methylene Blue (MB). The equilibrium isotherm data were well described by the Langmuir model. pH edge experiments showed that pH of the solution was an important controlling parameter in the sorption process. In the case of RR 4, with increases in the pH from 2 to 10, the uptake decreased from 52 to 1 mg/g; conversely, the uptake of MB increased and the maximum MB uptake was obtained at pH a parts per thousand yen 9. An increase in the salt concentration strongly influenced the uptake of MB, but had no effect on that of RR 4. In order to identify the binding sites for the dye molecules, the biosorbent was potentiometrically titrated, the results of which showed the presents of four major functional group types on the biomass surface, which were confirmed by FTIR analysis. It was found that positively charged amine groups (Biomass-NH3+) were the likely binding sites for anionic RR 4, and negatively charged carboxyl (Biomass-COO-) and phosphate groups (Biomass-HPO4-) played a role in the electrostatic attraction of cationic MB.

Keywords: Adsorption, Basic Dyes, Binding Sites, Biomass, Biosorbent, Biosorption, Cell-Walls, Corynebacterium Glutamicum, Decolorization, Dye, Dyes, Effluent, Equilibrium, Equilibrium Isotherm, FTIR, Functional-Groups, Groups, Isotherm, Langmuir, Langmuir Model, Metal-Ions, Methylene Blue, Methylene-Blue, Model, pH, Phosphate, Reactive Red 4, Removal, Sorption, Waste, Wheat-Straw

? Khambhaty, Y., Mody, K., Basha, S. and Jha, B. (2009), Biosorption of Cr(VI) onto marine Aspergillus niger: Experimental studies and pseudo-second order kinetics. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 25 (8), 1413-1421.

Full Text: 2009\Wor J Mic Bio25, 1413.pdf

Abstract: The removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution was studied in batch experiments using dead biomass of three different species of marine Aspergillus after alkali treatment. All the cultures exhibited potential to remove Cr(VI), out of which, Aspergillus niger was found to be the most promising one. This culture was further studied employing variation in pH, temperature, metal ion concentration and biomass concentration with a view to understand the effect of these parameters on biosorption of Cr(VI). Higher biosorption percentage was evidenced at lower initial concentration of Cr(VI) ion, while the sorption capacity of the biomass increased with rising concentration of ions. Biomass as low as 0.8 g l-1 could biosorb 95% Cr(VI) ions within 2,880 min from an aqueous solution of 400 mg l(-1) Cr(VI) concentration. Optimum pH and temperature for Cr(VI) biosorption were 2.0 and 50AC, respectively. Kinetic studies based on pseudo second order models like Sobkowsk and Czerwinski, Ritchie, Blanchard and Ho and Mckay rate expressions have also been carried out. The nature of the possible cell-metal ion interactions was evaluated by FTIR, SEM and EDAX analysis.

Keywords: Adsorption, Analysis, Aqueous Solution, Aqueous-Solutions, Aspergillus Niger, Batch, Batch Experiments, Biomass, Biosorption, Capacity, Chromium, Concentration, Cr(VI), Culture, Dead Fungal Biomass, EDAX, Experimental, Experiments, FTIR, Heavy-Metals, Hexavalent Chromium, Hexavalent Chromium, Ions, Kinetic, Kinetic Studies, Kinetics, Marine Fungi, Metal, Metal-Ions, Models, pH, Potential, Pseudo Second Order, Pseudo Second Order Kinetics, Pseudo-Second Order, Pseudo-Second Order Kinetics, Pseudo-Second-Order, Removal, Rhizopus-arrhizus, Second Order, Second-Order, SEM, Solution, Sorption, Sorption Capacity, Species, Temperature, Treatment, Water

? Ting, A.S.Y. and Choong, C.C. (2009), Bioaccumulation and biosorption efficacy of Trichoderma isolate SP2F1 in removing copper (Cu(II)) from aqueous solutions. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 25 (8), 1431-1437.

Full Text: 2009\Wor J Mic Bio25, 1431.pdf

Abstract: In our study, we isolated the isolate Trichoderma SP2F1 from sediment samples from the Penchala River, heavily contaminated with effluents from nearby industrial areas. Qualitative and quantitative screening using plate and broth assay, respectively, supplemented with various concentrations of Cu(II) showed the isolate was able to tolerate 6 mM CuSO4, although growth was also detected in broths with 10 mM CuSO4. Trichoderma spp. was able to remove Cu(II) in aqueous solutions in both viable and non-viable cell forms. Bioaccumulation capacity of viable SP2F1 cells removed 19.60 mg g-1 of Cu(II) after 168 h incubation, while the maximum Cu(II) biosorption capacity for non-viable SP2F1 cells was 28.75 mg g-1 of Cu(II). Results here showed that Trichoderma spp isolate SP2F1 has good potential for application in Cu(II) removal, can be used to treat sewage waste by applying either in viable or non-viable cell forms.

Keywords: Adsorption, Application, Aqueous Solutions, Bioaccumulation, Biomass, Bioremediation, Biosorption, Capacity, Copper, Copper Tolerance, Cu(II), Cu(II) Biosorption, Cu(II) Removal, Efficacy, Effluents, Equilibrium, Forms, Growth, Heavy Metal, Heavy-Metals, Ions, Lead(II), Potential, Pseudomonas-Putida, Removal, Screening, Sediment, Sediment Samples, Sewage, Solutions, Sorption, Strains, System, Trichoderma spp, Waste

? Wang, B.E. and Guo, X. (2011), Reuse of waste beer yeast sludge for biosorptive decolorization of reactive blue 49 from aqueous solution. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 27 (6), 1297-1302.

Full Text: 2011\Wor J Mic Bio27, 1297.pdf

Abstract: Reactive blue 49 was removed from aqueous solution by biosorption using powder waste sludge composed of Saccharomyces cerevisiae from the beer-brewing industry. The effect of initial pH, temperature and the biosorption thermodynamics, equilibrium, kinetics was investigated in this study. It was found that the biosorption capacity was at maximum at initial pH 3, that the effect of temperature on biosorption of reactive blue 49 was only slight in relation to the large biosorption capacity (25AºC, 361 mg g-1) according as the biosorption capacity decreased only 43 mg g-1 at the temperature increased from 25 to 50AºC. The biosorption was spontaneous, exothermic in nature and the dye molecules movements decreased slightly in random at the solid/liquid interface during the biosorption of dye on biosorbents. The biosorption equilibrium data could be described by Freundich isotherm model. The biosorption rates were found to be consistent with a pseudo-second-order kinetics model. The functional group interaction analysis between waste beer yeast sludge and reactive blue 49 by the aid of Fourier transform infrared (abbr. FTIR) spectroscopy indicated that amino components involved in protein participated in the biosorption process, which may be achieved by the mutual electrostatic adsorption process between the positively charged amino groups in waste beer yeast sludge with negatively charged sulfonic groups in reactive blue 49.

Keywords: Adsorption, Aqueous Solution, Behavior, Biomass, Biosorption, Biosorption Isotherm, Biosorption Kinetics, Biosorption Thermodynamics, Corynebacterium-Glutamicum, Dye, Effluent, Equilibrium, FTIR, Ions, Isotherm, Kinetics, Performance, pH, Reactive Dye, Removal, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Spirogyra-rhizopus, Thermodynamics, Waste, Waste Beer Yeast Sludge

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