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Title: Zeitschrift fur Klinische Psychologie Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie

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Title: Zeitschrift fur Klinische Psychologie Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie

Full Journal Title: Zeitschrift fur Klinische Psychologie Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie

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? Decker, O. and Brahler, E. (2001), On books and journals - Discussion of the evaluation of scientific performance in culturally and linguistically bound disciplines in medicine. Zeitschrift fur Klinische Psychologie Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 49 (3), 235-246.

Abstract: The financial support of scientific institutions more and more depends on evaluating programms. Different modells of evaluation purposes are discussed. The number of journal articels published by scientist and the international distribution of articels are used for academic evaluation purposes. On the basis of bibliometric features, the citations of the ‘Zeitschrift ftir Klinische Psychologic, Psychiatric und Psychotherapie’ is recorded. Based on this records, there is a discussion on the significance of the competition indicators for quality-assurance of articels

Keywords: Behavior, Bibliometric, Chronic Illness, Citations, Depressive-Disorders, Differential-Diagnosis, German, Journals, Life, Patient, Psychotherapeutic Interventions, Schizophrenics, Viewpoint

? Berth, H., Petermann, F., Dinkel, A. and Brahler, E. (2005), Clinical psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapy - All under one umbrella? Zeitschrift fur Klinische Psychologie Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 53 (4), 370-382.

Abstract: For more than 50 years, the journal ‘Klinische Psychologie, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie’ (Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy) has been one of the leading journals for articles of the corresponding psychological branches. Regarding the progressing specialization and differentiation of these branches the question arises, if one journal alone can still cover this thematical width. To answer this question, the complete releases of the years 2003 and 2004 of the journal were bibliometrically analyzed regarding a) the presence of the scientific sectors in the article titles and b) their textual focuses. Overall 43 articles were released in the given timeframe. About 25 % each accounted for Clinical Psychology and for Psychotherapy, whereas Psychiatry was hardly represented at all. Furthermore there was a relatively broad publication of articles on the subjects of Medical Psychology and test development. Textual focuses were composed of the prevalences of diverse psychological disorders and of the predictors for the success of psychotherapy. The results basically confirm the journals title, but likewise offer indications for possible changes.

Keywords: Adolescents, Bibliometrics, Child, Clinical Psychology, Disorder, Experiences, German-Language Version, Journal, Phenomenology, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Publication, Questionnaire, Representative Sample, Symptomatology, Therapy

Title: Zeitschrift fur Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie

Full Journal Title: Zeitschrift fur Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie

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ISSN: 0084-5345


Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Krampen, G., Miller, M. and Montada, L. (2002), Bibliometrical results on the history of clinical psychology in the 20th century. Zeitschrift fur Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 31 (2), 121-126.

Abstract: Background: Bibliometrical results on the development of clinical psychology publications with historiographical orientation in the 20th century are presented. Research questions: How can the history of clinical psychology and of its research domains be reconstructed biometrically with reference to the publications in international psychology and psychology from the German-speaking countries? Methods: Databases are the Psychological Abstracts (1927-1966), PsycLit (1967-1999) and PSYNDEX (1977-1999), in which psychological publications are documented relatively exhaustively. Results: Historiographically described are (1) the bibliometrically clearly demonstrable boom of clinical psychology publications since the 1950s, (2) the relatively low rate of psychotherapeutically relevant publications in comparison to those concerning disorders, health services, hospital programs, and rehabilitation, and (3) the relatively low rate of empirical and experimental (controlled) studies published on psychotherapy in contrast to all other domains of applied psychology. Consequences: There has been a clear boom of clinical psychology publication output since the 1950s in international psychology, as well as psychology from the German-speaking countries. However, there are publication deficits in the domain of psychotherapy and especially in the domain of experimental and broader empirically founded studies. Problems of bibliometric analyses are discussed as well as the implications of the results for the future of clinical psychology, especially psychotherapy research.

Keywords: History of Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy, Mental Disorders, Bibliometry

Title: Zeitschrift fur Psychiatrie Psychologie und Psychotherapie

Full Journal Title: Zeitschrift fur Psychiatrie Psychologie und Psychotherapie

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:



Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Stengler, K., Glaesmer, H. and Dietrich, S. (2011), Gender in mental health research: A bibliometric analysis. Zeitschrift fur Psychiatrie Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 59 (4), 305-310.

Full Text: 2011\Zei Psy Psy Psy59, 305.pdf

Abstract: Are gender specific aspects reflected in current psychiatric-psychotherapeutical research in Germany? The analysis is based on original research published in three German journals (Psychotherapeut; Psychiatrische Praxis; Psychotherapie . Psychosomatik . Medizinische Psychologie) in 2009 and 2010. Gender specific aspects were examined in only 16 out of 191 papers. Only three of these 16 papers reported results for both genders. Though the number of papers with male and female first authorship was roughly equal in all papers reviewed, more than two thirds (69 %) of the papers dealing with gender specific aspects have been written by women. Most papers referred to gender in the sample characteristics, however, only 25 % of the papers actually included gender in their statistical analyses. Even though gender has a strong impact on mental health and mental illness, to date, gender differences still appear to have been insufficiently addressed. More attention should be given to gender-specific results. This will facilitate gender-specific inferences and appropriate healthcare decisions.

Keywords: Analysis, Attention, Authorship, Bibliometric, Borderline Personality-Disorder, Depression, Differences, Effort-Reward Imbalance, Female-Patients, Gender, Germany, Impact, Institutionalization, Journals, Male, Medical Psychology, Mental Health, Mental Illness, Papers, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Questionnaire, Rehabilitation, Research, Schizophrenia, Sex, Statistical, Women

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