Title: Zoologia
Full Journal Title: Zoologia
ISO Abbreviated Title: Zoologia
JCR Abbreviated Title: Zoologia
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Subject Categories:
: Impact Factor
? Brito, D., Oliveira, L.C., Oprea, M. and Mello, M.A.R. (2009), An overview of Brazilian mammalogy: Trends, biases and future directions. Zoologia, 26 (1), 67-73.
Full Text: 2009\Zoologia26, 67.pdf
Abstract: Mammals are among the most charismatic and well-studied organisms, and Brazil harbors the largest mammal diversity of the world. The Brazilian Society of Mammalogy was established in 1985, and since 2001 it organizes the Brazilian Congress of Mammalogy. We used the proceedings of all three editions of this congress together with papers indexed in Web of Science and Scielo to evaluate trends in Brazilian mammalogy. All contributions were categorized according to mammalian order, biome, topic of research and state of authors’ affiliation, Our results show that mammalian orders with higher species richness receive more attention, but the ranking is different between abstracts and papers. Higher species richness did not translate into more attention for more speciose biomes, and again the ranking was different between papers and abstracts. There are research topics that receive much higher attention than others, and also other important ones, like Taxonomy, that have been neglected. States with greater human populations produce both more papers and abstracts. We conclude that the higher number of publication in the Atlantic Forest is caused by the concentration of mammalogists in the south and southeastern regions of the country. Contrary to what is normally believed, mammalian orders received attention according to their species richness, and not their charisma, probably because richer orders provide more study models. We suggest that additional funding mechanisms should be set in place in order to encourage more research on mammalian orders, topics, and states which have been neglected so far, in order to improve the knowledge on important Brazilian mammal biodiversity.
Keywords: Affiliation, Amazon, Atlantic Forest, Authors, Biodiversity, Biodiversity Hotspots, Biomes, Brazil, Conservation Priorities, Diversity, Extinction, Funding, Future, Knowledge, Meta-Analysis, Papers, Patterns, Priorities, Publication, Ranking, Regions, Research, Research Topics, Science, Scientometrics, Taxonomy, Topics, Trends, Web of Science, Wilderness
Title: Zoological Studies
Full Journal Title: Zoological Studies
ISO Abbreviated Title: Zool. Stud.
JCR Abbreviated Title: Zool Stud
ISSN: 1021-5506
Issues/Year: 4
Journal Country/Territory: Taiwan
Language: English
Publisher: Acad Sinica Inst Zoology
Publisher Address: Editorial Office, Taipei 115, Taiwan
Subject Categories:
Zoology: Impact Factor
? Lee, S.C., Cheng, H.L. and Chang, J.T. (1996), Allozyme variation in the large scale mullet liza macrolepis (Perciformes, Mugilidae) from coastal waters of Western Taiwan. Zoological Studies, 35 (2), 85-92.
Full Text: Zoo Stu35, 85.pdf
Abstract: Allozyme variation was studied in the large-scale mullet Liza macrolepis collected from 4 sites: 3 sites on the west coast of Taiwan, the Tanshui estuary, the Kaohsiung River (Love River) and Dapong Bay (Tungkang), and 1 site about 50 km off the west coast of Taiwan, the Penghu Islands. The genetic similarities among these 4 localities are rather high (0.992-0.999), indicating that they belong to the same population. The inter-sample comparisons of heterozygosity based on 10 polymorphic loci (sAAT-1, CK-B, GPI-A, GPI-B, IDHP-A, LDH-C, sMDH-A, sMDH-B, ME-1 and MPI-1) under the 0.99 criterion revealed that most loci conform with the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, except those at GPI-B from Dapong Bay and IDHP-A from the Tanshui estuary. Analysis of overall mean heterozygosities among 4 inter-sample comparisons revealed that the samples from Dapong Bay and the Tanshui estuary have higher values (0.044 and 0.043, respectively) than those from the Kaohsiung River and Penghu (0.029 and 0.028, respectively), probably due to heavy organic pollution in Dapong Bay and colder temperatures in the Tanshui estuary. Comparisons of overall F-ST (local subpopulation differentiation) of Dapong Bay with those of the three other locations indicate a moderate genetic differentiation which is mainly contributed by the unusually high allele frequency of the MPI locus. A higher inbreeding coefficient (F-IS) in the Dapong sample corresponds to the high inbreeding potential at this site, probably due to its nearly land-locked habitat, which limits the exchange of individual fish between the bay and the open coast.
Title: Zootaxa
Full Journal Title: Zootaxa
ISO Abbreviated Title: Zootaxa
JCR Abbreviated Title: Zootaxa
Journal Country/Territory:
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Subject Categories:
: Impact Factor
? Valdecasas, A.G. (2008), Confocal microscopy applied to water mite taxonomy with the description of a new genus of Axonopsinae (Acari, Parasitengona, Hydrachnidia) from Central America. Zootaxa, 1820, 41-48.
Abstract: Vagabundia sci n. gen. n. sp. of the subfamily Axonopsinae is proposed and described. Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, not previously applied to water mite taxonomy, allowed the acquisition and posterior processing of clean optical slices. The new species is compared to other mites that have been described as ‘Axonopsella-like’. Vagabundia sci n. sp. is named after the Science Citation Index, a sociological tool that, as explained in the text, has done more harm than good to the population of taxonomists.
Keywords: Central America, Citation, New Species, Population, Science, Science Citation Index, Species, Taxonomy, Water
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