Title: Thyroidology
Full Journal Title: Thyroidology
ISO Abbreviated Title: Thyroidology
JCR Abbreviated Title: Thyroidology
Journal Country
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Subject Categories:
: Impact Factor
? Gaitan, E. (1990), Intervention policy in endemic goitre areas. Thyroidology, 2 (3), 113-119.
Abstract: The multifactorial nature and complex interactions of regionspecific environmental conditions with host factors in the pathogenesis of endemic goitre constitute a major challenge to the understanding and control of the problem in endemic areas. However, to control and prevent this important public health problem, the most obvious but difficult initial step requires substantial socioeconomic improvements in the affected areas of less developed countries, including, first, provision of efficient iodine prophylaxis programs, second, diversification of dietary constituents with adequate daily protein-calorie intake, and third, institution of proper sanitary conditions with effective water treatment to eliminate organic and bacterial pollutants. This last intervention is also a requirement to control and prevent goitre in the iodine-sufficient more developed countries. In this regard, more research is needed to provide effective ways of water treatment that can be applied in individual households or at the community level.
Title: Tianjin Library Journal
Full Journal Title: Tianjin Library Journal
ISO Abbreviated Title:
JCR Abbreviated Title:
ISSN: 1005-8753
Journal Country/Territory:
Publisher Address:
Subject Categories:
: Impact Factor
? Zhang, G.H. (2001), A review of architecture journals in foreign languages. Tianjin Library Journal, ?? (??), ??-??.
Abstract: This paper presents a statistical analysis of foreign journals in the field of architecture.All statistics are based on the 9th edition of the ‘Bibliography of Foreign Periodicals and Newspapers’.
Keywords: Bibliometric Analysis, Scholarly Journals
Title: Tierarztliche Umschau
Full Journal Title: Tierarztliche Umschau
ISO Abbreviated Title: Tierarztl. Umsch.
JCR Abbreviated Title: Tierarztl Umschau
ISSN: 0049-3864
Issues/Year: 12
Journal Country/Territory: Germany
Language: English
Publisher: Terra-Verlag GmbH
Publisher Address: Postfach 10 21 44, D-78421 Konstanz, Germany
Subject Categories:
Veterinary Sciences: Impact Factor 0.261, / (2000)
? Pox, C. (1990), What it means to study homeopathy. Tierarztliche Umschau, 45 (4), 224-225.
Title: Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening
Full Journal Title: Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening
ISO Abbreviated Title:
JCR Abbreviated Title:
Journal Country/Territory:
Publisher Address:
Subject Categories:
: Impact Factor
? Seglen, P.O. (1989), The use of citation analysis and other bibliometric methods in evaluating research quality. Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening, 109 (31), 3229-3234.
Title: Tijdschrift Voor Diergeneeskunde
Full Journal Title: Tijdschrift Voor Diergeneeskunde
ISO Abbreviated Title: Tijdschr. Diergeneeskd.
JCR Abbreviated Title: Tijdschr Diergeneesk
ISSN: 0040-7453
Issues/Year: 24
Journal Country/Territory: Netherlands
Language: English
Publisher: Royal Netherlands Veterinary Assoc
Publisher Address: PO Box 14031, 3508 Utrecht, Netherlands
Subject Categories:
Veterinary Sciences: Impact Factor
? Wijbenga, A. (1992), Environmental-pollution focused on risks for cattle: Case-study in the province of south-holland. Tijdschrift Voor Diergeneeskunde, 117 (18), 517-519.
Abstract: Cattle are exposed to pollution by air, water, grass or soil. Exposure to environmental pollution is mainly through the eating of contaminated grass or feed Case studies in the province of South-Holland show the importance of risk evaluation not just for human health but also for the health of cattle. The sequence ‘environment-cattle-public health’ needs attention. The economic effects of pollution on agriculture may be considerable.
Title: Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (Journal of Economic and Social Geography)
Full Journal Title: Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
ISO Abbreviated Title:
JCR Abbreviated Title:
Journal Country/Territory:
Publisher Address:
Subject Categories:
: Impact Factor
Garcia-Ramon, M.D. and Caballe, A. (1998), Situating gender geographies: A bibliometric analysis. Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 89 (2), 210-216.
Full Text: T\Tij Voo Eco Soc Geo89, 210.pdf
Abstract: Gender geography is now widely present on the agenda of international geography. In this paper we analyse its evolution through a bibliometric analysis of the articles and book reviews on gender published in 71 journals from 23 different countries, paying attention to the sex of the authors. We also make a thematic classification of the articles, taking into account the different languages and regions in which the journals are published. It is clear that gender geography from English speaking countries has played a very important role in the initial development of gender geography in other regional contexts, but, in spite of common origins and continuing strong influences, somehow different regional models of gender geography are emerging. We advocate the value of making greater efforts to integrate the work being done outside English speaking academia into the general surveys of gender geography.
Keywords: Articles, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Analysis, Classification, Evolution, Feminist Geography, Gender, Gender Geography, Geographical Journals, International Geography, Journals, Models
? Frenken, K. (2002), Europeanisation of science. Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 93 (5), 563-569.
Full Text: 2002\Tij Voo Eco Soc Geo93, 563.pdf
Abstract: Data from the Science Citation Index on scientific collaborations within and between European countries are used to address the question of whether the European science system is integrating over time. It is argued that a simple comparison of the number of national collaborations and European collaborations is misleading as a means of analysing European integration, as this procedure does not control for differences in countries’ sizes. The larger a country, the more collaboration is expected to be oriented nationally because there are more opportunities to interact within the national borders. An alternative statistical analysis is proposed that compares the observed propensities to collaborate with the propensities that would occur when partner selection is random. The results show that, typically, larger countries are better integrated in the European system when size is controlled for, which suggests that scale advantages render larger countries more attractive partners than smaller countries.
Keywords: Citation, Collaboration, Comparison, European Integration, European Science, Integration, Knowledge Production, Localisation, Network Externalities, Research Collaboration, Scale, Science, Science Citation Index, Science Policy, System
? Cooke, P. (2009), The economic geography of knowledge flow hierarchies among internationally networked medical bioclusters: A scientometric analysis. Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 100 (3), 332-347.
Full Text: 2009\Tij Voo Eco Soc Geo100, 332.pdf
Abstract: This paper builds on a suite of research studies examining the metamorphosis in industry organisation, as Penrose calls it, regarding the centrality of firm capabilities in biosciences. Whereas knowledge leadership capabilities used to be inside global corporations now they have given way to university laboratories and dedicated biotechnology firm networks to access innovative research. The basic argument is that research centre and small firm knowledge capabilities have generally outstripped those of the multinationals in knowledge-intensive industry, a consequence of which is a re-alignment in cause-and-effect outcomes shaping economic geography. This is particularly pronounced in biosciences and pharmaceuticals. The paper mobilises a new theoretical framework and new data that support the thesis that a realignment of industry organisation around knowledge capabilities was pioneered in biosciences, is active in other industries, and biosciences is now entering a new phase. This mirrors a rise in systems biology that re-asserts the dominance of key nodes in global bioeconomy hierarchies.
Keywords: Bioscience Firms, Bioscience Megacentres, Capabilities, Geography, Industry, Industry Organisation, Innovation, Knowledge, Knowledge Capabilities, Networks, Outcomes, Research, Scientometric, Scientometric Analysis, University
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