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Sánta-Pintér, Gyula (Julius) (Jósé Julio) Körmend, 23 March 1921 - ) – Lawyer of comparative law and international law. He studied Law at the University of Budapest between 1941 and 1944, and continued his legal studies at the Lateran University of Rome, finally obtaining a Ph.D. in Law in 1954. He furthered his studies in Luxembourg and Madrid. In 1950 he emigrated to South America. From 1952 he gave lectures in Law and Political Science at the University of Buenos Aires. From 1962 to 1965 he was a lecturer in Puerto Rico and, from 1965 to 1967, in San Diego. Between 1967 and 1969 he taught again in Argentina and, finally, he permanently became a lecturer at the Cayey Section of the University of Puerto Rico. In 1960 he founded and headed the Diplomatic School of the Universidad del Salvador in Buenos Aires. Since 1973 he has been Editor of the scientific journal Cayey in Puerto Rico; and since 1977 he has organized the book series entitled Cuadernos de la revista Cayey. He is a leading member of scientific bodies and institutions. He published his works chiefly in Spanish, occasionally in Hungarian. – B: 1672, T: 7456.
Sántha, Kálmán (Coloman) (Nagybecskerek, now Zrenjanin, Serbia, 12 July 1903 - Budapest, 12 December 1956) – Physician. He earned his Medical Degree at the University of Budapest in 1927; thereafter, he worked as a demonstrator at the Mental and Neurological Clinic; from 1929 he was Head of the Laboratory studying brain-tissue. In 1936 and 1937 he was in the USA on a Rockefeller scholarship. From 1937 he was a demonstrator in the Mental and Neurological Clinic of the University of Debrecen; from 1939 a professor there. In 1951 he was removed from his position; he was assigned to work as a physician at Balassagyarmat (north of Budapest). In 1956 he was reinstalled in his position in Debrecen. He was an outstanding brain surgeon and a renowned specialist in neurobiology and neuropathology. He introduced radical neurosurgery into Hungary. He opened a new chapter in the study of epilepsy by investigating the functioning intensity of areas of the brain, using the thermal method developed jointly with Professor Cipriani of Montreal, based on the measurement of the blood flow. He was a Member of the Academy of Sciences (corresponding, then ordinary 1946). His works include Cerebral Blood Flow During Induced Epileptiform Seizures in Animals and Man (1939); The Pathology of the Nervous System (Az idegrendszer kórtana) (1944), and Neurosurgery (Idegsebészet) (1950). He was awarded the Széchenyi Prize posthumously in 1990. – B: 1730, T: 7456.
Sántha, Károly (Charles) (Kecskemét, 22 October 1840 - Budapest, 7 September 1928) – Lutheran pastor, poet, ecclesiastical writer. He studied Theology in Pest. He worked as a pastor in several places in Transdanubia. From 1876 he worked in Sárszentlőrinc. He wrote poems for numerous literary journals, such as the journal Wreath (Koszorú) of the great poet, János (John) Arany. More than 23 of his church hymns are in the Lutheran Hymn Book. His works include Poems (Költemények) (1897); Harp-sounds (Hárfahangok), poems (1905), and Prayer Book for War Times (Háborús idők imádságos könyve) (1916). His bronze portrait is on the Chapel-altar of the Hospital of Miskolc (1992). – B: 0883, 1849, T: 7456.→Arany, János.
Sapszon, Ferenc Sr. (Francis) (Szeged, 14 December 1929 - Budapest, 4 August 2011) – Choir- master. He studied at the Ferenc (Franz) Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest, under Zoltán Vásárhelyi during 1950-1957. From 1957 he worked on a National Philharmonia scholarship as the choirmaster of the State Male Choir. From 1958 he was vocal coach of the Radio Choir, and its choirmaster since 1964, its director from 1966. Between 1990 and 2002 he was a teacher for training choirmasters at the Debrecen Conservatory of Music, in the capacity of assistant professor. Between 1952 and 1985 he worked as senior choir master for the Semmelweis Choir; between 1964 and 1978 that of the Bartók Choir, since 1984 that of the Pro Musica Choir of Budaörs, and from 1997 till 2006 the Hungarian Pedagogues’ Choir in Slovakia (Szlovákiai Magyar Pedagógusok Vass Lajos Kórusa). He was Honorary President of the Association of Hungarian Choirs, Orchestras and Folk Music Ensembles (Magyar Kórusok, Zenekarok és Népzenei Együttesek Szövetsége – KÓTA). He was awarded the Ferenc Liszt Prize in 1972, the Merited Artist title in 1982, the Outstanding Artist title in 1989; received the Bartók-Pásztory Prize (1985, 2002). He was honored with the Hungarian Heritage Prize in 2010, also with the Small Cross and the Knight Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary. – B: 1704. T: 7456.→Vásárhelyi, Zoltán.
Sarbó, Artúr (Pest, 10 March 1867 - Budapest, 17 September 1943) – Physician. He studied at the Universities of Budapest, Berlin, Paris and London. In 1893, he earned his Medical Degree at the University of Budapest. Between 1893 and 1897 he was a demonstrator at the Mental and Neurological Clinic; from 1897 he was a senior physician in the Outpatient Department and became an honorary lecturer (privatdozent) of neuro-pathological diagnostics and investigating methods. In 1909 he became an associate professor and, from 1915 he was the Senior Physician of St Stephen Hospital. He was mainly occupied with the illnesses of the central nervous system, brain tumors, sclerosis multiplex, neurons, brain lesions and hyperkinesis. He described the atrophic homogenization, one of the pathological lesions of the neurons. He was a specialist of nerve-injuries caused by war. His works include The Role of the Diencephalons (red semen system) in the brain-diagnostics) [A középagy (vörös magrendszer) szerepe az agydiagnosztikában] (1921). – B: 1730, T: 7456.
Sárdy, János (John) (Nagykónyi, 27 July 1907 - Budapest, 9 March 1969) – Actor, opera singer (tenor). After obtaining a Diploma in Education in Pápa (1927), he taught at Dunaföldvár and attended lectures on operetta performances in Budapest. His voice was developed under the direction of Árpád Palotay. He first appeared on stage at the Opera House, Budapest, in the role of Otto in Erkel’s Bánk bán. From 1938 to 1958 he was member of the Opera House. His roles included Papageno in Mozart’s Magic Flute (Varázsfuvola); Pedrillo in Mozart’s Il Seraglio (Szöktetés a szerályból); Count Almaviva in Rossini’s Barber of Seville (A Sevillai borbély), and David in Wagner’s Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (A nürnbergi mesterdalnokok). His acting in the film You Are the Song (Te vagy a dal) (1940) made him one of the most popular singers nationwide. In the Operetta Theater (Operett Színház), Budapest, he first appeared as a guest artist in Jenő (Eugene) Huszka’s operetta: Lieutenant Maria (Mária főhadnagy) on 23 September 1942. In 1958 he was contracted to the Operetta Theater, where he played until his death. His operetta roles included Johnny Maize (Kukorica Jancsi) in Pongrác Kacsóh’s John the Brave (János vitéz); Turk in Imre Kálmán’s Countess Marica (Marica grófnő), and Planchard in Florimond Hervé’s Lili. His feature films included Magdolna (1941); Night Music (Éjjeli zene) (1943), and Mrs. Déry (Déryné) (1951). He received the title of Merited Artist (1963). – B: 0883, 1459, T: 7456.→Huszka, Jenő.
Sarkadi, Imre (Emeric) (Debrecen, 13 August 1921 - Budapest, 12 April 1961) – Writer, journalist. In 1941 he worked as a pharmacist's assistant, then, in 1943 and 1944 as a typesetter, while also studying Law at the University of Debrecen. In 1946 he was Managing Editor for the paper Free Word (Szabad Szó) and, in 1950 he was Assistant Editor for the periodical, Civilized Nation (Művelt Nép). From 1954 to 1955 he was a contributor to the Literary News (Irodalmi Újság), and worked as a dramaturge for the Madách Theater (Madách Színház), Budapest, from 1955 to 1957. He was among the most prominent chroniclers of the ways of how the new socialist order transformed the life of the Hungarian peasantry. His first writings appeared in the papers Answer (Válasz) and Star (Csillag). His early essays, depicting changes in country life, reflect Zsigmond (Sigismund) Móricz's influence, yet already these reveal his own unique, tragic and dramatic style, which would unfold fully in his later writings. These are now considered to be important representatives of Hungarian socialist literature. In the final phase of his life, his writings reflect a personal quest for moral purity. Although he attempted to fight his own pessimism, disillusionment and bitterness become increasingly evident. He ultimately succumbed to this struggle and took his own life. His main works include The Way of János Gál (Gál János Útja) (1950); Rozi (1951); September (1955); The Coward (A gyáva) (1961); The Lost Paradise (Az elveszett paradicsom) (1962), and The Fugitive (A szökevény) (1962), His film scripts are: The Carousel (A körhinta) (1955), and Beast of Prey (Dúvad) (1961). He was a recipient of the Kossuth Prize (1955) and the Attila József Prize (1951, 1952, 1954). – B: 0883, 1257, T: 7667.→Móricz, Zsigmond.
Sárkány, Miklós (Nicholas) (Budapest, 15 August 1908 - Vienna, 20 December 1998) – Water-polo player. From 1922 he was a swimmer and water polo player at the Gymnastics and Fencing Club (Torna és Vívó EgyletTVE) of Budapest and, from 1938, at the Gymnastics Club of Újpest (Újpesti Torna Egylet – UTE). From 1933 until 1939 he performed on 60 occasions in the Hungarian selected team. In 1932 he was a member of the Hungarian team that won the Olympic Championship in Los Angeles in 1932 and in Berlin in 1936. After World War II, from 1945 to 1947, he became the Federation captain of the Hungarian water polo selected team. Under his direction, the Hungarian National Team achieved fourth place in the European Championships in 1947. From 1947 to 1958 he was a trainer in Hungarian club teams, such as the Budapest Club and the Dózsa Club of Újpest. His team received the title of Hungarian Champion on five occasions (1948, 1950, 1951, 1952 and 1955). In 1958 he emigrated, and settled at Wuppertal in Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Between 1968 and 1973 he was the leading trainer of the water polo selected team of the German Federal Republic. From 1973 until his death in 1998 he lived in Vienna. – B: 1031, T: 7456.
Sárközi, György (George) (Budapest, 22 January 1899 - Balf, 8 March 1945) – Poet, novelist, narrator and translator of literary works. He was the son of a minor railway clerk. His schooling was in Vác and Budapest. For a short time, he was a student at the Academy of Music, Budapest; later, he studied Philosophy at the University of Budapest. From 1917 he became a permanent contributor to the journal West (Nyugat). From 1919 to 1938 he worked as a referee at the book publisher Athenaeum. He also took part in the editing of the literary journal Pandora. In 1926 he published his first book of poems entitled Angels’ Struggle (Angyalok harca). Between 1935 and 1938 he was Editor of the journal Answer (Válasz). He launched a sociological book series of the village-researching writers entitled Discovery of Hungary (Magyarorszég felfedezése), written by village researchers. In 1936 he married Márta Molnár, the daughter of writer Ferenc (Francis) Molnár. He was one of the leaders of the folk writers’ movement. Sárközi played a significant role in the organizing and leading of the March Front, in shaping its anti-Fascist character. In his works of simple, refined style, he portrays the dreary life of the town bourgeoisie and officials. In the spring of 1944, the Fascist authorities carried him off to the concentration camp of Balf (East of Sopron), where he died of starvation. His works include Like Loosened Sheaf (Mint oldott kéve) historic novel (1931); Sylvester, short story, (1934); Viola, novel (1935); Dózsa, drama (1939), and Selected poems, edited by László Lator (1993). His translations include the first part of Goethe’s Faust (1937), and Thomas Mann’s Jacob and Joseph in Egypt (1937). His complete book of poems and some shorter translations were published in 1947. – B: 0883, 1031, 1160, 1257, T: 7456.
Sárközy, György (George) (Budapest, 3 November 1913 - Budapest, 11 October 1971) – Civil engineer. He obtained his Degree from the Vienna Polytechnic in 1938. Back in Hungary he started working for the engineering contractor, Emil Hacker, and a little later he obtained an engineering position at the firm Hungarian General Road-Building Co., (Magyar Általános Útépítő Rt) where he conducted the construction of roads and bridges; in 1943, he was appointed Chief Engineer, and in 1945 Works Manager. In 1948 he was commissioned with the work-management tasks of the amalgamated nationalized road-building firms, later becoming a section head and chief engineer of the Road and Railway Construction Industrial Center (Út- és Vasút építő Ipari Központ), which became a National Company after 1949. In 1950 he was appointed Chief Engineer of the Concrete-Road Construction Enterprise (Betonútépítő Vállalat). From 1958 he dealt with the same set of tasks for the No. 1 Civil Engineering Enterprise (1. sz. Mélyépítő Vállalat). In 1961 he transferred to the technical secretariat of the National Central Planning Office (Országos Tervhivatal) and, from 1962, he was in charge of the department of the National Technical Development Committee (Országos Műszaki Fejlesztési Bizottság). He gave numerous public lectures both in Hungary and abroad on the subject of technical development. A number of innovations are linked to his name; some have been adopted in other countries. His activities covered a large field. In Hungary, he was the first to introduce open-cut coal mining. He was also engaged in the soil improvement of sodic-soil areas e.g. with the caustic sludge procedure; he also established rice plantations and organized their management. He gained distinction in the planning of several aerodromes, industrial plants and office blocks. He was one of the initiators of constructing expressways in Hungary. He was awarded the Kossuth Prize for his work in the mechanization of earth works (1954). – B: 0883, T: 7456.
Sarkozy de Nagy-Bosca, Nicholas Paul Stéphane (Paris, 28 January 1955 - ) – French politician of Hungarian nobility descent on his father’s side: Pál (Paul) Sárközy, who emigrated from Hungary to France in 1944. His mother, Andrée Mallah, was the daughter of a Greek Jew. Nicholas was the middle of three brothers; he was baptized Roman Catholic and grew up in Paris. His father left his mother in 1960 and the young Nicholas hardly ever saw his father, so he did not learn Hungarian. He was mainly under the influence of his Gaullist grandfather on his mother’s side, descendant of a Jewish family from Thessaloniki. In 1974, young Nicholas became member of the de Gaulle Party; later he joined Jacques Chirac’s party. In 1982 he studied Law at the University of Paris at its Nanterre Law Faculty. Between 1981 and 1987 he worked as a lawyer in Paris. From 1977 to 1983 he was also a member of the City Council at Neuilly-sur-Seine, from 1983 its mayor until 2002. From 1988 to 1995 he was a Member of Parliament. In 1989 he was campaign manager of Giscard d’Estaing and Juppe. In 1993 and 1994 he was Minister of Finance; in 1994 and 1995 Minister of Telecommunication and spokesman for the government with the Balladur Cabinet. Since 1997 he has been the people’s representative in the National Assembly. From 1999 he was a member of the European Parliament. He was also the Interior Minister in the Jacques Chirac Government of 2002. He became Minister of Economics under Raffarin in 2004. In May 2005 Sarkozy again became Minister of the Interior under the new Prime Minister de Villepin. Early in 2007, during his presidential campaign he stressed four cardinal aims: work, authority, education and public law and order. On 6 May 2007, he won the election with 53% of the 85% voters’ presence and was elected the sixth President of the 5th Republic. He has been married twice and has three children. In 2007 soon after his election, he visited Hungary. – B: 0874, 1031, T: 7684, 7456.
Sárközy, Mátyás (Matthias) (Budapest, 19 July 1937 - ) – Writer, critic, journalist, literary translator. He is grandson of the renowned playwright Ferenc (Francis) Molnár. In 1945, during the siege of Budapest, he lived with his brother at the Gaudiopolis (Örömváros – Joyous House) of the Lutheran pastor Gábor (Gabriel) Sztehló. In 1956 he became a journalist and worked at the paper Monday News (Hétfői Hírek). After the defeated Revolution and Freedom Fight of 1956, he escaped to the West, and settled in England. Between 1957 and 1961 he learned book-illustration at the Academy of Applied Art of London, and was a co-worker at the Hungarian Department of the British Broadcasting Corporation – BBC. From 1963 to 1965 he worked at Radio Free Europe (Szabad Európa Rádió), Munich. From 1966 he worked again at the Hungarian Department of the BBC. In 1976 he opened his Art Gallery in London. Concurrently, he studied Literature and History at the University of London. He wrote short stories, sketches, articles and critics. Since 1990, he publishes works in Budapest. He was an external contributor of the BBC. He is the owner of the White Raven Publishers (Fehér Holló Kiadó), London. Under the pen name of Márton (Martin) Fekete, he wrote in English and published a “Who is Who” entitled Prominent Hungarians Home and Abroad (1966, 1973, 1979, 1985). Since 2001 he has been a reporter of Info Radio, Budapest. His writing were published by the paper New Horizon (Új látóhatár), (1950-1989, Zurich, Paris, Munich), and the Literary Review (Irodalmi Újság), (1957-1989, Vienna, London, Paris). His other works include In Near and Far (Közel és távolban) short story (1963); Ages and Circles (Korok és körök) (1972); The Literary Policy of the Rákosi Era (A Rákosi korszak iodalompolitikája) (1980); The Whole Word is a Theater (Színház az egész világ), Ferenc Molnár monography (Budapest, 1995); Letters from Zugliget (Levelek Zuligetből) (2003); Albion Without Fog (Albion köd nélkül) (Budapest, 2004); The Play ‘s the Thing, on Ferenc Molnár, (2005); Along Király Street (A Király utcán végestelen-végig) (Budapest, 2006), and Horizontal Fall (Vízszintes zuhanás), diary (2007).→B: 1031, 1672, T: 7103.→Molnár Ferenc; Sztehló, Gábor; Kemény, István; Radio Free Europe.
Sarlóköz Anonymous (16th century) – Author of the poem about the Last Judgment, Optima historia de extremo iudicio, written in Latin and found in the Lugossy Codex. Both the Bible and other medieval sources form the basis of the poem. – B: 1150, T: 3240.→Sarlós,_Andrew'>Codex Literature.
Sarlós, Andrew (András) (Budapest, 24 November 1931 – Budapeszt, 28 April 1997) – Chartered Accountant, financial executive, financier and philanthropist. He was educated at the University of Budapest, in the Faculty of Economics. He emigrated to Canada after the 1956 Revolution in which he participated and obtained a B.A. degree from the University of Toronto in 1962. He became Chairman of A. Sarlos & Associates Ltd.; Chairman of Central European Investment Corporation; founder of The First Hungary Foundation; Director of O'Donnell Investment Management Corporation; Member of the National Council of Canadian Institute of International Affairs; founding member of International Management Center, Budapest; founding member of the Budapest Stock Exchange; founder of Advisory Budapest East/West Exchange Program; former Chairman of Hungary Reborn (exhibition 8, cultural festival) (1961); former Co-Chairman, Welcome Canada/Bienvenue Canada, Budapest (1963); director of Royal L. Merchant Group; director and Vice-President of Finance Acres Ltd. (1967-1974). He both made and lost fortunes and became known as the “Buddha of Bay Street” because of his expertise and daring in deal-making and playing the stock market; he shared his knowledge and his money. He was a frequent lecturer at universities and conferences. Sarlós received several awards, including an Honorary Doctorate from St. Mary's University (1991) and an Honorary Doctorate of Law from the University of Waterloo (1995). He received the Order of the Flag of the Republic of Hungary decorated with Laurels from the President of Hungary (1991), and he was a member of the Order of Canada (1992). His books included Fireworks: The Investment of a Lifetime, autobiography, (1993); Fear, Greed and the End of the Rainbow, with Patricia Best (1997), and Tűzijáték (Fireworks) (1998). – B: 0893, 1786, T: 4342.
Sarlós, Robert Károly (Charles) (Budapest, 6 June 1931 - Portland Oregon, USA, 29 August 2008) – Theater historian. He was born into an assimilated Jewish family and attended the renowned Lutheran High School, Budapest. In 1949 he was admitted to a select class in stage direction at the Hungarian Academy of Theater and Film Arts. After one semester, he was expelled because of his “bourgeois” descent and thinking. He became a lathe-operator, served in the Hungarian Peoples' Army, studied theater history, had a small part in the 1956 Revolution, and then left his native land. After three months in Austria, Sarlós was admitted to the U.S. as a refugee, worked as a lathe-operator in Long Beach, CA, then attended Occidental College (L.A.) on a scholarship (B.A., 1959). A Woodrow Wilson Fellowship enabled him to study Theater History with A. M. Nagler at Yale (Ph.D., 1965). In 1962 he married Charlotte Harris and became a U.S. citizen in November. Charlotte and he had two children: Lilian Margit, born in 1962, and Tibor Thomas in 1965; they were divorced in 1986. Sarlós taught Theater History at the University of California, Davis, from 1963 until retirement in January 1993. He contributed to 15 books in America and Europe and published over forty articles and reviews in scholarly journals, such as the Theater Research International; Maske und Kothurn; Theater Survey; The Drama Review, etc., dealing with various periods of European and American theater and drama. His book, Jig Cook and the Provincetown Players; Theater in Ferment (1982) was honored with the Barnard Hewitt Award in 1983. At the Department of Dramatic Art in Davis, Professor Sarlós took a leading role in creating the Ph.D. program, of which he served as Director for over twenty years. He was chiefly responsible for the development of the Shields Library's Performing Arts holdings, and for the assembly of a significant body of source materials in Special Collections. He directed seven productions, including the English language premiere of The Tót Family (Tóték) by Hungarian playwright István (Stephen) Örkény (1968), and a performance reconstruction of the Stuart Masque, The Triumph of Peace (1974). Sarlós organized, or contributed to several exhibitions; he was instrumental in saving the Woodland Opera House, and in its eventual restoration. He participated in the creation of the University's Intercampus M.A. in Dance History and, from 1990 to 1992, served as Director of the Budapest Study Center of the University's Education Abroad Program. After his retirement, he first lived in Vienna, Austria and, in November 2002 he moved to Portland, OR. – B: 1872, T: 7103.→Örkény, István.
Sarmatians – Relatives of the Scythians, who supposedly spoke a similar language and had a common origin. There are suggestions that Sarmatian came from the Turkic or Fimmo-Ugrian groups, such as some early form of Hungarian. However, these suggestions have not so far been generally accepted. After defeating the Scythians around 150 BC, they gradually occupied Southern Russia and assimilated some of the Russians. One of their tribes, the Yazigs, arrived in the Carpathian Basin and settled on the Hungarian Plain in 101 AD. The so-called “Csörsz árka”, a long, protruding fortified wall at the edge of the Plain, is attributed to them. Their relatives, the Roxolans who, at first, settled in Wallachia, followed them, and later, moving through Dacia, the majority of them also settled on the Plain. The Sarmatians arrived in the Carpathian Basin in three waves between 101 and 271. These two tribes were the first line of defense against the barbarians from the East. The Gepids and the Goths, arriving from the East, assaulted the line of the Danube in several waves from about 270 to gain entry into Pannonia. The Sarmatians were not mentioned by the sources until 469, at the time of the arrival of the Huns, when they resurfaced among the members of the German alliance fighting against the Eastern Goths. Their last mention is dated to 488, when the Eastern Goths, moving into Italy, defeated them. Emperor Constantine I defeated the Goths and later, during the internal fights among the Sarmatians, he allowed a great number of people to cross the border at the River Danube into Pannonia. They ruled until the end of the Roman Empire but eventually were wiped out in the internal squabbles. Some of them survived to be absorbed by the Avars. They were fierce fighters, adopted the same fighting methods the Scythians had used before them and the Magyars after them. Herodotos and other contemporary writers portray them in a fighting habit made of fastened scaly horn-sheets. This description was later substantiated by archeological finds. Their art, such as arms, jewels, and equestrian accoutrements found in their tombs were made of precious metals. The important characteristic of their art, the depiction of animals, was pushed into the background and the few remaining pieces show animal struggles and not the animals per se. The botanical and geometric ornaments appeared together with what is called the polychrome style; the advent of colorful precious stones encased in precious metal. Together with the traditional art of the Scythians, the Greco-Bactrian and Hellenistic art also strongly influenced them. The most important artistic finds are from the Kuban region and the so-called Siberian Gold sheets. – B: 1230, 1666, 1144, 1153, 1020, T: 3240.→Scy
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