For those users who are familiar with running PI data collection interface programs, this checklist helps get the PI Bailey semAPI interface running. For readers who are not familiar with PI interfaces, return to this section after reading the rest of the manual in detail.
Install Bailey semAPI software as per Bailey Document E96-827-1, installation section.
Define a logical ICI for each ICI module with the program ICICONF.
Install the PI Interface Configuration Utility (which installs PI SDK and PI API)
Verify that the PI API has been installed.
Install the interface.
After configuring the logical ICI, always test the communication to the ICI using the TALK90 program. TALK90 is an important communication trouble shooting tool. If TALK90 is having a problem communicating to the ICI module, the PI interface cannot be expected to function properly. At least execute command 100(connect to ICI) and 19(restart ICI). Other commands to try are 43 (read time) and 84 (establish import point). Command 84 is on the second page of commands.
Define digital states for digital tags.
Choose a point source.
Configure PI points.
Location1 is the interface instance (Use the logical ICI number).
Location2 for inputs is Loop Number * 256 + PCU Number
for outputs is the CIU index.
Location3for inputs is Module Number
for outputs is always 1.
Location4 for inputs is the Block Number
for outputs is always 1.
Location5 is the Bailey point type.
ExDesc uses /BLY=x for extended attributes.
InstrumentTag is not used.
Configure the interface using the PI ICU utility or edit startup command file manually. It is recommended to use PI ICU whenever possible.