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Henrik Szeryng (violin), Pierre Monteux

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Henrik Szeryng (violin), Pierre Monteux

BRAHMS Violin Concerto in D Op.77

LP: (Mar59) LM2281 = LSC2281; (Oct59) RB16168 = SB2049,

(Sep63) VIC1028 = (Apr67) VICS1028,

(Dec76) CCV5052,

(Nov83) AGL1 5216; (Oct84) VL89032.

CD: (Apr88) GD86716; (Apr88) 6716.2RG,

(Aug01) 2CD set 74321 84588.2,

(Apr11) Haydn House HH2010128 private issue,

(Dec14) 40CD set 88843 07348.2.

>0404 DECCA

Pr: John Culshaw Eng: Kenneth Wilkinson

18-20 Jun 1958 Kingsway Hall

Julius Katchen (piano), Georg Solti

RACHMANINOV Piano Concerto No.2 in C minor Op.18

Coupled with “Islamey” for piano solo, recorded on 30 Jun 58.

LP: (Feb61) LXT5490 = (Feb59) SXL2076;

(Sep60) CM9254 = (Mar59) CS6064,

(Sep68) ADD181 = SDD181; (May69) STS15086,

(Nov76) DPA565-66,

(Jun78) SPA505.

CD: (Sep88) 417 880.2DC,

(Mar92) 433 627.2DSP,

(Jun96) 448 604.2DCS,

(c99) 460 834.2DF2,

(Oct13) 478 5437DX54,

(May15) Urania 2CD set WS121 191,

(Aug16) 483 0356DC35.

Download: Beulah.

>0405 R.C.A. / DECCA

Pr: John Culshaw Eng: Kenneth Wilkinson

18-20 Jun 1958 Kingsway Hall

Pierre Monteux

SIBELIUS Symphony No.2 in D Op.43

LP: (Oct59) R.C.A. LM2342 = LSC2342; (May60) RB16186 = SB2070,

(Sep70) Decca SDD234; (Oct70) London STS15098,

(May76) Decca DPA531-32,

(Oct76) Decca ECS789,

(Jan83) Pickwick Contour Classics CC7563.

CD: (Sep06) Decca 475 7798DC7,

(Nov12) Australian Eloquence 480 6568,

(Oct13) Decca 478 5437DX54,

(Aug15) Decca 478 8589DC11,

(May16) Decca 482 5410DX20.

Download: Beulah.

>0406 R.C.A. / DECCA

Pr: James Walker Eng: Kenneth Wilkinson

24-25 Jun 1958 Kingsway Hall

Pierre Monteux

ELGAR Enigma Variations Op.36

Coupled with Brahms’ “Haydn Variations”, recorded on 8-9 Dec 58.

LP: (Nov60) R.C.A. LM2418 = LSC2418; (Mar61) RB16237 = SB2108,

(Nov65) R.C.A. VIC1107 = VICS1107,

(Jun71) Decca SPA121; (Aug74) London STS15188,

(May76) Decca DPA537-38,

(Jly79) Decca SPA536.

CD: (Nov88) Decca 417 878.2DC,

(Dec96) Decca 452 303.2DCS,

(Sep06) Decca 475 7798DC7,

(Oct11) Decca 478 3190DM in 478 2826DB50,

(Mar12) Australian Eloquence 480 5019,

(Jan16) Decca 478 9262DB50,

(May16) Decca 482 5410DX20.

>0407 MERCURY [U.S.A]

Pr: Harold Lawrence Eng: C.Robert Fine

28-29 Jun 1958 Watford Town Hall

Anatole Fistoulari

DELIBES Sylvia - ballet

LP: (Nov58) OL2 106 = MG50187-88 = (Feb59) SR2 9006 = SR90187-88;

(Jly59) MMA11036-37 = (Apr60) AMS16032-33,

(Oct64) Philips GL5771-72 = 642210-11GL,

(Mar69) 2LP set SRW19501,

(Oct69) Fontana SFL14121-22 = 700488-89WGY = 6738 007,

(US: Dec75, UK: Nov83) SRI2 77005.

CD: (Nov92) 434 313.2MM3,

(Apr13) 478 5092MB55.

Download: Beulah.

>0408 MERCURY [U.S.A]

Pr: Harold Lawrence Eng: C.Robert Fine

[a] 30 Jun, [bc] 1 & [cd] 2 Jly 1958 Watford Town Hall

[abc] Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt / [d] Walter Susskind

These conductors replaced Antal Dorati who was ill. He had been due

to conduct [b] and Prokofiev’s Fifth Symphony in a concert on 26 Jun,

so [cd] probably used sessions originally intended for the latter.

[a] MOZART Symphony No.39 in E flat K543

[b] MOZART Symphony No.41 in C K551 “Jupiter”

[c] SCHUBERT Symphony No.6 in C D589

[d] SCHUBERT Symphony No.4 in C minor D417 “Tragic”

LP: [ab] (Feb59) MG50184 = (Oct59) SR90184,

[cd] (Aug59) MG50196 = SR90196;

[ab] (Aug59) MMA11041 = (Aug60) AMS16050,

[cd] (Jun60) MMA11079 = AMS16029,

[b] (Dec76) Fontana 6531 006.

CD: [c] (Aug95) 434 354.2MM,

[d] (Feb05) Haydn House HH2084 private issue,

[d] (Dec10) Haydn House HH2010115 private issue,

[ab] (Apr11) Haydn House HH2010129 private issue,

[c] (Mar15) 478 7896MB53,

[ab] (Jly15) Forgotten Records FR1087,

[cd] (Aug15) Forgotten Records FR1099,

[a-d] (Apr16) Classical Recordings Quarterly CRQ CD230-31.

>0409 Allied Sound [U.S.A]

25-26 Jly 1958 Watford Town Hall

Walter Goehr

[a] BEETHOVEN Symphony No.5 in C minor Op.67

[b] BEETHOVEN Coriolan - Overture Op.62

[c] BEETHOVEN Egmont Op.84 : Overture

[d] SMETANA Má Vlast : No.2 “Vltava”

[d] Coupled with a Schubert symphony, recorded with the LPO in Feb 59.

LP: [abc] (Nov59) Perfect mono 13004 = stereo 15004,

[d] (Feb60) Perfect mono 13010 = stereo 15010;

[bc] (’61) Concert Hall Record Club seven inch M937,

[d] (’61) Concert Hall Record Club seven inch M938,

[a] (’61) Concert Hall Record Club M2201,

[a] (’61) Concert Hall Record Club DM5003,

[a] (’65) Musical Masterpieces MM5004.

CD: [d] (Jan11) Historic Recordings HRCD0065 private issue.

>0410 EVEREST [U.S.A]

Pr: John Carewe

[a] 15, [b] 16 & [c] 17 Aug 1958 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

Walter Susskind

[a] PROKOFIEV Chout - ballet : Suite Op.21b

[b] COPLAND Appalachian Spring - ballet

[c] GOULD Spirituals for Orchestra

LP: [a] (Dec58) LPBR6001 = SDBR3001; (Nov59) Top Rank 35 012,

[bc] (Dec58) LPBR6002 = SDBR3002; (UK: Nov67) SDBR3002,

[b] (Oct61) World Record Club T92 = ST92,

[a] (c66) World Record Club CM65 = SCM65.

CD: [c] (Aug90) Bay Cities BCD1016,

[bc] (Feb95) EVC9003,

[a] (May95) EVC9019,

[a] (Jun08) EVERCD005.

SACD: [bc] (’00) Omega VSD504.

>0411 EVEREST [U.S.A]

Pr: John Carewe

[a] 18, [b] 24, [cde] 25 & [f] 27 Aug 1958 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

Eugene Goossens

[a] RESPIGHI Feste Romane

[b] ANTILL Corroboree

[c] RACHMANINOV Symphonic Dances Op.45

[d] GINASTERA Panambí - ballet : Suite Op.1a

[e] VILLA-LOBOS The Little Train of the Caipira

[f] STRAVINSKY Symphony in three movements

[f] Coupled with Ebony Concerto, recorded with Woody Herman in the USA.

[ac] Dynamic range posed problems for the engineer. Everest spread the works

over four short sides; Top Rank announced a single twelve inch disc,

but instead resorted to one ten inch and one bargain-priced twelve inch,

and it was left to WRC to restore the intended original coupling in 1964.

LP: [bd] (Dec58) LPBR6003 = SDBR3003,

[ac] (Dec58) 2LP set LPBR6004 = SDBR3004,

[f] (Feb59) LPBR6009 = SDBR3009; (UK: Sep67) SDBR3009,

[de] (Feb60) LPBR6041 = SDBR3041; (UK: Sep67) SDBR3041,

[de] (Apr63) 2LP set LPBR6107 = SDBR3107,

[a] (Mar67) LPBR6150 = SDBR3150,

[c] (Mar67) LPBR6151 = SDBR3151;

[ac] (Nov59) Top Rank 35 013 announced but not released,

[a] (Mar60) ten inch Top Rank 25 019,

[c] (Jly60) Top Rank BUY002,

[e] (Sep62) World Record Club T164 = ST164,

[ac] (Jan64) World Record Club T277 = ST277.

CD: [f] (Jun89) Philips 422 303.2PLC,

[c] (Aug89) Price-Less D22654,

[c] (Feb95) EVC9002,

[bde] (Feb95) EVC9007,

[a] (May95) EVC9018,

[f] (Nov96) EVC9042,

[de] (Jun08) EVERCD012.

DVD-A: [bd] (’99) Classic DAD1029.

>0412 DECCA

Pr: Michael Bremner Eng: Kenneth Wilkinson

16-17 Sep 1958 Kingsway Hall

Julius Katchen (piano), Pierino Gamba

[a] BEETHOVEN Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor Op.37

[b] Rondo in B flat WoO.6

LP: [ab] (Mar59) LXT5500 = SXL2106; (Feb60) CS6096,

[ab] (Feb70) SDD226; (Oct73) STS15111.

CD: [a] (Apr91) Pickwick PWK1153,

[a] (Jly95) 440 839.2DF2,

[b] (Mar99) Philips 456 859.2PM2,

[ab] (Mar04) 460 822.2DF2,

[ab] (Jun07) 475 8449DC4,

[ab] (Aug16) 483 0356DC35.

This series was continued in Jun 63, Dec 63 & Jan 65.

>0413i R.C.A. / DECCA

Pr: Michael Williamson Eng: Kenneth Wilkinson

14-15 Oct 1958 Kingsway Hall

Jean Martinon

DVOŘÁK Slavonic Dances B83/1-8 & B147/7

LP: (Nov60) LM2419 = LSC2419; (Jun61) RB16246 = SB2115,

(Sep63) VIC1054 = VICS1054; (Nov63) mono only in UK,

(Jan72) Decca ECS632.

CD: (Oct04) Australian Eloquence 476 2742,

(Mar06) 475 7209DC9.

>0413ii [Additional entry] B.B.C. TELEVISION Studio Recording

excerpted from “Music for You”

19 Oct 1958 VIDEO Maida Vale Studio 1 ?

Boris Christoff (bass), Eric Robinson

led by Hugh Maguire

MUSORGSKY Boris Godunov : Death of Boris

DVD video: (Nov04) E.M.I. DVB5 99687.9.

>0414 EVEREST [U.S.A]

Pr: Raoul Poliakin Eng: Joe Kane

10-11 Nov 1958 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

Rudolf Schwarz

MAHLER Symphony No.5 in C sharp minor

LP: (Feb59) 2LP set LPBR6014 = SDBR3014;

(Jun63) World Record Club CM39-40 = SCM39-40;

(Aug74) 12LP set SDBR3359,

(’75) SDBR3386.

CD: (Oct95) EVC9032,

(Jun08) EVERCD011.

Download: Beulah.

>0415 EVEREST [U.S.A]

Pr: Raoul Poliakin Eng: Joe Kane

[a] 12 & [b] 26 Nov 1958 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

Eugene Goossens

[a] ANTHEIL Symphony No.4 “1942”

[b] GINASTERA Estancia - ballet : Suite Op.8a

LP: [ab] (Feb59) LPBR6013 = SDBR3013,

[b] (Feb60) LPBR6041 = SDBR3041; (UK: Sep67) SDBR3041.

CD: [a] (Aug90) Bay Cities BCD1016,

[b] (Feb95) EVC9007,

[a] (Nov96) EVC9039,

[b] (Jun08) EVERCD012.

>0416 EVEREST [U.S.A]

13 Nov 1958 Wembley Town Hall

L.S.O. Chamber Ensemble, John Carewe

led by Hugh Maguire

[a] MILHAUD La Création du monde Op.81

[b] STRAVINSKY The Soldier’s Tale : suite

LP: [ab] (Jan60) LPBR6017 = SDBR3017; (UK: May71) SDBR3017.

CD: [ab] (Oct97) EVC9049.

>0417 EVEREST [U.S.A]

Pr: Raoul Poliakin Eng: Joe Kane

14 Nov 1958 Hornsey Town Hall

Lamar Crowson (piano), Arthur Benjamin

BENJAMIN Concerto quasi una fantasia


LP: (Aug59) LPBR6020 = SDBR3020; (UK: Jan73) SDBR3020.

CD: (May96) EVC9029.

Download: Naxos Classical Archives 9 80978.

>0418 EVEREST [U.S.A]

Pr: Raoul Poliakin Eng: Joe Kane

[ab] 17 & [c] 18 Nov 1958 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

Aaron Copland

[a] COPLAND Billy the Kid - ballet

[b] Statements

[c] Symphony No.3

LP: [ab] (Feb59) LPBR6015 = SDBR3015,

[c] (Mar59) LPBR6018 = SDBR3018;

[a] (Oct61) World Record Club T92 = ST92,

[c] (Jan63) World Record Club CM34 = SCM34.

CD: [ab] (Oct86) Suite Beat SBCD2001,

[ac] (Jun89) Philips 422 307.2PLC,

[b] (Nov96) EVC9039,

[ac] (Nov96) EVC9040,

[ac] (Jun08) EVERCD002,

[a] (Aug13) Regis RRC1404.

>0419 R.C.A. / DECCA

Pr: James Walker Eng: Cyril Windebank

8-9 Dec 1958 Kingsway Hall

Pierre Monteux

BRAHMS Variations on a Theme of Haydn Op.56a “St Antoni”

Coupled with Elgar’s “Enigma Variations”, recorded on 24-25 Jun 58.

LP: (Nov60) R.C.A. LM2418 = LSC2418; (Mar61) RB16237 = SB2108,

(Nov65) R.C.A. VIC1107 = VICS1107,

(Jun71) Decca SPA121; (Aug74) London STS15188,

(Jun74) Decca 2LP set DDS504,

(Sep76) Decca DPA553-54.

CD: (Nov90) London 430 214.2LC,

(Aug97) Decca 452 893.2DCS,

(Sep06) Decca 475 7798DC7,

(Feb11) Australian Eloquence 480 4726,

(Aug15) Australian Eloquence 480 8913,

(May16) Decca 482 5410DX20.

>0420 DECCA

Pr: John Culshaw Eng: Gordon Parry

5-8 Jan 1959 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

Kirsten Flagstad (soprano), Øivin Fjeldstad

[a] GRIEG Five songs Op.18/4, 21/3, 59/3&4, 60/5

[b] ALNAES Four Norwegian songs

[c] LIE Nykelen & Skinnveng-brev

[d] EGGEN Aerer det evige forår i livet

LP: [a-d] (Feb60) LXT5558 = SXL2145;

(Mar59) LL3070 = (Feb60) OS25103 = (Jly60) LL5525,

[a-d] (Sep69) SDD209.

CD: [a] (Aug89) 425 512.2DC,

[abc] (May95) 440 492.2LM,

[bcd] (’00) Australian Eloquence 466 675.2,

[a-d] (Nov09) Australian Eloquence 2CD set 480 1804,

[a-d] (May12) 478 3930DC10.

>0421i DECCA

Pr: Erik Smith Eng: Gordon Parry (m), Kenneth Wilkinson (s)

24&26-28 Jan 1959 Kingsway Hall

Peter Maag

[a] MOZART Symphony No.32 in G K318

[b] Symphony No.38 in D K504 “Prague”

[c] Six German Dances K509

[d] Six German Dances K600/1,2,5, K602/3, K605/2,3

45rpm: [d] (Apr60) CEP646 = SEC5056; not released in US.

LP: [ab] (Jly59) LXT5518 = SXL2135; (Nov59) CS6107,

[c] (Jan61) ten inch BR3082; not released in US,

[ab] (Sep65) ADD122 = SDD122; (May71) STS15087,

[b] (Nov72) SDD331,

[a] (Dec74) ECS740.

CD: [ad] (Feb00) 466 500.2DM,

[a] (Jun06) Australian Eloquence 476 9692,

[bd] (Jun06) Australian Eloquence 476 9702,

[c] (Oct11) Australian Eloquence 480 3609.

>0421ii [Additional entry] B.B.C. Studio Broadcast

5 Feb 1959 Maida Vale Studio 1

Norman Del Mar

led by Hugh Maguire

BRIAN Symphony No.9 in A minor

CD: (Aug10) Dutton CDBP9798.

>0422 R.C.A. / DECCA

Pr: Erik Smith (m), Christopher Raeburn (s) Eng: Kenneth Wilkinson

[a] 9-10 & [b] 12 Feb 1959 Kingsway Hall

Alexander Gibson

[a] SIBELIUS Symphony No.5 in E flat Op.82

[b] Karelia Op.11 : suite

LP: [ab] (Jun60) LM2405 = LSC2405; (Mar60) RB16184 = SB2068,

[ab] (Feb63) VIC1016 = (Jan66) VICS1016,

[ab] (May71) Decca SPA122; (Apr75) London STS15189,

[b] (May76) Decca DPA531-32.

CD: [ab] (Nov01) Decca 468 488.2DM,

[ab] (Aug15) Decca 478 8589DC11.

>0423 DECCA

Pr: Christopher Raeburn (m), Ray Minshull (s) Eng: Kenneth Wilkinson

17-20 Feb 1959 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

Teresa Berganza (mezzo-soprano), Alexander Gibson

[a] ROSSINI Il Barbiere di Siviglia : Una voce poco fa

[b] Il Barbiere di Siviglia : Contro un cor

[c] L’Italiana in Algeri : Cruda sorte!

[d] L’Italiana in Algeri : O! che muso

[e] L’Italiana in Algeri : Per lui che adoro

[f] La Cenerentola : Nacqui all’affanno

[g] Semiramide : Bel raggio

[h] Stabat Mater : Fac ut portem

LP: [a-h] (Jun59) LXT5514 = SXL2132; (Feb60) 5514 = OS25106,

[a-h] (May70) SDD224; (Nov80) STS15533,

[a-e] (Feb86) 414 612.1DG.

CD: [abcfgh] (Jan90) 421 327.2DA,

[acefg] (Oct01) 467 905.2DSR,

[acf] (Apr04) 475 518.2DM2,

[f] (May16) 55CD set 478 9679.

>0424 R.C.A. / DECCA

Pr: Michael Williamson (m), Christopher Raeburn (s) Eng: Kenneth Wilkinson

4-5 Mar 1959 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

Malcolm Sargent

[a] PROKOFIEV Peter and the Wolf Op.67

[b] Symphony No.1 in D Op.25 “Classical”

[a] Ralph Richardson’s narration for Decca was recorded on 20 Apr 1959;

Lorne Greene narrated the R.C.A. version.

LP: [ab] (Jly65) R.C.A. LM2783 = LSC2783;

[ab] (Aug70) Decca SPA90; (Jun71) London STS15114,

[a] (Sep75) Decca SPA366,

[ab] (Dec78) Decca DPA617-18,

[a] (Nov82) Decca VIV40.

CD: [a] (Nov88) Decca 421 626.2DC,

[ab] (Oct91) Decca 433 612.2DSP,

[a] (Sep93) Belart 450 024.2,

[a] (Jun95) Decca 448 187.2DM (without the narration).

>0425 B.B.C. recorded live at a concert

20 Mar 1959 Royal Albert Hall

Joyce Barker, Agnes Giebel & Beryl Hatt (sopranos), Kerstin Meyer &

Helen Watts (contraltos), Kenneth Neate (tenor), Alfred Orda (baritone),

Arnold Van Mill (bass), Emanuel School Boys’ Choir,

Orpington Junior Singers, B.B.C. Chorus, B.B.C. Choral Society,

Goldsmiths’ Choral Union, Hampstead Choral Society, Jascha Horenstein

led by Hugh Maguire

MAHLER Symphony No.8 in E flat

LP: (Jly83) Discocorp 2LP set RR203, unauthorized release.

CD: (Nov98) B.B.C. Legends 2CD set BBCL4001.7.

Download: Pristine Classical PASC440.

>0426 DECCA

Pr: Christopher Raeburn (m) Eng: James Timms (m)

Pr: Michael Williamson (s) Eng: Kenneth Wilkinson (s)

24-25 Mar 1959 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

Julius Katchen (piano), Pierre Monteux

BRAHMS Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor Op.15

LP: (Mar60) LXT5546 = SXL2172;

(Jun60) CM9030 = (Apr60) CS6151,

(Mar66) ADD137 = SDD137,

(May75) SPA385; (Jan76) STS15209,

(Aug84) Pickwick Contour Classics CC7587.

CD: (Jly95) 440 612.2DF2,

(Mar04) 460 828.2DF2,

(Aug16) 483 0356DC35.

>0427 B.B.C. Studio Recording of the first performance of each symphony

8 Apr 1959 Hammersmith Town Hall

Harry Newstone

led by Peter Gibbs

[a] BRIAN Dr.Merryheart - comedy overture

[b] Symphony No.12

[c] Symphony No.11

The unauthorized LPs, with hand-written labels, were probably taken from the first broadcast of the recording on 5 Nov 59. There are copies in the British Library Sound Archive, call numbers [ab] 1LP0029623 and [c] 1LP0029619.

LP: [ab] private recording, AD100,

[c] private recording, unnumbered ten inch LP.

CD: [ac] (Aug10) Dutton CDBP9798.

Download: [b] Havergal Brian Society.

>0428 DECCA

Pr: Michael Bremner (m) Eng: Cyril Windebank (m)

Pr: John Culshaw (s) Eng: Alan Reeve (s)

27-28 Apr 1959 Kingsway Hall

Royal Opera House Chorus (Douglas Robinson), Pierre Monteux

RAVEL Daphnis et Chloé

LP: (Oct59) LXT5536 = SXL2164;

(May60) CM9028 = (Dec59) CS6147,

(Feb68) ADD170 = SDD170; (Jan70) STS15090,

(Nov79) JB69.

CD: (Mar90) 425 956.2DM,

(Jun96) 448 603.2DCS,

(May06) 475 7525DOR,

(Oct11) 478 3190DM in 478 2826DB50,

(Jan16) 478 9262DB50,

(May16) 482 5410DX20.

SACD: (Apr13) Praga Digitals DSD350073.

>0429 H.M.V.

Pr: R.Kinloch Anderson (m) Eng: Neville Boyling (m)

Pr: Victor Olof (s) Eng: Harold Davidson (s)

5-7 May 1959 Abbey Road Studio 1

Victoria de los Angeles (soprano); [e] Gerald Moore (piano); Adrian Boult

[a] HANDEL Il floridante HWV14 : Alma mia

[b] HANDEL Acis and Galatea HWV49a : As when the dove

[c] HANDEL Judas Maccabaeus HWV63 : So shall the lute

[d] MOZART Exsultate, jubilate - motet K165 (K158a)

[e] MOZART Ch’io mi scordi di te - scene and rondo K505

[f] MOZART Il Re Pastore K208 : L’amerò, sarò costante

[af] Unpublished.

LP: [b-e] (Mar82) ASD4193 = 0C 065 43178; not released in US.

CD: [b-e] (Aug96) Testament SBT1088.

>0430 EVEREST [U.S.A]

15&17 May 1959 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

Eugene Goossens

STRAVINSKY Petrushka (1911 version)

LP: (Oct59) LPBR6033 = SDBR3033; (May60) Top Rank BUY007,

(Mar62) World Record Club CM23 = SCM23,

(Apr63) Vox GBYE15010,

(Apr75) Ember Classics ECL9005.

CD: (Oct86) Suite Beat SBCD1001,

(Jun89) Philips 422 303.2PLC,

(Nov96) EVC9042,

(Jun08) EVERCD007.

>0431 EVEREST [U.S.A]

[a] 18-20, [b] 20 May & 3 Jun 1959 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

Malcolm Sargent

[a] PROKOFIEV Symphony No.5 in B flat Op.100

[b] TCHAIKOVSKY Symphony No.5 in E minor Op.64

LP: [a] (Feb60) LPBR6034 = SDBR3034,

[b] (Dec59) LPBR6039 = SDBR3039,

[b] (Feb66) 7LP set LPBR100 = SDBR600;

[b] (c61) World Record Club TP76 = STP76,

[a] (Jly62) World Record Club CM29 = SCM29,

[b] (Nov67) Hallmark HM511 = SHM511,

[a] (Oct68) Hallmark HM537 = SHM537,

[a] (’68) Concert Hall SMSC2538.

CD: [b] (Oct86) Suite Beat SBCD1002,

[ab] (Oct97) EVC9043-44.

>0432 EVEREST [U.S.A]

[a] 23,26, [bc] 26-28 & [d] 29-30 May 1959 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

[bc] Peter Katin (piano); Eugene Goossens

[a] TCHAIKOVSKY Manfred Symphony Op.58

[b] SCHUMANN Piano Concerto in A minor Op.54

[c] FRANCK Symphonic Variations

[d] BERLIOZ Symphonie fantastique Op.14

LP: [a] (Nov59) LPBR6035 = SDBR3035,

[bc] (Oct59) LPBR6036 = SDBR3036; (Feb60) Top Rank 35 056,

[d] (Dec59) LPBR6037 = SDBR3037; (Jan60) Top Rank 35 057,

[a] (Feb66) 7LP set LPBR100 = SDBR600,

[bc] (c61) World Record Club TP71 = STP71,

[d] (’61) World Record Club T93 = ST93,

[a] (’63) World Record Club T209 = ST209,

[d] (Oct68) Hallmark HM548 = SHM548.

CD: [d] (May95) EVC9017,

[a] (May96) EVC9025,

[b] (Oct97) EVC9045-46,

[c] (Dec97) EVC9060,

[bc] (Jun08) EVERCD010.

Download: [a] Beulah.

>0433 EVEREST [U.S.A]

[a] 30-31 May & [b] 2 Jun 1959 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

[ab] Joseph Fuchs (violin); Eugene Goossens

[a] HINDEMITH Violin Concerto

[b] MOZART Violin Concerto No.3 in G K216

LP: [ab] (Jan60) LPBR6040 = SDBR3040;

(Nov62) World Record Club CM33 = SCM33.

CD: [a] (Feb95) EVC9009,

[b] (Oct97) EVC9045-46.

>0434 EVEREST [U.S.A]

1-2 Jun 1959 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

Leopold Ludwig

led by Hugh Maguire

STRAUSS Ein Heldenleben Op.40

LP: (Oct59) LPBR6038 = SDBR3038; (Apr60) Top Rank BUY003,

(Sep62) World Record Club TP165 = STP165,

(c74) Concert Hall SMS2833.

CD: (May96) EVC9033.

>0435 MERCURY [U.S.A]

Pr: Harold Lawrence Eng: C.Robert Fine

6 Jun 1959 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

Antal Dorati

[a] RIMSKY-KORSAKOV Capriccio Espagnol Op.34

[b] RIMSKY-KORSAKOV Russian Easter Festival Overture Op.36

[c] BORODIN Prince Igor : Overture

[d] BORODIN In the Steppes of Central Asia

[d] Unpublished: perhaps not completed within the time available.

LP: [abc] (Nov60) MG50265 = SR90265,

[c] (Jan63) MG50324 = SR90324,

[b] (Oct63) MG50332 = SR90332,

[c] (Oct63) MG50346 = SR90346;

[abc] (Nov61) MMA11154 = AMS16102,

[b] (Nov65) Philips GL5835 = 642266GL = SGL5835 = 837866GY,

[c] (Dec73) SRI75016; (Feb76) Philips 6582 012.

CD: [ab] (May92) 434 308.2MM,

[c] (Oct96) 434 373.2MM,

[c] (Oct04) 475 6261MM5,

[c] (Apr13) 478 5092MB55,

[ab] (Mar15) 478 7896MB53.

SACD: [ab] (Sep04) 475 6194MSA.

>0436 MERCURY [U.S.A]

Pr: Harold Lawrence Eng: C.Robert Fine

[a] 7-9, [b] 9 & [bcd] 14 Jun 1959 Watford Town Hall

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