Prep Level Final 1 Notes and Rests to 8

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Prep Level Final
1) Notes and Rests to 8th notes
2) Note Names – no ledger lines
3) Writing Counts – no rests, no compound meter – up to 8th notes and including dotted quarter/eighth
4) Generic Intervals – melodic and harmonic up to 5ths
5) Whole Steps and Half Steps
6) Sharp, Flat, Natural symbols
7) Enharmonic Notes
8) Major and Minor Five-Finger Patterns (C, D, E, F, G, A) – identify and draw
9) Major and Minor Triads (C, D, E, F, G, A) – identify and draw
10) Add sharps and flats to scales (G and F Major only)
11) Identify key signatures (C Major/A Minor, G Major/E Minor, F Major/D Minor)
12) Vocabulary, Symbols, and Definitions – Accent, Tie, Repeat, Fermata, Slur, Tenuto, Forte, Legato, Dolce, Andante, Ritardando, Moderato, Mezzo Piano, Allegretto, Staccato, Crescendo, Decrescendo, D.C. al fine, Allegro, Diminuendo, Cantabile
13) Transposition – Five Finger Pattern Melodies in major keys only

Level 1 Final
1) Note Names – up to 2 ledger lines above and below the staff
2) Fill in missing bar lines
3) Identify the time signature
4) Writing Counts – including rests up to 8th rests, dotted rhythms, and 6/8 time
5) Generic Intervals – melodic and harmonic up to octaves
6) Whole Steps and Half Steps
7) Major and Minor Five-Finger Patterns (C, D, E, F, G, A) – identify and draw
8) Major and Minor Triads (C, D, E, F, G, A) – identify and draw
9) Transposition – Five Finger Pattern Melodies in major keys only

10) Add sharps and flats to scales (C, G, D, and F Major only) - be able to circle the half steps
11) Identify key signatures (C Major, G Major, F Major, D Major, B-flat Major)
12) Drawing primary triads (G Major, F Major only)
13) Drawing major triads in root position, 1st inversion, and 2nd inversion (C, G, D, F Major only)
14) Vocabulary, Symbols, and Definitions – Accent, Tie, Repeat, Fermata, Pianissimo, Fortissimo, Pedal Sign, Octave Sign, Legato, Dolce, Andante, Ritardando, Moderato, Mezzo Piano, Staccato, Crescendo, Decrescendo, D.C. al fine, Allegro, Diminuendo, Cantabile, Vivace, Scherzando, Binary Form, Ternary Form

Level 2 Final
1) Generic Intervals – melodic and harmonic up to octaves
2) Major and Minor Triads (all white and black key combinations) – identify and draw
3) Writing major and minor triads in inversions (root, 1st, 2nd)
4) Dominant Seventh (V7) chords – root position and 1st inversion
5) Order of Sharps and Order of Flats – draw on the staff
6) Key Signature Identification – all major and minor keys
7) Adding sharps and flats to form major scales
8) Natural, Harmonic, and Melodic Minor scales
9) Primary Triads - Tonic (I), Subdominant (IV), Dominant (V)
10) Labeling and drawing primary triads in major keys
11) Harmonizing a melody with primary chords
12) Transposing a melody from one major key to another, including chord progressions
13) Authentic, Half, and Plagal cadences – identifying in musical examples
14) Writing Counts – 6/8 time, cut time (2/2), 4/4 time with sixteenth note combinations
15) Vocabulary, Symbols, and Definitions – Repetition, Sequence, Pianissimo, Ritardando, Crescendo, Sforzando, Tenuto, A Tempo, Legato, Dolce, Upbeat, Syncopation, Accent, D.C. al fine, Binary Form, Ternary Form, Allegretto

Level 3 Final
1) Order of Sharps and Order of Flats – draw on the staff
2) Key Signature Identification – all major and minor keys
3) Identifying relative major and relative minor keys (for example – C Major is related to A Minor)
4) Adding sharps and flats to form major scales
5) Natural, Harmonic, and Melodic Minor scales

6) Primary Triads - Tonic (I), Subdominant (IV), Dominant (V)
7) Labeling primary chords (I, IV, V, V7) given musical examples
8) Transposing a melody from one major key to another, including chord progressions
9) Authentic, Half, and Plagal cadences – identifying in musical examples
10) Specific Interval Identification – Major and Perfect only
11) Identifying the root and quality of major and minor triads (root position, 1st inversion, 2nd inversion)
12) Drawing augmented triads when given a major triad
13) Drawing diminished triads when given a minor triad
14) Writing Counts – 6/8 time, cut time (2/2 or alla breve), 4/4 time with sixteenth note combinations, dotted quarter notes, and triplets (new)
15) Vocabulary, Symbols, and Definitions – Andante, Adagio, Allegro, Accelerando, Molto, Poco, Dolce, Spiritoso, Pianississimo (ppp), Sequence, Repetition, Binary Form, Ternary Form, 1st and 2nd Endings, Harmonic Minor Scale, Melodic Minor Scale, Natural Minor Scale, Dominant Seventh (V7) Chord

Level 4 Final
1) Writing Counts – 6/8 time, cut time (2/2 or alla breve), 4/4 time with sixteenth note combinations, dotted quarter notes, and triplets
2) Key Signature Identification – all major and minor keys
3) Adding sharps and flats to form major scales
4) Natural, Harmonic, and Melodic Minor scales

5) Harmonizing a melody with primary chords
6) Transposing a melody from one major key to another, including chord progressions
7) Specific Interval Identification – Major/Perfect, Minor, Augmented, and Diminished
8) Identifying triads – major, minor, augmented, and diminished – root, 1st inversion, 2nd inversion
9) Scale degree names and chord qualities for major scales– tonic (I), supertonic (ii), mediant (iii), subdominant (IV), dominant (V), submediant (vi), leading tone (viio)
10) Drawing primary triads in major and minor keys
11) Drawing secondary triads in major and minor keys
12) Drawing dominant seventh (V7) chords in major and minor keys – root position only
13) Authentic, Half, and Plagal cadences – identifying in musical examples (including inversions)
14) Drawing primary chord progressions in major and minor keys (including inversions)
15) The parts of sonata-allegro form – exposition, development, recapitulation
16) The four periods in music history from earliest to most recent – Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th Century
17) Vocabulary, Symbols, and Definitions – Mordent, Short Trill, Long Trill, Repetition, Sequence, Imitation, Homophonic, Polyphonic, Arpeggio, Leggiero, Subito, Presto, Allegretto, Fortissimo, Diminuendo, Crescendo, Sforzando, Accelerando, Adagio, Cantabile, Molto, Poco, Motive, Una Corda, Con Brio, Andantino, Espressivo

Level 5 Final
1) Writing counts and filling in missing bar lines – 6/8 time, cut time (2/2 or alla breve), 4/4 time with sixteenth note combinations, dotted quarter notes, and triplets
2) Simple and Compound Meter (for example – simple quadruple meter = 4/4 time)
3) Key Signature Identification – all major and minor keys
4) Adding sharps and flats to form major scales and chromatic scales
5) Natural, Harmonic, and Melodic Minor scales
6) Specific Interval Identification – Major/Perfect, Minor, Augmented, and Diminished
7) Identifying triads – major, minor, augmented, and diminished – root, 1st inversion, 2nd inversion
8) Drawing dominant seventh (V7) chords in major and minor keys – root position only

9) Identifying the root and inversion for given dominant seventh (V7) chords
10) Drawing primary triads in major and minor keys
11) Drawing secondary triads in major and minor keys

12) Scale degree names and chord qualities for major scales– tonic (I), supertonic (ii), mediant (iii), subdominant (IV), dominant (V), submediant (vi), leading tone (viio)
13) Authentic, Half, and Plagal cadences – identifying in musical examples (including inversions)
14) Drawing primary chord progressions in major and minor keys (including inversions)
15) Be able to name one composer from each time period – Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th Century
16) Vocabulary, Symbols, and Definitions – Mordent, Short Trill, Long Trill, Turn, Appoggiatura, Repetition, Sequence, Imitation, Animato, Largo, Tranquillo, Vivo, Ostinato, Allegretto, Fortissimo, Diminuendo, Crescendo, Sforzando, Accelerando, Adagio, Cantabile, Molto, Poco, Con, Con Moto, Con Brio

Level 6 Final
1) Writing counts and filling in missing bar lines – 6/8 time, 4/4 time with 16th note/32nd combinations, dotted quarter notes, triplets
2) Key Signature Identification – all major and minor keys
3) Double Sharps and Double Flats
4) Adding sharps and flats to form major scales and chromatic scales
5) Natural, Harmonic, and Melodic Minor scales
6) Specific Interval Identification – Major/Perfect, Minor, Augmented, and Diminished
7) Identifying and writing triads – major, minor, augmented, and diminished – root, 1st inversion, 2nd inversion
8) Identifying and drawing triads with figured bass – major, minor, augmented, diminished – root position, 1st inversion, 2nd inversion
9) Scale degree names and chord qualities for major and minor scales– tonic (I, i), supertonic (ii, ii
o), mediant (iii, III+), subdominant (IV, iv), dominant (V), submediant (vi, VI), leading tone (viio)
10) Drawing primary triads in major and minor keys
11) Drawing secondary triads in major and minor keys

12) Drawing dominant seventh (V7) chords in major and minor keys with inversions using figured bass
13) Authentic, Half, Deceptive, and Plagal cadences – identifying in musical examples (including inversions)
14) Writing and identifying chord progressions using Roman numerals and figured bass (major and minor keys)
15) Modulation with secondary dominants and pivot chords
16) Sonata Allegro Form – three sections – Exposition, Development, Recapitulation
17) Vocabulary, Symbols, Definitions – Motive (Motif), fp (forte piano), Modulation, Doloroso, Marcato, Robusto, Scherzando, Simile, Sostenuto, Repetition, Sequence, Imitation, Andante, Molto, Leggiero, Presto, Con Moto, Subito, Accelerando, Sforzando

Level 7 Final

1) Writing counts and filling in missing bar lines – 6/8 time, 4/4 time with 16th note/32nd combinations, dotted quarter/eighth notes, triplets
2) Key Signature Identification and Construction – all major and minor keys
3) Adding sharps and flats to form major scales and natural/harmonic/melodic minor scales
4) Specific Interval Identification – Major/Perfect, Minor, Augmented, and Diminished
5) Identifying and writing triads – major, minor, augmented, and diminished – root, 1st inversion, 2nd inversion
6) Scale degree names and chord qualities for major and minor scales– tonic (I, i), supertonic (ii, iio), mediant (iii, III+), subdominant (IV, iv), dominant (V), submediant (vi, VI), leading tone (viio)
7) Drawing and identifying dominant seventh (V7) chords in major and minor keys with inversions using figured bass
8) Drawing and identifying major, minor, half diminished, and diminished seventh chords in root position and with inversions using figured bass
9) Authentic, Half, Deceptive, and Plagal cadences – identifying in musical examples (including inversions)
10) Writing and identifying chord progressions using Roman numerals and figured bass (major and minor keys)

11) Modulation with secondary dominants and phrase modulation
12) Harmonic Analysis – be prepared to answer questions about a musical example
13) Two Part Invention – be prepared to define subject, countersubject, motive, imitation, sequence, and inversion
14) Sonata Allegro Form – three sections – Exposition, Development, Recapitulation – be prepared to describe each in detail
15) Vocabulary, Symbols, Definitions – Allargando, Con Fuoco, Meno, Meno Mosso, Piu, Piu Mosso, Pesante, Rallentando, Ritenuto, Senza, Sempre, Giocoso, Grazioso, Lento, Alberti Bass

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