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European Satellite Navigation Competition
Privacy-Protected Positioning of Friends for Any Mobile App
Knowing where our friends and family are is a basic human need. If nothing else, the many related apps and services available today serve as proof of this point. But positioning can also be misused. Posting updates on social media with location tagging has become a stalkers favourite tool, and let's not forget the never-ending debate on government agencies spying. There is clearly a need for an easy-to-use, privacy-protected alternative.
Positioning as a dialog - a revolutionary but simple positioning technology: Positions are only shared when requested and only between two mutually consenting pals. No constant tracking. No central storage. Just people meeting their basic need to know where others are.
Maximum privacy - protected positioning: We only store phone numbers on our servers as user IDs. Positions, pings, and so on are never stored unless they are needed for technical purposes. The pinged end-user controls when and with whom his or her positions are shared.
Cross-plattform, Cross-App positioning: The PingPal API has been implemented with native modules for iPhone, Android, and web technologies with fully transparent functionality. Any platform or PingPal-based app can ping any other.
The application is the Regional Winner for Øresund / Denmark & Sweden of the European Satellite Navigation Competition 2013.
Impact – Benefits
The application provides position tracking of friends and family, respecting the privacy of users.
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European Satellite Navigation Competition
5.3 Large-scale demonstrators on services based on Copernicus and GNSS data funded under EMMIA
Seamless Cities
Seamless Navigation Services for Urban Areas in Support of COPERNICUS
SeamlessCities is a large-scale demonstrator of intermodal transport services that provide seamless real-time navigation and environmental information.
It aims to facilitate applications for seamless localisation and navigation services for European urban areas and to boost the use of Earth observation data provided by the European programme Copernicus in mobile services.
An intermodal transport service app (incl. multimodal routing and booking) will be developed as a large-scale demonstrator by the consortium for the City of Nuremberg, which aims to roll out the service in further European cities.
Meanwhile, an app developer camp will be organised and held to encourage the development of further city app concepts co-financed by the project and support their further development in cooperation with a European city.
SeamlessCities addresses the challenges cities face by creating a demonstrator for seamless, sustainable, and secure transportation. A test bed for a seamless navigation infrastructure will be established in Nuremberg based on awiloc® technology from Fraunhofer ISS. This technology enables continuous positioning – both indoors and outdoors – by combining satellite navigation (GNSS) and Wifi-based localisation. The infrastructure for mobile services will be enriched with further environmental data (e.g. on traffic, weather forecasts, and noise or air quality). At the same time, the large-scale demonstrator will focus on the infrastructure, which enables intermodal transport services to be used commercially by new companies with further seamless navigation offers. This will be realised through:
• Development of the SeamlessCities app, an intermodal transport service for the city of Nuremberg. This app will take into account all means of transportation, traffic routes, and traffic situations in real time; navigate to, between, and within means of transport through combined use of satellite navigation and Wifi-based localisation; and provide location-based environmental information using Earth observation services.
• Generating a Wifi infrastructure (radio maps) based on awiloc® technology for a seamless city-services demonstrator in Nuremberg and at least one additional city
• Organisation of an app developer camp for SeamlessCities apps based on GNSS, Wifi, and Copernicus data at Fraunhofer IIS in Nuremberg. The app camp will provide developers with access to test and development infrastructures while enhancing their understanding of the seamless navigation infrastructure and the benefits of integrating Copernicus data into mobile services. The goal will be to encourage the development of further related mobile services. The realisation of the best two app concepts in cooperation with a European city will be co-financed by the project in the amount of EUR 20,000.
The consortium partners are:
• Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen (AZO)
• Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits – FhG IIS
• Nürnberger Initiative für die
• Mobiliance AG
Impact – Benefits
In addition to end users, the project will provide direct benefits to cities and public transport providers. It will also result in a series of multiplier effects and possibilities for replication and extension of the project’s outcomes:
1. The SeamlessCities app for Nuremberg will be developed by the consortium partners and tested in a Living Lab feasibility trial. It will provide citizens and visitors with an intermodal and seamless transport service that includes real-time traffic and environmental information. Transferring the app to at least one additional city will then demonstrate its capability for adoption by other European cities in accordance with their local needs.
2. A Wifi infrastructure for seamless city services will be generated in at least one city in addition to Nuremberg.
3. The project will support the development of two further demo apps produced during the app camp to provide seamless city services.
4. The project will generate app developer kits for use by further app developers in creating seamless mobility services enriched with Earth observation data.
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EMMIA projects
Combined GNSS and Copernicus data to secure environmental agricultural systems
Within the project myEOrganics, a mobile application shall be developed, that uses satellite data to support certification of organic farming. Earth observation data will allow better efficiency in certification of organic farming and increase public awareness and quality of organic farming in Europe.
The large scale demonstrator is geared towards a working mobile application to be used by certification bodies. myEOrganics aims at verifying the feasibility of this service and provide a blueprint for similar applications. This shall in the long term lower risks for investors in this area and pave the way for an innovative industry, making use of EO data and mobile technology in the agricultural sector.
Supporting organic certification contributes to the societal challenges of sustainable agriculture, food security and consumer’s safety. myEOrganics focuses on EU’s Common Agricultural Policy: promoting a safe, clean, environmentally friendly, competitive and sustainable agriculture in Europe
Accordingly, the key objectives of the project are to:
• Demonstrate the potential of mobile technologies and GMES in the organic food sector.
• Explore further potential for scalability and adaptation to more European regions and more globally in the field of certification and advisory services.
• Support emerging industries with an innovative GMES and mobility-based concept.
• Address the key societal challenges of food safety and sustainable agriculture.
The aim of the project is to develop a mobile application as support for certifiers. Focus is set on organic farming in the regions of Bavaria and Wallonia. The service shall allow certifiers to work more efficiently myEOrganics therefore:
• Creates a prototype for a mobile certification service combining mobile internet access to regional databanks, earth observation & GNSS data and therefore provides regional specific information to users like certification bodies active in certifying organic farmers in the Bavarian region.
• Starts and sustains a dialogue with key stakeholders. In this context, the consortium organizes stakeholder workshops and user forums and analyses requirements, marketing strategies and collects user-feedback.
• Analyzes the legal & political framework in effect for the certification process of organic food, in particular in connection to satellite data. Also already existent support structures for this industry will be analyzed and evaluated accordingly.
• Investigate in further use and applications for services building on the basics of myEOrganics.
The challenge will be to define the interface between existing databases for farmland management and the Copernicus dataset. It is also essential to sustain the capability to interface with typical software and methods, certifiers and other stakeholders recently use. These requirements will drive the technical design and the implementation of the service.
An integrative approach for mobile services using Copernicus and GNSS data is developed by analyzing legal / political framework conditions, communicating with and involving key stakeholders in organic food, scrutinizing regional support structures and thus facilitating transfer and scalability to new regions. For dissemination, regional, national and European stakeholders in policies and agriculture will be addressed via information and marketing activities, stakeholder workshops in Bavaria and Wallonia and user application forums for demand creation in this new technology field. The bundling and coordination of already existing (support) structures together with future oriented policy recommendations for set-up of joint SME programs of the two regions will pave the road for this new emerging industry in Europe. For example, the service outline might be extended to insurance companies or forest management.
The consortium partners are: bavAIRia, Vista, PCAgrar Infopole Ecocert
Impact – Benefits
The project will demonstrate a mobile application using Copernicus in connection with GNSS and allow on-site support for certifiers during field audits. By this the project will be able to focus on developing mobile services and creating new, innovative value chains.
Three countries (Germany, France, Belgium) are involved and will demonstrate the feasibility and usability of this kind of mobile service in Europe. It is therefore also the aim to analyze possibilities to scale the application for broader use in Europe and provide a blueprint for similar applications in agriculture and forest management.
It is expected to address a variety of stakeholders, like certifiers, insurances, farmers, public agencies etc.
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Moritz Fontaine
bavAIRia e.V.
EMMIA projects
5.4 Large-scale demonstrators on other types of services funded under EMMIA
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