Geological, Seismo-Tectonic and Seismic Hazards Assessment of the Koeberg Site Introduction -
From an Earth Science point of view, the establishment of a nuclear facility requires an evaluation of the geology and seismo-tectonic characteristics of the site, where-after a Seismic Hazard Assessment is performed. South Africa follows international guidelines, such as those given in 10 CFR 100 (see reference list) for the seismo-tectonic characterization, and a Parametric-Historic approach (Council for Geoscience) for the Seismic Hazard Assessment.
The seismo-tectonic history of the Koeberg Site is assessed in the light of the current understanding of the subject which is a complex and all-embracing task. The various factors that could contribute towards the evaluation are reviewed and conclusions are drawn as to what impact each would have with respect to the Seismic Hazard Assessment of the Site.
This report has been divided into three main sections, each of which covers one avenue of study which is then sub-divided into several topics. The following avenues of study and topics are addressed in extract and briefly discussed:-
Semi-Regional and Site Geology
Basement and Cenozoic Geology
Structural Geology
Ancient Sea-levels and Crustal Warping
Microplate Tectonic Model
Neotectonic Stress and Shear-wave Splitting
Fault Rupture Length, Seismic Energy and Attenuation
Seismo-tectonic Model
Seismic Hazard Assessment
A brief introduction covering the reason for each avenue of study is first given, where-after the study is briefly discussed and then conclusions are drawn. The final conclusion summarises the total study.
Semi-Regional and Site Geology
The semi-regional and site specific geology of the Koeberg Site as well as the structural geology are summarized below. More detail can be obtained from the Koeberg Site Safety Report (KSSR, 1998) as well as from the Koeberg Site Geological Report by Andersen (1999). Although both of these reports are of a detailed nature, there are additions to the study which include a reappraisal of the structural/tectonic setting of the Site as well as a proposed new Seismo-tectonic model, that are reported here.
The reason for the geological, structural geological and seismo-tectonic studies is that they are a requirement of nuclear siting practices as prescribed by the Code of Federal Regulations, 10 CFR 100. This regulatory guide requires that investigations into surface faulting should include the following:-
Determination of the lithologic, stratigraphic, hydrologic (not covered by this study) and structural geological conditions at the site and in the area surrounding the site, including its geological history;
Evaluation of the tectonic structures underlying the site, whether buried or expressed at the surface with regard to their potential for causing surface displacement at or near the site (structural section);
For faults greater than 1000 feet (300m) long, any part of which is within 5 miles (8km) of the site, determination of whether these faults are considered as capable faults (structural section);
Listing of all historically reported earthquakes that can reasonably be associated with capable faults greater that 1000 feet (300m) long, any part of which is within five miles (8km) of the site (this is part of the Seismic Hazard Assessment).
A fault shall be considered capable if (Serva, 1993):
(a) “It shows evidence of past movements of a recurring nature within such a period that it is reasonable to infer further movement at or near the surface can occur. In highly active areas where both historical and geological data consistently reveal short earthquake recurrence intervals, periods of the order of tens of thousands of years may be appropriate for the assessment of capability (upper Pleistocene – Holocene). In less active areas it is likely that much longer periods may be required.
It has a demonstrated structural relationship to a known capable fault such that movement of the one may cause movement on the other at or near the surface.
(c) The maximum potential earthquake associated with the seismogenic structure, to which the fault belongs, is sufficiently large and at such a depth that it is reasonable to infer that surface faulting can occur”.
Basement and Cenozoic Geology
The oldest rocks in the area are those of the Precambrian Malmesbury and Klipheuwel Groups. The former Group has been intruded by the Cape Granite Suite and the latter has an unconformable relationship with the granites. The Tygerberg Formation of the Malmesbury Group and the granite that intrudes the Malmesbury Group, comprises most of the bedrock on which the younger Quaternary sediments were deposited. Sandstones of the Table Mountain Group form the highland areas east of the coastal plains.
The Malmesbury Group consists predominantly of a marine sedimentary assemblage with a large lithological variation which have been deformed by two tectonic events.
The intrusion of the Cape Granites took place in two phases along northwest to southeast trending lines of weakness. The younger granites have been dated at 500 15 million years and the Malmesbury sediments have a minimum isotopic age of 600 million years. .
The late Precambrian Malmesbury orogeny was followed by a period of erosion and planation, preceding the deposition of the Klipheuwel Group. These sediments are mainly arenaceous in character are unmetamorphosed and show little deformation.
There is a large depositional gap in the geological history over most of the south-western Cape Province due to the absence of the Cape Supergroup of sediments. It is possible that this Supergroup once overlay the area but has since been removed by tectonic uplift and subsequent planation.
Following the Cretaceous break-up of Gondwanaland (Dingle and Scrutton, 1974), the Late Precambrian rocks were exposed by erosion and subjected to tropical and sub-tropical weathering (Glass, 1977), probably in the Early Tertiary, which resulted in deeply weathered and highly leached bedrock, particularly along the coastal area (Rogers, 1980). On the published geological maps, the sandy surface material mapped in the Western Cape is described as ‘Tertiary to Recent’. Over the last couple of years, the stratigraphy of the Cenozoic sediments in the Western Cape is slowly being formalized. The South African Committee for Stratigraphy (SACS, 1980) has ratified some of the old names and proposed that the entire Western Cape Cenozoic succession be termed the Sandveld Group. The formations encountered between Cape Town and Eland’s Bay are the Miocene, fluviatile Elandsfontyn Formation, the Miocene, littoral Saldanha Formation, the Mio-Pliocene, phosphatic littoral and shallow-marine Varswater Formation, the Early Pleistocene, aeolian Springfontyn Formation, the Late Pleistocene, littoral Velddrif Formation, the Late Pleistocene, aeolian Langebaan Formation and the Holocene, aeolian Witzand Formation. At present SACS, (1980) has accepted but not yet approved all the formational names.
Rogers (1980), examined the sedimentary successions in three excavations made for the Koeberg Nuclear Power Station at Duynefontein No 34 and recognized the Varswater- (oldest), Springfontyn-, Milnerton- and Witzand (youngest) Members. These have since been upgraded to Formations and the Milnerton Member has been renamed the Velddrif Formation. The Geological formations are shown in Table 43.
Table 43: Geological Formations
Pether, Roberts and Ward, (2000)
*Witzand Formation
Holocene and recently active calcareous dune fields and cordons
*Langebaan Formation
Aeolian part of 4-6 m Package
Mid-late Pleistocene calcareous eolianite with calcretized paleosols
*Velddrif Formation
Marine part of 4-6 m Package
117 000 years old
Pleistocene (Eemian) shallow marine coquina, calcarenite sand and conglomerate
*Springfontyn Formation
Pleistocene to Recent quartzose sand dunes, silts and peats
Varswater Formation
Miocene and Pliocene phosphatic littoral and shallow marine sand-stones, conglomerates and coquina.
Ordovician and lower Carboniferous
Table Mountain Group
Sandstones and Shales
Dolerite dykes
Klipheuwel Group
Conglomerate shales and mudstones
Late Precambrian
Cape Granite Suite
Darling Granite
Coarse-grained porphyritic granite with hybrid porphyritic varieties
Malmesbury Group
Greywacke, sandstone, mudstone and shale with metamorphosed equivalents and interbedded lavas and tuffs
* Accepted but not yet formally approved by the South African Committee for Stratigraphy (SACS,1980)
Figure 10: Main Structural Map of Koeberg
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