36explains it to the class. All the classes examine the board each day to see “what’s new.”I apply each new extra credit entry on a quiz or test. Limit Three per student.
DIScuSSIon QuEStIonS1. Recognizing that protection of self-esteem is one of the major reasons a person develops defense mechanisms, choose anyone of the defense mechanisms and create an example of how a person uses it to protect self- esteem. Emil’s
right arm is paralyzed, but physicians find no physical cause for the paralysis. Using what you’ve learned about psychodynamic theory, write an explanation of the dynamics that might be going on among Emil’s psychic structures (id, ego, and superego) causing this paralysis. You area psychoanalyst in the Freudian tradition. A patient comes in complaining about his father. Write a report about your therapy
session with this patient, illustrating at least three correct Freudian therapeutic techniques and how they were used with this patient in this session. Create a conversation among Sigmund Freud,
Carl Jung, Karen Horney, and Erik Erikson in which they discuss parent–child relationships. Compare and contrast the functions of the three psychic structures of the mind according to Freud. Discuss some adverse effects of overuse of defense mechanisms. Discuss two projective techniques to assess personality functioning. What does research suggest about the validity of these tests. How might a psychoanalyst explain an introverted (shy) personality. How have Carl Jung’s archetypes
been used in philosophy, theology, and the arts. Compare and contrast Freud’s and Horney’s views of women. How do Erikson’s views of the identity vs. role confusion in adolescence stage match with your own experience. Discuss how the Zeitgeist (the spirit of the time) may have influenced Freud and the development of his theory of psychoanalysis.
ADAPtED FromSome of these questions were adapted from questions presented in the Personality Lesson Plan developed at the NSF Summer Institute
of Texas AM University, College Station, TX, 1992, under the leadership of Dr. Ludy Benjamin.
activity 7
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