7083 1912 - VF/gVF. (P) $350 $500
7084 1913 - Light grey tone some obv field brush marks. aEF. (P) $600 $900
7085 1914 - Full mint lustre, well struck UNC. (P) $1500 $2000
7086 1914H - 8 Pearls & centre diamond. Pleasing coin. VF+. $350 $450
7087 1915 - Lustrous gEF/aU. (P) $2000 $3000
7088 1915 - Trace lustre, struck from worn die. Pleasing aEF. (P) $500 $700
7089 1915 - Lustrous. gVF/aEF. (P) $600 $1000
7090 1915H - Late strike, rounded feathers & weak head band. Lustrous EF/aU. (P) $750 $1000
7091 1915H - Near EF. (P) $600 $1000
7092 1915H - Dark area of patina, small ek, aEF. (P) $500 $700
7093 1916 - Attractive peripheral tone, emu's feathers sl rounding, subdued mint bloom. Choice UNC. (P) $1200 $1600
7094 1916 - Minor deposits, edge nick at 5 o'clock o/w Choice UNC (P) $800 $1200
7095 1916 - Lustrous aU/UNC. (P) $500 $800
7096 1916 - Lustrous aUNC/UNC. (P) $500 $800
7097 1916 - Fully lustrous aU. (P) $400 $500
7098 1917 - Fully lustrous Choice UNC with no bag marking in the fields. (P) $1500 $2500
7099 1917 - Fully lustrous Choice UNC with no bag marking in the fields. (P) $1500 $2500
7100 1917 - Purple grey tone with full underlying lustre. Choice UNC. $1000 $1500
7101 1917 - Struck from worn die, practically UNC. (P) $700 $1000
7102 1918 - Fully lustrous. Practically GEM UNC. (P) $3000 $4500
7103 1918 - Light rev hairline scr. Fully lustrous UNC/Choice UNC. $1000 $1500
7104 1919 - Brilliant GEM UNC. (P) $8000 $12000
7105 1919 - 8 Pearls. gVF/aEF. $250 $500
7106 1921 - Emu feathers sl rounded. gEF. (P) $600 $800
7107 1922 - Struck from worn die, as usual for this date. Fully lustrous UNC. (P) $2000 $3000
7108 1922 - aEF. $250 $350
7109 1923 - Much better strike than usual, obv just "touched off" o/w fully lustrous UNC. (P) $1500 $2000
7110 1924 - Usual concave strike resulting in weak obv. Reverse has pleasing satin like fields. Lustrous aU/Choice UNC. (P) $700 $1200
7111 1924 - Obv concave strike as usual, lustrous gEF/UNC. (P) $500 $800
7112 1925 - Lightly toned lustrous UNC. (P) $750 $1000
7113 1925 - Well struck. aU/UNC. (P) $400 $600
7114 1925 - EF. $150 $250
7115 1926 - Lustrous UNC, fully struck up which is rare. (P) $1500 $2000
7116 1926 - Typical strike, lustrous. aU/UNC. (P) $1200 $1500
7117 1926 - Lustrous ICCS graded AU-50 but the coin is better as grading service did not understand the strike of this date. McD cat EF $550, aUNC $1150. (P) $300 $500
7118 1926 - Lustrous, obv hairline scr only visible under a glass. EF. (P) $250 $350
7119 1926 - Usual soft strike, emu feathers rounded. Lustrous EF. $200 $300
7120 1927 - Fully lustrous. Choice UNC. (P) $700 $1000
7121 1927 - Few tiny obv field marks. UNC. (P) $350 $500
7122 1927 - Lustrous aEF/EF. $100 $200
7123 No Lot.
7124 1927 Canberra - Fully lustrous Choice UNC. (P) $200 $300
7125 1927 Canberra - Fully lustrous, rev lightly brushed, obv Choice UNC. $50 $75
7126 1928 - Lustrous gEF/EF. $100 $300
7127 1931 - Fully lustrous Choice UNC. (P) $300 $500
7128 1931 - Lustrous Choice UNC. (P) $300 $450
7129 1931 - Matte fields, well struck. Choice UNC. $250 $450
7130 1932 - Strong grade for date. aEF/EF. $1200 $1800
7131 1932 - F/VF. $250 $350
7132 1933 - Almost full emu feathers & sharp star. Sl wear to King's moustache & mnr brushing to fields. A most desirable example of this key date. EF/aU. $1500 $2500
7133 1934 - Fully lustrous Choice/GEM UNC with prooflike fields. (P) $900 $1400
7134 1934 - Well struck fully lustrous Choice UNC. (P) $800 $1200
7135 1934 - Lightly toned UNC. Well struck. (P) $500 $750
7136 1934 - Lightly toned UNC. (P) $350 $500
7137 1934 - Lustrous UNC. (P) $300 $450
7138 1934/5 Melbourne Centenary - Rider's upper body a little weakly struck, superb satin fields. Practically GEM UNC. (P) $600 $800
7139 1934/5 Melbourne Centenary - Attractive golden grey tone. Well struck UNC. (P) $450 $600
7140 1934/5 Melbourne Centenary - lustrous UNC. $500 $700
7141 1934/5 Melbourne Centenary - Sl scr in obv field. Choice UNC. (P) $300 $500
7142 1934/5 Melbourne Centenary - aU/UNC. $375 $500
7143 1934/5 Melbourne Centenary - Dipped gEF. (P) $300 $400
7144 1935 - Fully lustrous. Choice UNC with satin fields. (P) $1000 $1500
7145 1935 - Fully lustrous. UNC/Choice UNC. (P) $600 $1000
7146 1935 - Lustrous UNC/Choice UNC. (P) $500 $1000
7147 1936 - Fully lustrous. GEM UNC. (P) $450 $750
7148 1936 - Practically mark free fields. Virtually GEM UNC. (P) $500 $750
7149 1936 - Fully lustrous, Brilliant, GEM UNC. McD cat GEM UNC $1150. (P) $450 $750
7150 1936 - Fully lustrous Choice UNC. McD cat Choice UNC $700. (P) $250 $450
7151 1936 - Lustrous Choice UNC. McD cat Choice UNC $700. (P) $250 $375
7152 1936 - Fully lustrous UNC/Choice UNC. (P) $220 $300
7153 1936 - Lustrous aU/UNC. $80 $120
7154 1938 - Fully lustrous GEM UNC. (P) $180 $250
7155 1938 - Fully lustrous UNC. (P) $100 $130
7156 1939 - Nearly full mint bloom, odd obv contacts. Choice UNC. Rare so nice. (P) $1200 $2000
7157 1939 - Lustrous subdued mint bloom. Rare so nice. UNC/Choice UNC. (P) $1500 $3000
7158 1939 - Light bagging, fully lustrous UNC. (P) $1000 $1400
7159 1939 - Obv bag marks, fully lustrous Choice UNC. McD cat $3500. (P) $1000 $1600
7160 1940 - Fully lustrous. Choice UNC. (P) $100 $160
7161 1952 - Fully lustrous UNC. $150 $200
7162 Balance of collection: 1940, 41, 42S, 43, 43S, 44, 44S, 51, 53, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63 UNC, 1942, 46, 47, 51 Fed, 52, 54RV, 54 aU. 1927 Canberra, 45, 56, 62 EF. McD cat $1500. Nice set. $500 $750
7163 1937 - As good as it gets. GEM BU. (P) $400 $600
7164 1937 - Mottled tone Choice/GEM UNC. McD cat Choice UNC $400, GEM $650. (P) $250 $350
7165 1937 - Brilliant Choice UNC. (P) $200 $300
7166 1937 - Lightly toned, fully lustrous UNC/Choice UNC. McD cat $380+. (2) (P) $200 $300
7167 1937 - Tiny obv contact marks, Brilliant UNC/Choice UNC & Choice UNC/GEM. McD cat ca$800. (2) (P) $300 $400
7168 1937 - Tiny obv contact mark, fully lustrous Choice UNC. McD cat $400. (P) $150 $200
7169 1937 - Obv light contact marks, UNC, reverse GEM UNC. McD cat GEM $650. (P) $130 $200
7170 1937 - Brilliant Choice UNC. McD cat $800. (2) (P) $400 $600
7171 1937 - Fully lustrous UNC. McD cat $570. (3) $275 $350
7172 1937 - Fully lustrous UNC. McD cat $950. (5) $450 $600
7173 1937 - Variety dot below I of ALIA. Lustrous aU. Very scarce in high grade. $150 $200
7174 1938 - Orb sl rounded, a few tiny contact marks on obv. Lustrous UNC. (P) $500 $800
7175 1938 - Fully lustrous. aU/UNC. (P) $400 $600
7176 1938 - Sl obv streak o/w fully lustrous aU/UNC. (P) $375 $600
7177 1938 - Odd tiny contact marks, lustrous aU/UNC. (P) $350 $600
7178 No Lot
7179 1938 - Fully lustrous aU. (P) $300 $400
7180 1938 - Lightly toned gEF. $140 $200
7181 1938 - aEF. $140 $200
7182 1967 "Goose Dollar", Pattern Crown by Mezaros, silver plain edge proof in original box of issue. Magnificent gun metal tone. FDC. (P) $400 $600
7183 1967 "Goose" Dollar, Pattern crown by Mezaros, milled edge. UNC. (P) $400 $600
7184 1967 "Goose Dollar", Pattern Crown by Mezaros, milled edge in original box of issue. Lovely tone. GEM UNC. McD cat $625. (P) $300 $500
7185 ½d (NDV) (1911-36) KGV Double struck, 23mm imprint. VF. (P) $75 $100
7186 ½d 1942I or 1943I Full obverse brockage. VF/EF. (P) $300 $500
7187 ½d (NDV) (1938-52) KGVI Grossly mis-struck, only 3mm "TRA" of Australia visible. Spectacular EF. Never seen by us before so graphic. (P) $200 $300
7188 ½d & 1d Blanks. EF. (2) $75 $100
7189 1d 1964Y Mis-struck 8mm off centre. aU/UNC. (P) $100 $150
7190 1d 1964 , 3d 1951, 1/- 1961, 2/- 1954 High collar/raised rim. gVF/UNC. (4). (P) $250 $350
7191 1d (NDV) (1953-64) QEII Grossly mis-struck, only 8mm visible. EF. (P) $150 $250
7192 1d (NDV) (1953-64) QEII Grossly mis-struck, only 5mm "STRA" of Australia visible VF. Very graphic & rare thus. (P) $200 $300
7193 1d (NDV) (1953-64) QEII Obverse brockage. EF/gEF. (P) $250 $400
7194 3d (NDV) (1911-36) KGV Mis-struck 6mm off centre, cupped rim, date off flan. Spectacular error. Toned. gEF. Rare. (P) $250 $400
7195 3d 1948 & 1953 Very high raised rims. gVF. (2) (P) $200 $300
7196 3d 1948 5mm Clipped/bitten edge. UNC. (P) $100 $150
7197 3d 1949 Mis-struck 3mm off centre cupped rim. UNC. (P) $100 $150
7198 3d 1952 - Struck 2½mm off centre. UNC. (P) $75 $100
7199 3d (NDV) (1938-52) KGVI Mis-struck 9mm off centre, cupped rim, date off flan. Such dramatic mis-strikes seldom seen. gVF. (P) $200 $300
7200 3d 1957 Full reverse brockage. Superb EF. (P) $350 $500
7201 6d 1928Mis-struck 3mm off centre. Virtually as struck UNC. Varieties of UNC KGV almost never seen. Rare. (P) $500 $750
7202 6d 1944S Mis-struck 6mm off centre. UNC. (P) $100 $150
7203 6d 1957 Mis-struck 5mm off centre. UNC. (P) $100 $150
7204 1/- 1916M obv upset 180 degrees. aEF. (P) $100 $200
7205 1/- 1926 Mis-struck flan larger wide/high rim, old scr under bust, 1952 1/- very high rim at left. gVF. (2). (P) $150 $200
7206 1/- 1927 Dot above 7, dot left of Kangaroo & dot left of King's mouth. Quality variety aUNC. McD cat aU without variety $335. (P) $150 $200
7207 1/- 1946S Mis-struck 3mm off centre. Sm obv spot. Scarce date in higher grade. McD cat normal aU$240. aUNC. (P) $100 $200
7208 1/- (NDV) (1938-52) KGVI Mis-struck off centre. VF. (P) $150 $200
7209 1/- (NDV) (1938-52) KGVI Mis-struck 5mm off centre. Cupped rim. gEF. (P) $150 $200
7210 1/- 1953, 1961 (2). Struck on clipped flans with raised opposite edge. Dramatic aU/UNC. (3). (P) $120 $200
7211 1/- 1954 Full reverse brockage. gVF. (P) $300 $500
7212 2/- 1951 Mis-strike. Coin has been struck off centre creating a raised collar between 2-4 o'clock. UNC & Rare. (P) $200 $400
7213 2/- 1954 Mis-struck 5mm off centre. UNC. (P) $150 $200
7214 2c ND (1966-84) Struck on a lightweight blank, 3.71g instead of 5.18g. aU. $50 $75
7215 2c 1976 Struck on a lightweight blank. 3.18g instead of 5.18g. UNC. $75 $100
7216 2c (1988) struck on 1c blank . BU. (P) $275 $375
7217 2c (1988) struck on 1c blank. BU. (P) $275 $375
7218 5c (NDV) (1966-1984) QEII Full reverse brockage. Superb gEF. Rare. (P) $500 $750
7219 5c 1989 Struck in copper, 2.54g (normal 5c 2.83g). Lustrous aU/UNC. (P) $500 $750
7220 10c 1980 Struck in copper, 5.1g (instead of 5.6g). Lustrous aU. (P) $500 $750
7221 10c 1988 variety missing collar on both sides, unusual, scarce. UNC. (P) $150 $300
7222 20c 1977 Double struck, reverse 7mm imprint. UNC. (P) $100 $150
7223 20c 1995 United Nations. Struck in aluminium bronze, 7.6g (normal 20c 11.31g). Choice UNC. RARE. (P) $1500 $2000
7224 20c 1997 Struck on copper, 8.2g (normal 20c 11.31g). Lustrous Choice UNC. RARE. (P) $1500 $2000
7225 50c 1976 Double struck with another blank at the top of the obverse resulting in sharp protruding lip. Rare variety. (P) $250 $350
7226 $1 2000 Mule struck with the obverse Die of a 10c. gVF. (P) $375 $500
7227 2000 $1 Mule struck with the obverse die of a 10c. VF. McD cat $595. (P) $300 $400
7228 1956 Melbourne Proof set 1d, 3d, 6d, 1/-, 2/-. 1d purple brown tone, near Choice, others Choice, FDC. McD cat $2210. FDC. (5) (P) $1000 $1500
7229 1957Y Perth Proof 1d. Choice full orange. Brilliant FDC. McD cat $1350. (P) $750 $1000
7230 1957Y Perth Proof 1d. Purple & golden tone. aFDC. McD cat $1750. (P) $600 $900
7231 1958 Melbourne Proof 1d. purple-orange tone, FDC. McD cat $800. (P) $300 $400
7232 1958Y Perth Proof 1d. Choice full orange. Brilliant FDC. McD cat $1150. (P) $600 $900
7233 1958Y Perth Proof 1d. Mostly orange. aFDC. McD cat $1150. (P) $500 $750
7234 1959Y Perth Proof 1d. Mostly orange. aFDC. McD cat $1350. (P) $450 $750
7235 1959Y Perth Proof 1d. Minor carbon spot obv. Choice full orange. Brilliant aFDC. McD cat $1350. (P) $400 $800
7236 1960Y Perth Proof 1d. Choice full orange. Brilliant FDC. McD cat $1250. (P) $600 $900
7237 1960 Melbourne Proof 1/- with most unusual die cleaning marks. Not seen by us before. Brilliant FDC. McD cat $300. (P) $100 $200
7238 1960Y Perth Proof set ½d, 1d. McD cat $2125. aFDC. (P) $800 $1200
7239 1961Y Perth Proof 1d. Tiny spot rev. Almost full orange. aFDC. McD cat $1250. (P) $400 $800
7240 1962Y Perth Proof ½d. Almost full orange UNC, FDC. McD cat $875. $350 $500
7241 1962Y Perth Proof 1/2d. Choice full orange FDC. McD cat $875. (P) $500 $700
7242 1962Y Perth Proof 1d. Full orange. aFDC. McD cat $1250. (P) $500 $750
7243 1962Y Perth Proof ½d & 1d set. Choice full orange. Brilliant FDC. McD cat $2125. (2). (P) $1200 $1800
7244 1963Y Perth Proof 1d. Choice full orange. Brilliant aFDC. McD cat $1350. (P) $500 $750
7245 1963 Melbourne proof set 3d, 6d, 1/-, 2/-. McD cat $945 FDC. (4). $400 $650
7246 1963Y Perth Mint ½d, 1d. Full orange, 1d tiny dark tones, ½d Choice. McD cat $2300. aFDC. (2) (P) $900 $1300
7247 1966 "Card" Uncirculated sets. McD cat $400. (5) $200 $275
7248 1970 Uncirculated set . McD cat $55. $30 $50
7249 1971 Uncirculated set (1972 in ink on cover). McD cat $110. $40 $60
7250 1975 Uncirculated sets. Becoming hard to find. McD cat $175. (5) $90 $120
7251 1975 Uncirculated sets. Becoming very hard to find. McD cat $350. Retail higher. (10) $180 $250
7252 1975 Uncirculated sets. Becoming very hard to find. McD cat $350. Retail higher. (10) $180 $250
7253 1978 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $150, retail higher. (10). $100 $130
7254 1978 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $150, retail higher. (10). $100 $130
7255 1978 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $150, retail higher. (10). $100 $130
7256 1978 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $150, retail higher. (10) $100 $130
7257 1978 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $150, retail higher. (10) $100 $130
7258 1979 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $150, retail higher. (10). $100 $130
7259 1979 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $150, retail higher. (10). $100 $130
7260 1979 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $225, retail higher. (15) $130 $180
7261 1981 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $150. (10) $75 $100
7262 1981 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $450. (30) $180 $275
7263 1981 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $450. (30) $180 $275
7264 1982 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $100. (10) $45 $60
7265 1982 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $100. (10) $45 $60
7266 1982 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $100. (10) $45 $60
7267 1982 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $100. (10) $45 $60
7268 1982 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $200. (20) $90 $120
7269 1983 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $525. (10) $120 $160
7270 1983 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $525. (15) $180 $240
7271 1984 Uncirculated sets. (10) $110 $150
7272 1984 Uncirculated sets. (10) $110 $150
7273 1985 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $450, retail higher. (10) $200 $240
7274 1985 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $450. (10) $200 $240
7275 1985 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $450. (10) $200 $240
7276 1985 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $450. (10) $200 $240
7277 1986 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $260. (10) $120 $160
7278 1986 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $260. (10) $120 $160
7279 1986 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $260. (10) $120 $160
7280 1986 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $260. (10) $120 $160
7281 1986 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $260. (10) $120 $160
7282 1987 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $220. (10) $100 $150
7283 1987 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $220. (10) $100 $150
7284 1987 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $220. (10) $100 $150
7285 1988 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $230, retail higher. (10). $100 $150
7286 1988 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $230. (10) $100 $150
7287 1988 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $230. (10) $100 $150
7288 1988 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $230. (10) $100 $150
7289 1988 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $230. (10) $100 $150
7290 1988 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $230. (10) $100 $150
7291 1989 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $200. (5) $100 $150
7292 1989 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $200. (5) $100 $150
7293 1989 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $200. (5) $100 $150
7294 1989 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $200. (5) $100 $150
7295 1989 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $200. (5) $100 $150
7296 1989 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $200. (5) $100 $150
7297 1989 Uncirculated sets. McD cat $200. (5) $100 $150
7298 1990 Uncirculated set. McD cat $120. $75 $100
7299 1990 Uncirculated set. McD cat $120. $75 $100
7300 1990 Uncirculated set. McD cat $120. $75 $100
Directory: cataloguecatalogue -> 5, rue Royale 77300 Fontainebleau Automobiles de collectioncatalogue -> Hotel des ventes de poitiers sarl société de Ventes Volontairescatalogue -> Public Auction 311 Thursday, 4th December, 2014catalogue -> Public Auction 318 Thursday, October 22, 2015catalogue -> Public Auction 269 Thursday, 26th August 2010catalogue -> Public Auction 280 Friday, 19th August, 2011catalogue -> Public Auction 267 Saturday, 29th May 2010catalogue -> Alpinismeetescalad ecatalogue -> Public Auction 301 Thursday, 24th October 2013
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