4821£5 Coombs-Wilson QEII Reserve Bank, consec run of 3 TB/51 636841/2/3 R-50. Central note sl tone in lower margin, natural "roll" fold aU. McD cat $1950. (3). $650$900
4867£100 City of Malvern Debenture 1st Oct 1919 issued under the authority of the Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Act 1918. No.364 with all 60 coupons still attached. Printed by Albert J Mullett. Govt Printer. 354 x 455mm. aU. Impressive. $100$150
4868WWII £1 War Savings certificates (7 year large size). Prefixes E, CA (2), AB (2), CB (2), FB. R-WD1a. First with repaired splits, others aEF-gEF. (8) $150$250
4869Decimal collection in album of mostly prefixes: $5 Fraser-Cole AA 00 pale, AA 03, Fraser-Evans BA 93, EA 93, AA 95 consec pr, JE 95 narrow bands, Macfarlane-Evans BA 96, Macfarlane-Henry BA 02, BA 03. $10 Fraser-Evans AA 93, AA 94, Macfarlane-Evans AA 96, Macfarlane-Henry AA 02. $20 Fraser-Evans AA 94, AA 95, Macfarlane-Evans AA 97, Macfarlane-Henry AA 02 (2). $50 Fraser-Evans AA 95, AA 96, Macfarlane-Evans AA 97, FG 99, Macfarlane-Henry AA 03. $100 Fraser-Evans AA 96 (2), MacFarlane-Evans AA 98, EF 99. All UNC housed in a Vario banknote album with M Vort-Ronald interleaves. Retail/Cat value $5500. (28) $1800$2400
Please note:
Due to ever increasing costs our
Buyer’s Commission has increased from 16.5% to 19.25%
This is the first increase in our
charges in 13 years
4870 Decimal paper banknote collection: Coombs-Wilson $1EF, $2 VF, aU, $20 XAA first prefix EF. Coombs-Randall $1 F, $2 VF, $5 aU (2), $10 EF, VF (3) , $20 aVF, F with tatty edge. Phillips-Randall $1 EF, $2 VF, EF , $5 aEF, EF, $20 aEF. Phillips-Wheeler CofA $1 gVF, aU, $2 aEF, aU, $5 gEF pr. Phillips-Wheeler Aust $1 T/F UNC, $2 aU (2), $50 aU. Knight-Wheeler $1 centre UNC, $2 gothic VF, OCRB centre aU, side EF, $5 gothic centre aU, $20 side aU, $50 side gEF. Knight-Stone $1 EF- UNC (5) $2 aU (3)inc pr, $20 gothic gEF (2). Johnston-Stone $1 F -UNC (5) , $2 UNC (3) inc pr, $5 EF, aU, $10 UNC. Set $1 - $20 UNC, aU-UNC. Johnston-Fraser $2 F-UNC (11), $10 UNC, $10 Bicentenary first print UNC, (run of 3), 2nd print aU, $20 OCRB EF, $100 aU (pr). Fraser-Higgins $5 LCF-UNC (run of 10 & uncut vert pr), $10 EF, $20 aU. Fraser-Cole paper $5 UNC, $20 aU , $50 aU. Fraser-Cole polymer $5 UNC (pr). Macfarlane-Evans $5 UNC ( pr), $5 2001 Federation UNC (pr). Retail approx $3700. ( 112 notes) $1200 $1500
4871$1, $2, $10, $20 Coombs-Wilson set. R71, 81, 201, 301. aU-UNC plus 1941 7 Year £1 War Savings Certificate, prefix AA. EF. (5). $100$130
4932Specialised Polymer Collection first year of issue. $5 Fraser-Cole AA 18 opt 7 July 1992, Fraser-Evans DB 93, Fraser-Evans recoloured FL 95. $10 Johnston-Fraser Bicentenary 26 Jan 1988 AA18, Fraser-Evans AB 93, $20 Fraser-Evans opt 31 Oct 1994 BK 94. $50 Fraser-Evans DA 95. $100 Fraser-Evans HE 96. UNC. McD cat $1100 (8) $400$500
4933ND US$1000 Commonwealth of Australia bondred with black text, comp with 40 coupons, no signatures on bond or coupons, printed by SCBC. Folded o/w UNC. This type not previously seen by us before & possibly unique. Reduced to sell. $400$750
4934NPA Collector's folders $2(1), $5 First & Last (3), 1 with embossing, $10 Bicentenary (2), $20 with dated note. McD cat $420. $150$200
493510/- Coombs-Wilson QEII Commonwealth Bank solid serial AD/77 999999. R-16. Paper sl aged, trace of graffiti on reverse. Vendor advised finest known! Rare solid number. $375$500
493610/- Coombs-Wilson QEII Commonwealth Bank R-16 Error note. AD91 184867 the 6 & 7 in right hand serial number out of alignment. VF. $75$100
493710/- Coombs-Wilson QEII Commonwealth Bank first prefix AC/00 261724. R-16F. aVF. McD cat VF $1100. $250$350
493810/- Coombs-Wilson QEII Reserve Bank star AE/96 20918* R-17s. Hardly visible repaired tear. gVF (P) $1000$1500
4939£1 Coombs-Watt star I/5 23843*. R-31s. F. (P) $1500$2000
4943£1 Coombs-Wilson KGVI star W/4 15414*. R-32s. F. McD cat $3000. $1000$1500
4944£1 Coombs-Wilson QEII Reserve Bank dark green star. HE/97 4918*. R-34as. F. $700$1000
4945£1 Coombs-Wilson QEII Reserve Bank star HE/98 68228* Deep green rev. gVF. R-34as. McD cat VF $2750. (P) $800$1200
4946£1 Coombs-Wilson QEII Reserve Bank emerald green million numbered note HJ/12 1000000. Sl repairs to design, extensive margin repairs. R-34m. Presentable budget example of a rare million serial number note. See website for scan. $500$1000
4947£5 Armitage-McFarlane, first prefix R/34. R-46F 2 small edge nicks F+. Scarce. $100$150
4948£5 Armitage-McFarlane first prefix R/34. R-46F. F+. Scarce. $100$150
4949£5 Coombs-Watt first prefix R/85 018888 R-47F. Minor edge soiling, gVF. Scarce with the added bonus of the lucky number. $375$500
4950£5 Coombs-Watt last prefix. R-47L. Natural gVF. Scarce. $400$600
4961$5 Coombs-Randall first prefix star ZNA 36933*. R-202s. VF. McD cat $3000. Rare. $1000$1500
4962$5 Fraser-Higgins Serial letters QGU & QGV consec prefixes with same serial numbers 793431-3 in runs of 3. R-212 UNC. McD cat $240 as singles plus huge premium for this hard to obtain sequence. (6). $120$150
4963$5 Macfarlane-Evans 2001 Centenary of Federation first prefix AA01 consec run of 5. R-219F. UNC. McD cat $225. (5) $140$160
4964$5 Macfarlane-Evans 2001 Centenary of Federation first prefix AA01 consec run of 5. R-219F cat $225. (5). $120$150
4965$5 Macfarlane-Evans 2001 Centenary of Federation first prefix AA01 consec run of 10. R-219F cat $450. (10). $220$275