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Not Used


If the Contract allows the use of more than 1 pile type, use the same type of pile for all piles within each individual footing.

Dispose of drill cuttings under section 19-2.03B.

Reinforced concrete extensions must comply with section 51.

49-1.04 PAYMENT

Load test piles and adjacent anchor piles are paid for as the type or class of piling shown in the Bid Item List. The payment quantity is the length used in the load testing.

Reinforced concrete extensions are paid for as furnish piling or CIDH concrete piling of the type of piling on which it is constructed. The payment quantity is the length measured from the plane of pile cutoff to the top of the extension.


49-2.01 GENERAL

49-2.01A General

49-2.01A(1) Summary

Section 49-2.01 includes general specifications for installing driven piles.

Epoxy-coated bar reinforcing steel used for pile anchors must comply with section 52-2.02.

Furnish piling includes:

1. Furnishing piles to the job site

2. Splicing piles

3. Furnishing and installing pile anchors and lugs

Driving piles includes:

1. Driving and cutting the piles off at the elevations shown

2. Furnishing special driving tips or heavier sections of steel piles

3. Drilling holes or predrilling holes through embankments

4. Disposing of material resulting from drilling holes or predrilling holes

49-2.01A(2) Definitions


49-2.01A(3) Submittals

49-2.01A(3)(a) General

For pile driving hammers with no way of visually observing the ram stroke, submit a printed readout as an informational submittal showing hammer energy during driving operations.
49-2.01A(3)(b) Driving System Submittal

Section 49-2.01A(3)(b) applies if a driving system submittal is specified in the special provisions.

The driving system submittal must be sealed and signed by an engineer who is registered as a civil engineer in the State.

Allow 15 days for the Department's review. Allow an additional 15 days for the review of any resubmittals.

Submit a revised driving system submittal if the hammers change from those shown in the submittal.

For the driving system submittal, perform driveability studies as follows:

1. Model the proposed driving system including hammers, cap blocks, and pile cushions based on a wave equation analysis.

2. Use an authorized computer program.

3. If the driveability analysis hammers indicate that open-ended pipe pile and steel shell penetration rates are less than 1 foot per 200 blows and the driving stresses exceed 80 percent of the yield strength of the pipe and steel shell, include assumptions for drilling through the center of the piles and shells.

4. If a follower is used, include (1) an analysis of the driving system with the follower and (2) an analysis of the driving system without the follower.
Include in the driving system submittal:

1. Results of the driveability analysis showing that the proposed driving systems will install piles to the specified tip elevation and nominal driving resistance shown. Driving systems must generate sufficient energy to drive the piles with compressive and tensile stresses not more than 90 percent of the yield strength of the pile as driven. Results must include:

1.1. Pile compressive stress versus blows per foot.

1.2. Pile tensile stress versus blows per foot.

1.3. Nominal driving resistance versus blows per foot.

2. Complete description of:

2.1. Soil parameters used, including soil quake and damping coefficients, skin friction distribution, and ratio of shaft resistance to total resistance.

2.2. Assumptions made regarding the formation of soil plugs, drilling through the center of open-ended steel shells, and the use of closure plates, shoes, and other tip treatment.

3. List of the hammer operation parameters assumed in the analysis, including fuel settings, stroke limitations, and hammer efficiency.

4. Copies of the test results from any previous pile load tests, dynamic monitoring, and all driving records used in the analyses.

5. Completed Pile and Driving Data form.

49-2.01A(4) Quality Assurance

49-2.01A(4)(a) General

49-2.01A(4)(b) Quality Control

49-2.01A(4)(c) Department Acceptance

For pile acceptance, the required number of hammer blows in the last foot of driving is determined using the following formula:

Ru = (1.83 x (Er)1/2 x log10 (0.83 x N)) - 124

Ru = nominal driving resistance, kips

Er = manufacturer's rating for foot-pounds of energy developed by the hammer at the observed field drop height

N = number of hammer blows in the last foot, maximum value allowed for N is 96

49-2.01B Materials

Not Used

49-2.01C Construction

49-2.01C(1) General

If the Engineer revises the pile tip elevation for driven piles, the work involved in furnishing, splicing, and driving the additional length of pile is change order work.

If you are ordered to place additional lugs on steel piles, furnishing and placing these lugs is change order work.

49-2.01C(2) Driving Equipment

Install driven piles using an authorized impact hammer. The impact hammer must be:

1. Steam, hydraulic, air, or diesel

2. Able to develop sufficient energy to drive the pile at a penetration rate of not less than 1/8 inch per blow at the nominal driving resistance shown
Do not use vibratory hammers, oscillators, or rotators to install driven piles.

Hammers with an external combustion engine that are not single action must have a transducer that records ram velocity.

Double acting diesel hammers with internal combustion engines must have a transducer that records bounce chamber pressure.

Steam or air hammers must have boiler or air capacity of at least that specified by the manufacturer. The boiler or air compressor must be equipped with an accurate pressure gauge.

Maintain the valve mechanism and other parts of steam, air, or diesel hammers such that the length of stroke and number of blows per minute for which the hammer is designed is attained. Do not use inefficient steam, air, or diesel hammers.

You may use followers or underwater hammers for driving piles if authorized. If using a follower or underwater hammer, verify its efficiency by furnishing the 1st pile in each bent or footing sufficiently long and drive the pile without the use of a follower or underwater hammer.

49-2.01C(3) Drilling

If necessary to attain the specified tip elevation shown and if authorized, you may drill holes with a diameter not greater than the least dimension of the pile to the specified depth before driving the piles.

49-2.01C(4) Predrilled Holes

For piles to be driven through embankments constructed under the Contract, drive piles through predrilled holes where the depth of the new embankment at the pile location is in excess of 5 feet.

The hole diameter must be at least 6 inches larger than the greatest dimension of the pile cross section. After driving the pile, fill the space around the pile to the ground surface with dry sand or pea gravel.

49-2.01C(5) Driving

Use driving heads or driving blocks that hold the pile in position directly under the hammer when driving.

Protect the heads of driven piles from direct impact of the hammer with a cushion driving block. Maintain the cushion in good condition during the entire driving operation. Arrange the cushion driving block such that any reinforcing bars projecting above the pile are not displaced or damaged during driving.

Provide special driving tips or heavier pile sections or take other authorized measures to prevent damage to steel piles, steel shells, or steel casings during installation.

If you encounter obstructions to driving, provide special driving tips or heavier pile sections, subexcavate below the bottom of footing, or take other measures to prevent damage to the pile during driving. This is change order work.

Drive piles to the position and line shown. The Engineer rejects piles materially out of line. Dispose of rejected piles that interfere with the work. You must remove or cut off and abandon in place any rejected piles that do not interfere with the work.

Except for piles to be load tested and sheet piles, drive piles to at least the nominal driving resistance and the specified tip elevation shown.

Drive piles to be load tested and sheet piles to the specified tip elevation shown.

If the pile nominal driving resistance is not shown, drive the pile to the nominal resistance shown.

49-2.01C(6) Pile Cutoff

Cut off driven piles at the elevations shown and anchor them to the structure. Do not damage the pile below cutoff.

Dispose of the cutoff lengths of piles.

49-2.01D Payment

Driven piling is paid for as furnish piling and drive pile of the class, type, size, or alternative shown in the Bid Item List.

If you are ordered to place additional lugs on steel piles, the Department does not pay for the additional work involved in driving piles due to these additional lugs.

The payment quantity for furnish piling is the length measured along the longest side of the pile from the specified tip elevation shown to the plane of pile cutoff.

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